Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Bforex Adressstempel

Services 8250 Anti-Spam 8250 Email Scams - März 2013 Die folgenden E-Mail-Betrügereien wurden der Electronic Messaging Compliance Unit gemeldet. Links zu Betrug Webseiten wurden entfernt und Leerzeichen wurden E-Mail-Adressen hinzugefügt, um sicherzustellen, dass sie keine Hyperlinks werden. Betreff: Darlehensangebot Bieten Sie alle Arten von Darlehen an weltweit 2 Zinssätze von 5.000,00 GBP bis 1.000.000,00 GBP an Bewerber, die Mittel positiv auf persönliche / geschäftliche Zwecke nutzen können und haben es innerhalb von 10 Jahren zurückgegeben. Bei Interesse kontaktieren Sie uns bitte umgehend. Herr Paul Chantler Tel: 447010021772 Betreff: dringende Sicherheitsmeldung Sie haben 1 dringende Sicherheitsmitteilung GEHEN SIE ZU MEINEN MELDUNGEN Westforce Credit Union 2013 Mein Name ist Morrison, Sequel auf Ihre Antwort auf meine vorherige E-Mail, ich sende es Ihnen erneut Also Ein verstorbener Klient von mir, der den gleichen Nachnamen wie Ihr besitzt, hinterließ einige bestimmte Fonds, die ich möchte, dass Sie zu verteilen helfen. Betreff: MEIN LIEBEN Lassen Sie mich zunächst informieren Sie, bekam ich Ihre E-Mail-Adresse aus einem Mail-Verzeichnis und beschlossen, Sie per E-Mail für eine Genehmigung, um voranzukommen. Ich bin Frau White Kathleen aus Großbritannien, verheiratet mit Dr. Harry R. White, der mit der Texaco Oil Company in Malaysia zusammenarbeitete, bevor er bei einem schrecklichen Motorenunfall auf dem Weg zu einer Vorstandssitzung starb. Mein Mann und ich waren verheiratet, aber ohne Kinder. Seit seinem Tod habe ich beschlossen, nicht wieder zu heiraten und derzeit bin ich 69 Jahre alt. Als mein verstorbener Mann lebendig war, hinterlegte er die Summe von 8,3 Millionen. (Eight Million Three Hundred Tausend US-Dollar) mit einer Bank. Derzeit ist dieses Geld ist immer noch bei der Bank und das Management schrieb mir nur als der Begünstigte, um nach vorne zu kommen, um das Geld zu erhalten oder eher Iss ein Schreiben der Autorität an jemanden, es in meinem Namen zu empfangen. Ich bin derzeit in einem Krankenhaus, wo ich in Behandlung wurden Krebs der Lunge. Ich habe seitdem meine Fähigkeit verloren zu sprechen und meine Ärzte haben mir gesagt, dass ich nur ein paar Monate zu leben habe, also denke ich, dass die beste Sache ist, das Geld für wohltätige Zwecke zu verwenden. Ich möchte eine Person, die vertrauenswürdig ist, dass ich den Begünstigten meines verstorbenen Husbands Fund, der bei der Bank hinterlegt ist, machen wird, damit die Person das Geld bekommen kann und 70 dieses Geldes zur Finanzierung von Kirchen, Waisenhäusern und Witwen auf der ganzen Welt nutzen kann. Sobald ich Ihre Antwort erhalten habe, gebe ich Ihnen die Kontaktdaten der Bank. Ich werde Ihnen auch ein Schreiben der Autorität, die Sie als der neue Begünstigte dieses Fonds wird beweisen. Bitte versichern Sie mir, dass Sie entsprechend handeln, wie ich hier in und Halten Sie diesen Kontakt vertraulich bis zu einem Zeitpunkt diese Mittel erhalten, um Ihre Verwahrung. Dies ist, um sicherzustellen, dass nichts gefährdet meinen letzten Wunsch auf der Erde. Ich erwarte Ihre dringende Antwort. E-Mail: mrswhite. kathleen e-mail. ua Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Frau White Kathleen Betreff: Produktregistrierung Notification Order: 52521708 Order Date: Mar 16, 2013 Bill An: Jane Doe PROZESS ZAHLUNG JETZT Domain Name JANEDOE Registrierung 16. März 2013 - , 2014 Preis 75.00 Begriff 1 Jahr Verpassen Sie nicht auf dieses Angebot, das Suchmaschinen-Einreichung für JANEDOE für 12 Monate enthält. Es gibt keine Verpflichtung, für diese Bestellung zu bezahlen, es sei denn, Sie Ihre Zahlung bis zum 31. März 2013. Unsere Dienstleistungen bieten Einreichung und Suchmaschinen-Ranking für Domaininhaber. Dieses Angebot für die Einreichung von Dienstleistungen ist nicht erforderlich, um Ihre Domain-Registrierung zu erneuern. Wenn Sie Ihre Suchmaschineregistrierung bis zum 31. März 2013 nicht abschließen, kann dies zur Stornierung dieser Bestellung führen (wodurch es für Ihre Kunden schwierig wird, Suchmaschinen im Web zu finden). Process Payment Für JANEDOE UNSUBSCRIBE INSTRUCTIONS Sie haben diese Nachricht erhalten, da Sie spezielle Benachrichtigungen und Angebote erhalten haben. Wenn Sie unsere Sonderwünsche nicht mehr erhalten möchten, können Sie sich hier abmelden oder uns eine schriftliche Anfrage zukommen lassen: Customer Contact Manager, Postfach 4668 New York, NY 10163. Für den vollständigen Abmeldungsvorgang können Sie bis zu vier Wochen in Anspruch nehmen stattfinden. HINWEIS: Wenn Sie mehrere Konten bei uns haben, müssen Sie sich für jede einzelne einzeln entscheiden, um diese Benachrichtigungen vollständig zu beenden. Diese Nachricht ist CAN-SPAM-kompatibel. Bitte antworten Sie nicht auf diese E-Mail, da wir nicht auf Nachrichten antworten können, die an diese Adresse gesendet werden. Betreff: Ich brauche dringend Hilfe. John Doe Ich kam hier nach Manila, Philippinen mit meiner Familie für einen Kurzurlaub aber leider wurden wir überfallen und beraubt im Park des Hotels, wo wir übernachtet haben. Alle Bargeld, Kreditkarten und Handys wurden von uns gestohlen, aber wir haben noch unser Leben und Pässe. Wir waren in der Botschaft und der Polizei hier und sie haben das Beste, was sie getan haben. Unser Flug geht in ein paar Stunden von nun an, aber wir haben Probleme mit der Begleichung der Hotelrechnungen und der Hotelmanager lässt uns nicht gehen, bis wir die Rechnungen begleichen. Ich kontaktiere Sie, um ein kurzes Darlehen zu erbitten, das ich sofort zurückerstatten werde Ich erhalte meine Familie sicher nach Hause zurück. Lassen Sie mich wissen, wenn Sie helfen können. Wir freuen uns auf positive Resonanz. St. Pauls katholische Kirche bietet Darlehen an Einzelpersonen an 2 pro Jahr an. Betreff: Wichtige Nachricht Antwort Sie haben wichtige Nachricht zu übergeben, ich möchte wissen, ob Ihre E-Mail gültig ist, wenn gültige Antwort auf meine gültige E-Mail: andvioletlarge. allen yahoo. ie Thema: Ihre erste Teilzahlung Ihre erste Teilzahlung (usd5,000 ) Ihrer nicht beanspruchten Erbschaftsmittel von usd890,600.00 wurde heute gesendet, wie von den Debt Management Board Directors durch westlichen Union, jetzt kontaktieren Sie den Agent Officer unten, um die usd5000 jetzt abholen: Mr. Melvin Udah Tel: 229-66 784 146, E-Mail: (westernunoffice2000 yahoo. hk), fragen Sie ihn, um Ihnen die MTCN, Senders Name, um es abzuholen. Wir stimmten zu, Ihnen zu senden, usd5,000 täglich zu zahlen, bis die Zahlung von usd890.600.00 Teilzahlung Ihrer Geldmittel abgeschlossen wird. Noch einmal, bestätigen Sie die unten Informationen zu ihm, um falsche Übertragung, Ihren vollständigen Namen zu vermeiden. Tel. Beruf / Position. Alter. Adresse. Bitte beachten Sie, dass (usd92) für die erneute Erneuerung Ihrer alten Zahlungsdatei bezahlt werden muss. Vielen Dank für Ihre Geduld. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Mrs. Angelia ALBERT. Ministerium der Finanzen, Fach: Neue Ordnung. Bitte senden Sie mir eine Preisliste und Angebot für Ihre Produkte, die wir aus Ihrem Land importieren wollen Dies ist ein sehr großer Auftrag für langfristige Einfuhr und dringende Anfrage. Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre prompte Bestätigung. Grüße, Stau Equipos de Elevaci n. S. A. de C. V. Av. Texcoco 35, 54070 Tlalnepantla. Edo. De M xico M xico Tels. (55) 5397-4949 / 5365-5113 Fax: (55) 5220-9640 / 5365-51 Email: a. donestk5 gmail Betrifft: Geschäftsvorschlag Ich bin (Herr Thomas Manu) Geschäftsführer der oben genannten Gesellschaft . Meine primäre Aufgabe im Unternehmen ist die Vergabe von Verträgen, die von der Regierung genehmigt wurden. Im Zuge der Vergabe dieser Aufträge für die Vorfertigung / Sanierung der Raffinerie. Der Vertrag, der an einen Expatriate vergeben wurde, wurde auf die Summe von 13.700.000,00 USD aufgepumpt. Ich suche Ihre Ablaß und Hilfe, wenn dieser Betrag zu Ihrem Konto für Investitionszwecke zurückerstattet wird. Es gibt absolut keine Haftung, sei es zivilrechtliche, strafrechtliche oder finanzielle Ihrerseits. Wir haben uns entschlossen, Ihnen 40 Provisionen für Ihre Unterstützung zu entschädigen, wenn Sie diesen Fonds für Ihre Anlage auf Ihr Konto überwiesen haben. Diese Transaktion wird mit dem Segen der Führungskräfte in der Regierung und im Ölministerium durchgeführt. Weitere Details werden an Sie weitergeleitet, sollte ich eine positive Antwort von Ihnen erhalten. Wir freuen uns auf eine gesunde und lukrative Geschäftsbeziehung mit Ihnen 1, Ihren vollständigen Namen. 2, Ihre Heimatadresse 3, Ihre private Telefonnummer 4, Ihr Beruf. 5, Ihr Alter, 6, Ihr Land. Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihr Unternehmen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Direktor, Finanzen und Unternehmen Herr Thomas Manu Geschäftsführer (GNPC) Accra Ghana. Betreff: dringend Darlehen Angebot WILLKOMMEN ZU RAYMOND und MICHELLE LOAN COMPANY Haben Sie von einem Darlehen von Ihrer Bank oder einer beliebigen Finanzierungsgesellschaft verweigert werden Benötigen Sie ein Darlehen, um Ihre Rechnungen bezahlen oder ein Haus kaufen Brauchen Sie einen Kredit zu starten ein Geschäft. Machen Sie Ihre Träume durch durch Kontaktaufnahme mit Raymond und Michelle Darlehen Service kommen, geben wir Darlehen mit einem Zinssatz von 2 pro Jahr Wir geben Darlehen aus dem Minimum von 5.000,00 bis maximal 20.000.000. Beachten Sie, dass so schnell wie Sie die Anforderung, die wir garantieren können, Ihr Darlehen in den nächsten 24 Stunden kontaktieren Sie uns mit der angegebenen E-Mail unten: raymondandmichelleloanfirm dvaar Darunter sind die Darlehen Anträge: Name des Antragstellers ------ Land ------- --- Alter ----------- Familienstand ---- Geschlecht ------------------------ Gültige Telefonnummer - ------ Kontaktadresse ------- Darlehensbetrag erforderlich ----- Darlehenslaufzeit ------- Monatliches Einkommen ----- Beschäftigt oder nicht ----- Berufsbezeichnung - ------- Der Zweck des Darlehens ----- Wo haben Sie uns gefunden --- Dank und GOTT segnen Loan Manager: Raymond und Michelle MF / Darlehen company.2007. Kontakt E-MAIL: raymondandmichelleloanfirm dvaar 27765859731 Betreff: Vorbereiten Sie sich für einen weiteren Sieger Dieses Unternehmen ist bereit, Bounce off Support Level. Der Trend ist dein Freund Datum: 19. März Name: COUNTY LINE ENERGY CORP Symbol zu kaufen: CYLC Buy it at. 025 Langfristiges Ziel. 15 Ich denke immer noch, dass es gekauft werden könnte Worlds Hottest Stock. Betreff: Dringende Aufmerksamkeit KONTAKT WESTERN UNION JETZT FÜR IHRE SOFORTIGE BARZAHLUNG Unser Betriebsleiter hat Ihre erste Zahlung von 5000.00 an Sie gesandt und hier ist die Information Ansprechpartner: Herr Richard Green Kontakt E-Mail (westernunionremitanceservices yahoo. es) Tel.229-68163258 Bellow Ist Ihre erste Bezahlung für 5000usd heute gesendet. Absender Name: Ani Mike (MTCN) -0569397621 Frage, wann Antwort jetzt gesendet: 5000.00 Regards Dr. Autor Richard Thema: An wen Mai Concern :: Records zeigen, dass Sie einer der Einzelpersonen und Organisationen, die noch ihre überfällige Zahlung erhalten sind . Antworten Sie auf Details. Betreff: Kindly Reply If Interested. Mit allen fälligen Respekt Mein Name ist Herr Hamza Ranjan am Manager der Wirtschaftsprüfungs - und Rechnungsabteilung Bank of African, Ich brauche Ihre dringende Unterstützung bei der Übertragung der Summe von (25.5.m) Dollar (25 Millionen Fünfhundert Thounsand USD) sofort zu Ihrem Inzwischen war es für mich sehr glücklich, auf die verstorbene Akte zu stoßen, als ich die alten und verlassene Kundendateien in anderem unterschrieb und der gesamten Bankverwaltung als offizielle Umdokumentation unterbreitete. Allerdings ist es nicht durch die Regeln, die unsere Bank für einen Bürger von Burkina Faso, um die Forderung des Fonds zu machen, nicht erlaubt, es sei denn, Sie sind ein Ausländer, egal aus welchem ​​Land Sie kommen, das ist der Grund, warum ich Sie mit Ihnen als Ausländer anwenden Für die Forderung und Überweisung des Fonds reibungslos in Ihre verlässliche Bankkonto als die nächsten Angehörigen zu den Verstorbenen, und ich versichere Ihnen, dass diese Transaktion 100 Risiken frei ist. Wenn Sie wirklich sicher sind, Ihre, Vertrauen Wert, Verantwortlichkeit und Vertraulichkeit auf Diese Transaktion kontaktieren Sie mich und akzeptieren Sie nicht Ihre Meinung ändern, um zu betrügen, oder enttäuschen mich, wenn die hinterlegten Gelder freigegeben werden, um Sie von unserer Bank. 1) Ihr vollständiger Name. 2) Ihre. 3) Familienstand. 4) Ihre Handy-Nummer. 5) Ihr Land. 6) Ihre Berufung. 7) IHR SEX. 8) Deine Religion. (9) Kopie der Lizenz oder des Reisepasses. Antworten Sie mir so schnell wie möglich, so dass ich Ihnen mitteilen, die nächsten Schritte und Verfahren zu folgen, um diese Transaktion sofort abzuschließen. Ich erwarte Ihre dringende Antwort Bester Respekt, Herr Hamza Ranjan. Betreff: Pfarrer Thaddeus Matthew Möge der Friede Gottes mit euch sein und ich hoffe, dass unser Herr Jesus Sie heute schon mit Ihrer Familie besucht. Frau Hellen Ahmed hat mich beauftragt, Ihnen diesen Entwurfsscheck im Wert von Einhundertsiebenundzwanzig Tausend USD (125.000) an Sie zu liefern, und ich habe den Scheckentwurf hier bei mir in meinem Büro und Sie müssen mich schnell kontaktieren und diesen Scheck beanspruchen Um das Verfallsdatum zu vermeiden. Ich werde von DHL COMPANY SERVICE erkundigen, weil das Unternehmen Ihnen das Paket des Schecks liefert. Und ich benötige einige Informationen als Beweis, dass Sie die rechtmäßige Person sind, die dieser Scheck erhalten soll und diese Informationen werden auch verwendet, um das Paket zu Ihnen durch DHL zu schicken. Unten ist die Informationen, die ich von Ihnen verlange. 1) Ihre direkte Telefonnummer. 2) Ihre Wohnsitzadresse: 3) Ihr vollständiger Name: Sobald ich diese Informationen empfange, werde ich sofort umziehen, um die Informationen an DHL COMPANY SERVICE zu übermitteln, und ich werde zurück zu Ihnen kommen. Rev. Thaddeus Matthew Anschrift: 100 Rue Sicap Grand Medina, Dakar-Senegal. Tel. 221761207457 E-Mail: revthaddeusmatthew yahoo. fr Betreff: Hellen Ahmed Ich hoffe, meine E-Mail findet Sie gut, wirklich war es ziemlich lange haben wir die Kommunikation gestoppt, aber ich habe beten und bitten den allmächtigen Gott, meinen Traum zu halten, so dass ich in der Lage sein Überraschen Sie, weil Sie versucht haben, zeigen mir Sorge und Sorge, aber Sie konnten mir nicht helfen, die Übertragung abzuschließen. Ich bin nicht in der Lage, die Transaktion mit Ihnen auf der Grundlage der Entwicklungen dann realisiert, aber ich danke dem allmächtigen Gott, dass alles gut jetzt ist. Ich freue mich sehr, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass die Bank mit Hilfe meines neuen Partners aus Irland meinen Spätväterfonds freigegeben hat. Er ist ein gutherziger Mann, der jetzt Co-Investor und Ehemann ist. Ich möchte Ihnen mitteilen, dass ich in Irland bin jetzt für die letzten 2 Tage mit meinem Mann und ich verließ in Senegal einen Scheck Bank Draft von One Hundert Amp Zwanzig Fünf Tausend USD (125.000) für Sie als Belohnung für die Tatsache, dass Sie Nutzte nicht von mir über mein Erbe, wie ich alles, was über mich zu Ihnen, als ich in der schrecklichen Situation im Flüchtlingslager in Senegal war, enthüllte. Ich habe Rev. Thaddeus Matthäus einen Priester beauftragt, der für die Kirche im Flüchtlingszentrum in Dakar Senegal verantwortlich ist, um Ihnen den Scheck zu schicken. Fühlen Sie sich frei, ihn zu kontaktieren für die Sammlung der Scheck, dass ich für Sie verlassen. Rev. Thaddeus Matthäus. Anschrift: 100 Rue Sicap Grand Medina, Dakar-Senegal. Tel. 221761207457 E-Mail: revthaddeusmatthew yahoo. fr Ich glaube, dies ist der einzige Weg, ich könnte sagen, ich danke Ihnen. Bleiben Sie Segen und Auf Wiedersehen. Mrs. Hellen Wie geht es Ihnen Sorry i didnt informieren Sie über meine Reise nach UK London Ich habe ein kleines finanzielles Problem hier und seine eine dringende Situation hier verspreche ich, es zurückerstatten, wenn ich zurück bin, lass es mich wissen, wenn Sie mir helfen können Ich kann Ihnen sagen, wie es heute zu senden, warten, Vielen Dank und Gott segnen Sie. Betreff: Personal Assistant Position PT Ich suche jemanden, der mein Geschäft amp persönliche Besorgungen in seiner / ihrer Freizeit behandeln kann. Jemand, der mir diese Dienste anbieten kann: E-Mail-Dienste (Empfangen Sie meine E-Mails und lassen Sie sie bei UPS) Shop für Geschenke Bill Zahlung (meine Rechnungen in meinem Namen) Setzen Sie sich für die Lieferung (bei Ihnen zu Hause) oder holen Sie Artikel in der Nähe Post An Ihrer Bequemlichkeit. Lassen Sie mich wissen, wenn Sie in der Lage, mir eine oder alle dieser Dienste anbieten. Ich werde lieben, mich mit Ihnen zu treffen, um über diesen Job zu sprechen, aber ich bin zurzeit auf Geschäftsreise. Ich bin in Australien so gibt es kein Interview und das ist, warum ich sagte, dass ich eine vertrauenswürdige Person brauchen. Ich bezahle Sie im Voraus, um meine Einkäufe zu tun, und werden auch meine Post und Pakete an Ihre Adresse weitergeleitet. Wenn Sie nicht in Ihrem Haus bleiben können, um meine Post zu bekommen, kann ich es an ein Postamt in Ihrer Nähe schicken und dann können Sie es an Ihrer Bequemlichkeit abholen. Wenn Sie meine E-Mails / Pakete erhalten, sind Sie verpflichtet, sie an, wo ich sie per Post verschickt werden. Sie müssen nicht Geld aus der Tasche verwenden. Alles, was Sie tun müssen, ist das Paket (s) versendet, wo immer ich will und tun Sie meinen Einkauf. Sie dürfen die Pakete öffnen, um ihren Inhalt zu enthüllen. Der Inhalt der Pakete sind Kunststoffe und Gemälde, Kleidung, geschäftliche und persönliche Briefe. Alle Kosten und Steuern werden von mir gedeckt. Sie arbeiten zwischen 15 bis 20 Stunden pro Monat. Die Bezahlung beträgt 500 wöchentlich. Das ist nicht ein schlechtes Angebot ist es Ich brauche Ihren Service, weil ich bin ständig aus der Stadt. Ich habe gerade in einer Kunstgalerie hier in Australien gekauft und würde hier die Finalisierung der Kauf und Glättung von rauen Kanten, aber ich werde in die USA zurückkehren, sobald dies getan wird, damit dieser Prozess wird bis dahin gehen und ich werde mit treffen Wenn ich zurückkomme und dann können wir über die Möglichkeit reden, diese langfristig zu machen. Ich werde E-Mail Sie die Liste und Bilder von dem, was zu kaufen, wenn ich bereit bin. Keine schweren Paket ist beteiligt Sie können die Einkaufsmöglichkeiten in jedem nahe gelegenen Laden zu tun. Sie werden für Elektronik und Kleidung einkaufen. Ich erhalte Ihnen meine persönliche UPS-Kontonummer für Verschiffen. Alles, das Sie tun müssen, ist, meine Kontonummer UPS zur Verfügung zu stellen und Verschiffengebühren werden auf dem Konto in Rechnung gestellt. Ich werde eine klare Menge von Anweisungen für jede Aufgabe, die ich getan haben sowie die Mittel, um sie zu decken. Wenn ich E-Mail Sie Geld, um meine Einkäufe zu machen und vorab Zahlung für Ihre Dienste, wo werden Sie wollen, dass es verschickt, wie sollte Ihr Name auf der Zahlung erscheinen Wenn Sie interessiert sind, geben Sie mir die folgenden Angaben unten aufgeführt. Vollständiger Name: Vollständige Adresse: Stadt: Bundesland: Postleitzahl: Telefon: Handy: Für SMS-Benachrichtigungen Nur Alter: Gut, lassen Sie mich wissen, wenn Sie in der Lage sind, die Position zu behandeln, und ich hoffe, bald von Ihnen zu hören. Vielen Dank, Brian Parker Thema: SEO-Vorschlag. Wollen Sie mehr Kunden und Kunden Wir werden ihnen helfen, finden Sie, indem Sie auf der ersten Seite von Google. Senden Sie uns eine E-Mail, um einen vollständigen Antrag zu erhalten. Danke amp Grüße Vipul Khurana Betreff: MR. MICHAEL BELLANTONI Ich schreibe, um Ihnen mitzuteilen, dass wir diese Dokumente bereits ausgegeben haben, um Ihre 5.000 Zahlung jeden Tag zu begleiten. Aber das einzige Problem, das wir hier haben, sind Ihre persönlichen Unterschriften, die die Bundesverwaltung der Fonds Benin Republik aufgefordert hat, dass Sie diese Unterlagen unterzeichnen müssen, bevor wir Geldmittel an Sie überweisen können. Jedoch sagte ich dem Offizier, der verantwortlich ist, dass es nicht notwendig ist, dass Sie hier unten wegen Ihrer Besetzung oder irgendeine andere Sache kommen, die Ihnen nicht erlauben wird, unten zu kommen, um diese Dokumente selbst zu unterzeichnen. Der Minster Administrator des Fonds sagte, dass Sie einen Anwalt zu unterzeichnen, sollten in Ihrem Namen, wenn Sie nicht in der Lage, hier unten kommen in Person. Ich denke, dieser Weg ist die beste und die einzige Möglichkeit, für Sie die Mittel zu erhalten. Ich habe mit einem Anwalt verhandelt, der in Ihrem Namen unterzeichnen würde. Sein Name ist Sam Floyd. Ihm zufolge sind Sie für den akkreditierten Anwalt zu bezahlen. Er wird 120.00 bezahlt, um bezahlt zu werden, bevor er diese Dokumente zu Ihren Gunsten unterzeichnet bekommt. Ich habe ihm gesagt, er solle in Erwägung ziehen, diese Dokumente in Ihrem Namen heute mit einem Versprechen zu unterzeichnen, dass Sie ihn von der 5.000 Zahlung bezahlen würden, die Sie morgen früh erhalten werden, wenn er diese Dokumente heute unterschreibt. Und seine Antwort ist, dass Sie die akkreditierte Anwaltskosten von 120,00 bezahlen müssen, bevor Sie diese Dokumente unterzeichnen. Nun, ich habe ihn zum letzten Mal gefragt, ob er Ihnen erlauben könnte, die Hälfte seiner Gebühr heute mit einem Versprechen zu zahlen, dass Sie ihm die Rest-Balance morgen von Ihrer 5.000 Zahlung in der westlichen Gewerkschaftsbüro zahlen würden, sobald Sie die 5.000 Zahlung abholen. Nun, sagte er, dass Sie die Hälfte der Gebühr 60.00 durch westlichen Union zahlen sollte Heute möchte er, dass ich Sie fragen, ob Sie wäre so freundlich, ihn zurückzuzahlen Die restlichen 60,00 Balance im westlichen Gewerkschaftsbüro, sobald Sie die 5.000 gezahlt haben Mitgliedes und nicht die von TripAdvisor LLC. Ich bin hiermit dieses Schreiben, um Sie zu bitten, mich zu informieren, wenn Sie sein Gleichgewicht sofort zahlen Sie die 5.000 Zahlung. Er möchte, dass Sie die Hälfte von 60,00 heute bezahlen, wenn Sie so freundlich sind, das Gleichgewicht am westlichen Gewerkschaftsbüro zu zahlen, sobald Sie die 5.000 Zahlung morgen abgeholt haben. Aber wenn Sie nicht nett sind, sein Gleichgewicht zu zahlen, nachdem Sie den ersten Transfer ausgewählt haben, brauchen Sie sich nicht zu stören, nicht zu antworten, weil ich nicht einen anderen Rechtsanwalt hier sehen, um dies zu tun. Hier ist Informationen für Sie zu zahlen 60,00 Hälfte seiner Gebühr durch westlichen Union heute. Senden Sie die Hälfte der Gebühr 60.00 heute über Money Gram oder Western Union 1. Empfänger Name: ANTHONY CHIOKWE 2. CityCotonou 3. Land: Benin Republik. 3. Frage, wer Able ist 4. Antwort: Gott 5. Betrag: US 60.00 Der Rechtsanwalt erhält diese Unterlagen, sobald er die Hälfte seines Honorars von Ihnen bestätigt. Ich werde beraten Sie, um ihm die Hälfte von 60,00 zu zahlen und ließ ihn unterzeichnen die Dokumente, und Sie werden dann zahlen die anderen Saldo von 60,00 von Ihrer 5.000 Zahlung. Ich erwarte Ihre Einhaltung. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Herr Michael bellantoni Geldüberweisung E-Mail: moneygramtransfer808 zbavitu. net Tel Telefon 229-68 56 71 69 Dies ist die Internet-Betrug Einheit der Interpol Polizei wir sind von der britischen High Commission und dem FBI beauftragt, Internet-Betrug zu bekämpfen. Unser Monitoring-Gerät nahm mehrere Signal-Transaktion auf Ihrem Server und seitdem überwachen wir alle Ihre Internet-Transaktion und wir haben gerade entdeckt, dass Sie in Serie von Transaktionen wurden. Aus unserer Untersuchung haben Sie in eine Transaktion im Wert von Millionen von Dollar, die Sie Geld ausgegeben haben, und Sie haben sich mit den falschen Menschen. Eine Entschädigung von sechshundertfünfzigtausend US-Dollar (650.000,00) wurde an Amerikaner, Araber, Europäer, Kanadier und asiatische Bürger vergeben, die im Internet betrogen und belästigt wurden. Wir werden von den UNITED NATIONS unterstützt und haben E-Mails an ausgewählte Personen gerichtet. Wir möchten Ihre Zweifel, dass Sie Ihre Transaktion mit Robert Nicholas von der Entschädigung Zahlung Abteilung sofort fortsetzen sollen. Bitte benachrichtigen Sie uns, wenn Sie diese E-Mail erhalten haben. Sie sind nicht verpflichtet, diese Informationen an Dritte weiterzugeben, da wir auf dem Weg sind, um alle Täter von Internetkriminalität zu bekommen. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis Treu Bryan Anderson Leiter Internet Betrug Einheit. Betreff: Sie haben die E-Mail-Kontingentgrenze überschritten Sie haben die E-Mail-Kontingentgrenze von 450 MB überschritten, und Sie müssen das E-Mail-Kontingent vor den nächsten 48 Stunden erweitern. Wenn Sie Ihr E-Mail-Konto im Jahr 2013 nicht aktualisieren, müssen Sie dies tun es jetzt. Sie können 1GB E-Mail-Kontingent zu begrenzen, verwenden Sie die folgende Web-Link: Admin: Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis. Copyright c 2013 Webmaster Central Helpdesk Betreff: Security Alert Wir haben uns verpflichtet, Sie für den Bankensektor mit uns zu schützen. Unsere branchenweit einheitlichen Sicherheitsstufen stellen sicher, dass Sie jederzeit auf Ihr Online-Bankkonto zugreifen können. Um sicherzustellen, sind Sie immer geschützt, führen wir ein neues Programm von Sicherheitsinitiativen namens Bank Electronic Security IM, In den nächsten Monaten werden Sie sehen, eine Reihe von Initiativen, die wir setzen, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie sicher bleiben und Helfen Ihnen KLICKEN SIE HIER UM UPDATE Ihr Online-Banking. Hinweis: Jede falsche Anmeldung oder Sicherheitsüberprüfung kostet Sie verlorene Kontoinformationen. Vielen Dank für Ihr Banking bei ASB Bank Security Team. Beste Grüße, ASB Bank Limited. 2012 ASB Bank New Zealand Betreff: Secure Alert Freitag 22. März 2013 IHR ACCOUNT ACCESS WIRD BLOCK UPDATE VOR 25.März 2013 sein Wir freuen uns, Ihnen den aktuellen ASB Securities Update-Bericht zur Verfügung zu stellen. Dies ist ein exklusiver Bericht, der für ASB Securities Beratungskunden vorbereitet wurde und Investitionsforschung und Kommentare enthält. Sie haben eine verspätete Version dieses Berichts erhalten. Um sofortigen Zugang zu erhalten und persönliche Anlageberatung zu erhalten, verwenden Sie den unten stehenden Link, um Ihre Anmeldeinformationen auf unserer Datenbank auszufüllen und unser neues Anmeldesystem jetzt zu genießen. Account-Sicherheitsupdate Dankeschön Ihr Feedback zu diesem Bericht, also, wenn Sie irgendwelche Kommentare haben Oder Anregungen, bitte besuchen Sie Ihre Verletzung, Mit freundlichen Grüßen Das ASB Securities Team, ASB Securities Limited. ASB Securities Telefon 0800 272 732, Fax 09 337 2425 oder E-Mail asbsecinfo asb. co. nz Lesen Sie unsere Datenschutzerklärung. Wenn Sie diesen Bericht nicht zukünftig von ASB Securities erhalten möchten, melden Sie sich von unserer Mailingliste ab. Da Sie ein Online-Mandant von ASB Securities sind, haben wir keinen Nachtrag von Ihnen angefordert, um Ihre Anlageziele zu ermitteln. Der angehängte Newsletter kann Ratschläge und / oder Empfehlungen enthalten, die möglicherweise nicht für Ihre spezifischen Anlageziele geeignet sind. Diejenigen, die auf die in dem Newsletter enthaltenen Informationen handeln, tun dies auf eigenes Risiko. Die in dieser E-Mail enthaltenen Informationen sind mit einem ausdrücklichen Haftungsausschluss versehen. Ein Rechtsanspruch gegen ASB Securities Limited oder dessen Direktoren, Beauftragte oder Mitarbeiter tritt weder direkt noch indirekt als Folge dieser Informationen auf. Eine Offenlegungserklärung nach dem Securities Market Act 1988 ist auf Anfrage kostenlos erhältlich unter www asbsecurities co nz ASB Securities ist ein NZX-Unternehmen. Subject: AWAITING: Geben Sie Code (Atm-822) ein. Betreff: Re: Wie schauen Sie, was ich gefunden habe Lokale Mütter Shocking Story Kisses, Sarah Sie wurden eine Atm-Karte mit Code ausgestellt (ATM-822) Geben Sie an, wenn Sie auf diese E-Mail antworten KINDEST REGARDS, MR DAVID MARK. SENAT PRÄSIDENT. Betreff: Good Day Antwort an meine private E-Mail. Monasaeedi1 torba Mein Name ist Mona Saeedi. Bitte zurück zu mir, wie ich meine inherltance Gelder an Sie weitergeben möchte. Kontaktieren Sie mich per E-Mail: monasaeedi1 torba Betreff: HINWEIS VON CLEAR. NET. NZ PFLEGEINHEIT FÜR SIE Binden Sie mit uns und besuchen Sie unser Validierungsformular KLICKEN, um Ihr Konto sofort zu bestätigen, ist der Klick-Link an: Bundesministerium der Finanzen Neues Bundessekretariat Komplex Shehu Shagari Weg, Zentraler Bereich Abuja Nigeria. Wir erhielten E-Mail heute Morgen von Herrn Moon Brown, der sagte, dass er Ihr Bruder / Partner ist, dass wir aufhören sollten, Sie zu kontaktieren, wie Sie Autounfall und Krankenhaus hatten. Und so sollte Ihre Gesamtsumme zu ihm über sein Bankkonto in New York City verdrahtet werden. Wir müssen Ihre Zustimmung für die Freigabe des Fonds zu Ihrem Bruder / Partner asap erhalten. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Herr Obiorah Gabriel Betrifft: STAATSBANK INDIEN-REPRÄSENTATIV Hiermit stelle ich fest, dass ich ein Delegierter der Vereinten Nationen zu dem Internationalen Währungsfonds des IWF (Asia Regional Payment Office) bin, der 521 Betrüger 400.000,00 USD bezahlt Hunderttausend Dollar). Sie sind aufgelistet und für diese Zahlung als eines der betroften Opfer zu zahlen diesen Betrag zugelassen und reagieren auf diese E-Mail so bald wie möglich für die sofortige Zahlungen Ihrer 400.000 USD Kompensationsfonds. Sie müssen Ihre: 1 Vollständige Namen. 2 Anschrift. 3 Direktes Telefon. 4 Land. 5 Beruf. STAATSBANK VON INDIEN (SBI) REPRÄSENTATIV Herr kumar Vijay Tel: 919560387930. Rücksichten Frau Ruth Williams. Vertretung der Vereinten Nationen. Http www un org HINWEIS. Wenn Sie diese Nachricht in Ihrem Junk erhalten ist es an Ihre Internet-Provider. Betreff: Dies ist Albert Alfred Alson Sehr geehrter Kunde, dies ist Albert Alfred Alson MD der Western Union Abteilung und wir haben Ihre erste Ratenzahlung heute nach den Anweisungen der UNITED NATIONS über Ihre Zahlung 9.7Million Dollar gesendet. Enlisted ist die Info für Ihre Zahlungen 1. https wumt westernunion com / asp / orderStatus. aspcountryBJ 2. Sender. SAHRIR SAAD 3. Betrag. 5.000 USD 4. MTCN. 4442224815 (Verfügbar) Inzwischen können Sie nicht die 5.000 jetzt, kontaktieren Sie uns auf (deptwumttb yahoo. ph) für Update auf, wie man es sofort durch eine nächste Western Union um Sie herum. In der Zwischenzeit sind die Details der Informationen, die von Ihnen für die Rückbestätigungen benötigt werden: Name, Alter, Telefon, Land, Beruf, Reisepass. Beste Grüße, Herr Albert Alfred Alson. 229 -683-235-81. Betreff: RE: ÜBER DIE LIEFERUNG IHRER ATM-MASTER-KARTE, Ich habe auf Sie gewartet, seit ich mit mir für Ihren Cash-Fonds in Höhe von 1,2 Millionen Dollar in Verbindung treten konnte, aber ich habe seither nicht mehr von Ihnen gehört, weil der unmöglich ist Western Union und Money Gram Office, habe ich Ihre gesamte Summe von 1,2 Millionen in eine ATM VISA CARD gutgeschrieben und ich ging und registrierte die ATM CARD mit FedEx Express Unternehmen für die Sicherheit Zweck mittlerweile sind Sie beraten, die FedEx Express Unternehmen mit Ihrer Lieferadresse zu kontaktieren . Anmerkung: Ich habe für die Verschiffengebühr bezahlt außer ihrer Sicherheit, die Gebühr von 95 aufbewahrt, die ich sie zahlen wollte, aber sie sagten nein, weil sie nicht wissen, wann Sie sie im Falle des Demurrages in Verbindung setzen. So sind Sie, die Sicherheitsbewahrungsgebühr von 95.00usd zu zahlen, sobald Sie sie kontaktieren. Im Folgenden finden Sie die Kontaktinformationen des FedEx Express Kundendienstdirektors Herr Robert Williams. E-Mail-Adresse online: (fcompany62 ymail) Tel: 229 982-360-33Kontakt sie heute und auch schicken sie die Sicherheitsbeamte Gebühr zu vermeiden Erhöhung ihrer Gebühren und lassen Sie mich wissen, sobald Sie Ihre ATM-Karte erhalten. Ich bitte Sie, Ihre Lieferadresse zu bestätigen und zur sofortigen Lieferung an die FedEx Express weiterzuleiten: (1) Ihr voller Name (2) Ihre Lieferadresse (3) Ihre direkte Telefonnummer, damit sie Ihre ATM-Karte zu Ihnen nach Hause liefern Adresse unverzüglich. Wie ich bereits sagte früher habe ich für die Versandkosten bezahlen, außer ihrer Sicherheit halten Gebühr von 95 USD nur Sie dies bezahlen, sobald Sie sie kontaktieren. Hier ist die FedEx Express Kontakt E-Mail, um falschen Kontakt zu vermeiden: (fcompany62 ymail) Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Glück. Grüße Dr. Greg Moore J. Betrifft: Erbschaftsvorschlag. Bank von Schottland 89/91 Cricklade Straße, Gorse-Hügel, Swindon, SN2 1AB. Mein Name ist Herr Frank Lennox. Ich bildete und arbeitete als ein externer Revisor für Bank von Schottland. Ich arbeite als Teil eines größeren Teams, das die gesamte Region Schottland und England abdeckt. Ich habe mich bemüht, Ihren Kontakt durch persönliche Bestrebungen zu finden. Auf routinemäßigen Audit-Check im letzten Monat, entdeckte ich einige Investitionskonten, die in den letzten vierzehn (14) Jahren schlafen, alle Konten, die zu einem einzigen Inhaber mit Geldern in Höhe von ein wenig über (41.100.000,00) einundvierzig Millionen One Hundred Tausend United Staatsdollar. Die Bankenregulierung in Singapur fordert, dass die Finanzbehörden mitgeteilt werden, wann die Konten für diesen Zeitraum schlafen, so dass die Mittel von den Regulierungsstellen einberufen werden können. Der obige Sachverhalt unterstreicht meinen Grund des Schreibens und den folgenden Vorschlag. Meine Untersuchungen des besagten Kontos zeigen, dass der Investor im Jahr 1997 die genaue Zeit gestorben ist, als das Konto zuletzt betrieben wurde, kann ich mit Bestätigung bestätigen, dass der besagte Investor intestiert ist und kein nextofkin gefunden worden ist oder in all diesen Jahren vorgekommen ist. Ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass mit dem Einsatz meiner Insider-Hebelwirkung und der Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen die Gelder gesichert werden können, anstatt sie als nicht beanspruchten Fonds in die Kassen der britischen Regierung zu geben. Dies ist besonders möglich, da Sie denselben LETZTEN NAMEN dem genannten Anleger tragen und als sein verlängerter Verwandter stehen können. Dies ist genau der Grund, warum ich Ihre Teilnahme und Zusammenarbeit. Ich habe alle relevanten Dokumente (Legal und Banking) einschließlich des Zugangs zu dem sehr Konto des Verstorbenen beschlagnahmt. Dies erleichtert mir, dass ich Sie als Kandidat / Begünstigter der Fonds vorlege und letztlich das Geld auf ein von Ihnen benanntes Konto überweise. Sie werden für Ihren Teil in dieser Transaktion belohnt werden mit 40 der gesamten Mittel für Ihre Bemühungen, abzüglich etwaiger Aufwendungen. Ich werde jedoch die endgültigen Einzelheiten dieser Transaktion auslassen, bis ich eine Bestätigung über Ihren Wunsch zur Teilnahme bekomme. Seien Sie versichert, dass ich oben auf der Situation bin. Es besteht keinerlei Risiko, wenn Sie damit einverstanden sind, an Bord zu kommen. Needless to say, UTMOST CONFIDENTIALITY is of vital importance if we are to successfully reap the immense benefits of this transaction. I guarantee that the transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect us from any breach of law. To affirm your willingness and cooperation to my proposal please contact me through email stating the followings:- (1) Full Name (2) Telephone, Fax and Mobile Numbers (3) Postal Address: (4) Occupation Your prompt response will be highly appreciated. Kind Regards Mr Frank Lennox Email:franklennox65 yahoo. sg Tel:447045723529 Subject. CLAIM NOTIFICATION. We the management of FedEx Courier Service heree in South Africa hereby uses This medium to notify you that your parcel is still in our possession, this parcel contained an International Cashier Bank Draft/Cheque worth the sum of 500,000.00USD (Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars only) and it is ready for delivery to your door step. Meanwhile, before the delivery or shipment will take place, you are advice to RECONFIRM to us the following data mention below: 1.Your Name. 2.Full Address. 3.Age. 4.Sex. 5.Telephone. The above requested information will enable us deliver your parcel correctly without any mistakes on delivery of your parcel NOTE. No charges should be made before delivery except the stamp duty fee which is just 65usd. Delivery would be made to your door step as soon as we receive your payment, no problem about the delivery fee because the company has paid for the delivery fee. Furthermore, you might be asking yourself how come this parcel, Anyway this parcel was brought to our office to be delivered to you by lottery officials. Note: This fee is not for delivery but for the stamp duty, this company has spent out of its income in the process by recovery back your parcel so dear customer we once again appreciate your patronage in our favor. Without hesitations you are to pay for just the balance left of 65 by your sender before it accumulate a demur-rage after one week only, as you know your parcel is not just an ordinary parcel but with a vital document and we think you understand what we mean by accumulating a demur-rage Yours Faithfully Mr. Frank Mario 277 993 960 55 FEDEX COURIER MANAGING DIRECTOR. Subject: YOU FIRST PAYMENT HAS BEEN SENT TODAY We have concluded today to effect your payment via Money Gram 5000 daily until your total compensation fund of 2.5m, is completely transferred to you. Now do contact us at (mgram718 yahoo. fr) or call on 229-9882 4008 for any question. Remember to reconfirm your full information such as Your name. Address. Phone. Regards, Dr. john obi Dir. Money Gram YOU FIRST PAYMENT HAS BEEN SENT TODAY Subject: Re: CONTACT UPS COURIER COMPANY URGENT. We have registered your ATM CARD of (US 2.5) with UPS Express Courier Company with registration code of ( 9665776).please Contact with your delivery information: UPS OFFICE: Name of Hon Jerry Leo, E-mail:supsdelivery ymail Tel:229 9483-8695 We have paid for the Insurance amp Delivery fee. The only fee you have to pay is their Security fee only. Please indicate the registration Number of (22-82797457 )and ask Him how much is their Security fee so that you can pay it. Freundliche Grüße. Mr Smith Daye Subject: Please go through the attached and get back to me ASAP. Please go through the attached and get back to me ASAP. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennels. View the attachment. pdf (272k) Subject: Final Notice of Your Package Cargo Unit Chicago OHare International Airport Airport code: ORD 10000 West OHare Chicago, IL 60666 USA (773) 377-6807 ATTENTION: Final Notice of Your Package In view of your inability to receive your package with registration UK8100AF from National UK Lottery London united kingdom, originally scheduled to be delivered to you by an agency, city express delivery (c. e.d). This package in a golden metal box valued 5,316,000 USD (five million three hundred and sixteen thousand dollars mistakenly arrived at Chicago OHare International Airport terminal 5 via British airways flight no. BA297 from Heathrow airport London sometime ago. The package with registration no, UK8100AF has been cleared by the USA customs and is 100 legitimate. The agency, attached to the airport, city express delivery (c. e.d) who delivered your package to your address have just return the package to our storage facility at the Chicago Airport, due to incomplete address. Please reconfirm these informations 1. Your Full Name. 2. Your current address. 3. Your phone number. 4. Nearest airport to your location. 5. Your Occupation. Therefore, writing to inform you that the days of grace has elapsed and we shall begin to charge the daily storage fee of 25usd. Please call Golden Williams on (773) 377-6807 Extension 21 terminal 5 or Email for prompt release of this package directly to you. Note that this notice serves as our last recovery notice to you as our department will be compelled to shortlist your package as an unclaimed consignment, and maybe forfeited. Note: Delivery of your package from the airport to your residential address is free. Best regards, Mr. John Munez STORAGE OFFICER Terminal 5 Extension 11 Phone: 773- 377-6807 Subject: SCAMMED VICTIM/ 500,000 BENEFICIARIES. The Barack H. Obama Foundation 107 S. West Street. 401 Alexandria VA 22314 Greetings to you SCAMMED VICTIM/ 500,000 BENEFICIARIES. REF/PAYMENTS CODE: ECB/06654 500,000 USD. On behalf of the Obamas Foundation and UNITED NATIONS, we wish to notify you as a beneficiary of 500,000 USD in compensation of scam victims. This is to bring to your notice that we are delegated from the Obamas Foundation and UNITED NATIONS in Central Bank to pay 150 victims of scam 500,000 USD (Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) each. You are listed and approved for this payment as one of the scammed victims to be paid this amount. According to the number of applicants at hand, 114 Beneficiaries has been paid, over a half of the victims are from the United States, we still have a pending of 36 compensations left to be paid. Your particulars was mentioned by one of the Syndicates who was arrested as one of their victims of the operations, you are hereby warned not to communicate or duplicate this message to him for any reason what so ever as the U. S. secret service is already on trace of the other criminals. So keep it secret till they are all apprehended. Other victims who have not been contacted can submit their application as well for scrutiny and possible consideration. Do contact STATE BANK OF INDIA for verification and release of your 500,000 USD that we have deposited with the STATE BANK OF INDIA. The account log on will be presented to you by the bank in order to access the funds before releasing into your nominated bank account. You will transfer the funds into your nominated account on-line as the STATE BANK OF INDIA will provide the necessary information to you. Please if you are willing to accept the funds, do contact the Managing Director of the STATE BANK OF INDIA with the following details: You are to fill the appropriate form and submit to the bank. 1 Full Names. 2 Contact address. 3 Direct Telephone. 4 Occupation. Managing Director of the STATE BANK OF INDIA Name: Mr. Diwakar Gupta Email: sbi0253735 hotmail Yours Faithfully, Dr. Majlis Daerah Marang Coordinator. OBAMAS FOUNDATION AND UNITED NATIONS 2013 Subject: Your diplomat has arrived with your cash consignment box at FORT LAUDERDALE/HOLLYWOOD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT FLORIDA. EXECUTIVE GOVERNOR, CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA (CBN) (OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR) CONTRACT : MAV/NNPC/FGN/MIN/010, Swift Code: BPH KPL PK, A/C: 329606101244169678 CENTRAL BANK NIGERIA. Our Ref: CBN/IRD/CBX/021/07 We have received today payment credit instruction from the new President of Federal Government of Nigeria (DR JONATHAN GOODLUCK)to credit your account with your full inheritance funds from the Nigerian reserve account with our bank. This is to notify you that your funds (14.7million dollars) has been programmed for immediate release into your nominated account but we can not transfer this funds direct to your nominated bank account, because we are having a little problem with International Monetary Fund (IMF) so our method of payment is by Diplomatic Courier Service. Your diplomat has arrived with your cash consignment box at FORT LAUDERDALE/HOLLYWOOD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT FLORIDA I want you to know that you have 24 hours to call the diplomat in person of HOPE FRANK with these phone number520)505-6247. in the United States, let us know if you are still interested to get your consignment delivery to you today as they have been waiting to hear from you to help them complete this delivery to you right now the diplomatic have arrival to united state with your consignment box, call them for clearance. You are to call the diplomatic in person HOPE FRANK with above number and also send him email at hope. frank2013 yahoo. cn call them and get back to me. Note that you must reconfirm your full address and valid phone to him through these email: hope. frank2013 yahoo. cn immediately you receive these email to enable him deliver your cash consignment to you in any part of Usa, Canada and every part of world. You must call me on my direct line 234-8059-527-403 for serious discussion. I appreciate your good sympathetic and collaboration, Hope hearing from you swiftly. CONGRATULATIONS. DR SANUSI LAMIDO SANUSI, EXECUTIVE GOVERNOR, CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA 234-8059-527-403 Subject: Greetings With Love, Greetings With Love, my name is miss halima, I am, very happy to contact you, to day and i wish to be in good relationship with you, and i will be very happy if you can reply me through my private Email: halima4inlove yahoo Thanks from Halima. Subject: RE:ABOUT THE DELIVERY OF YOU ATM MASTER CARD, I have been waiting for you since to contact me for your Cash Fund of 1.2 Million Dollars but I did not hear from you since then therefore because of the impossibility of your fund transfer through Western Union and Money Gram Office, I have credited your total sum of 1.2 Million into an ATM VISA CARD and I went and registered the ATM CARD with FedEx Express Company for safety purpose meanwhile you are advice to contact the FedEx Express company with your delivery address. Note: I have paid for the shipping fee except their security keeping charge of 95 which I wanted to pay them but they said no because they dont know when you will contact them in case of demurrage. So you are to pay the security keeping charge of 95.00usd as soon as you contact them. The following is the Contact Information of the FedEx Express Customer Service Director Mr. Robert Williams. Email Address online: (fcompany62 ymail) Tel:229 982-360-33Contact them today and also send them the security official keeping charge to avoid increase of their fees and let me know once you receive your ATM card. Please I advice you to reconfirm your delivery address and forward to the FedEx Express for immediate delivery: (1) Your full name (2) Your delivery address (3) Your direct phone number, so that they will deliver your ATM Card to your home address immediately. Like I said earlier I have paid for the shipping fee except their security keeping fee of 95 USD only you pay this as soon as you contact them. Here is the FedEx Express Contact Email to avoid wrong contact: (fcompany62 ymail ) I wish you good luck. Regards Dr Greg Moore J. Subject: Become our mystery shopper Become our MYSTERY SHOPPER : Earn NO LESS THAN 550.00 New Zealand Dollars Per Venture: It is Very Easy and Very Simple: No Application fees. Apply now Thank you, Mark Powell Subject: NOTICE FROM CLEAR. NET. NZ CARE UNIT TO YOU Do bear with us and visit our Validation Form CLICK to validate your account immediately Subject: Have you heard about the Business Protection Breakfast Briefing 2008 A colleague of yours, marian lisa, has asked us to email you with a link to a website for a Flagship Event. To access this page NOW just click the link below, or make a note of the URL and browse our website at your convenience. marian lisa also sent this message: Dear customers, dear, WELCOME TO MARIAN LISA LOAN HOME. We are currently give loans anywhere in the world interest rate of 3. Furthermore, only give loans to applicants over 18 years. You must provide the following information about you and your proposal. Email: marianlisaloanhome gmail So fill out a credit application and return. Full Name. Age. Sex. Address. State. Country. Company name (if applicable). The loan amount required. Purpose of loan. Loan Duration. Date of birth (dd-mm-dd). Sex. Marital status. Next of Kin. Monthly income. Phone. Fax. Zip Code. Cell / Mobile. Internet at home. E-mail. In support of these data, we will send our conditions along with the payment schedule, and if you agree with the terms and conditions, you stand to get a loan within 24 hours. It depends the seriousness and urgency in obtaining the loan. Sincerely, Mrs. Marian Lisa Subject: Investment Partnership Hello Dear very We represent private investors willing to invest funds important in countries with stable economies whose national regulations do not oppose foreign investment, looking for partners to develop business in the following areas: Agro-industry, transport, the hotel trade, property, mining, livestock, agriculture, tourism and other sectors carriers that you know very beneficial. We are also looking for business opportunities profitable Would you work with us Do you have any recommendations for us We are therefore available to any private fund that meets our criteria whose main goals are: 1 / The update dispsition our funds for a safe and profitable business. 2 / The search for a common benefit. Interested, you should send me information. Work experience, various proposals and other information necessary for a possible collaboration between you and us. If our proposals seem interesting, we will be happy to know as soon as possible your feeling. Ensure follow up to determine the amount to invest. Consultant in Public Finance Dr. Jean Paul Subject: funds Approved From Desk of the Secretary-General, World Bank Group, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM. I am Mrs. Elizabeth Clayton, Bill and Exchange Manager/ Secretary General, Administrator the World Bank Finance Group, London Branch, set up to fight against scam and fraudulent activities worldwide. This Group is responsible for investigating the legitimacy of unpaid contract, inheritance and lotto winning claims by companies and individuals and directs the paying Financial Institutions (Banks) worldwide to make immediate payment of verified claims to the beneficiaries without further delay. Meanwhile, you are being legally contacted regarding the release of your long awaited and overdue fund. After a detailed review of your file, the World Bank Group has mandated that the sum stated below should be released immediately. The sum of US3,520,000.00 (Three Million Five Hundred and Twenty Thousand United States Dollars) has been approved in your favour via my desk. I therefore wish to inform you that your payment is being processed and will be released to you as soon as you respond to this letter, The fund will be release to you via your preferred mode of payment, if this committee verifies that the transaction was legitimate and if not legal, then you have been a victim of a calculated scam activity, which mean you will be among the list that will be compensated. Euro Access Bank Plc and HSBC Bank Plc London were given the mandate to legally release all overdue fund. EURO ACCESS BANK PLC / HSBC BANK PLC (MANDATED) London. United Kingdom A compensation fund was also raise by The World Bank Group Debt Payment Office, initiated by the American Government and European Union and Asia countries inclusive. US725 Millions dollars was raised to pay all unpaid funds. Please you must respond with more details if you were scammed or you have an unpaid fund with any Financial institution or any foreign body that has not been release to you due to some excuses. Please re-confirm to us the following: (1) Your Full Name: (2) Phone, Fax and Mobile Number: (3) Company Name, Home Address: (4) Profession, Age and Marital status: Most importantly, one of the British Financial Institution has been given the mandate to release payment to you. We shall forward you with the details of the paying bank after we have received your response. Thanks for Your Cooperation. Yours faithfully, Thanks for Your Cooperation. Mrs. Elizabeth Clayton. Debit Reconciliation Office Attached To (Secretary-General Office) Subject: US ARMY My name is Sgt. G. Carson US ARMY serving the World and my country in the most honorable way I know I can, in AFGHANISTAN right now, in a nutshell, I am an American soldier serving in the Military with the Army 3rd infantry division. With a very desperate need for assistance, I found your contact particulars during my email search and picked up courage to contact you for your assistance. Some money in various currencies were discovered in a room at a farm house near one of Osama Bin Ladens old house in Kabul-Afghanistan during a rescue operation, I happened to be one of the soldiers that led that operation that day, so it was agreed by Col. William E. Cole the head of our battalion that some part of this money will be shared among both of us before informing anybody about it since both of us saw the money first. This was quite an illegal thing to do, but I tell you what No compensation can make up for the risk we have taken with our lives in this hell hole, my brother in-law was killed by a road side bomb just few months ago, and I cannot count how many times GOD has saved my life down here. Now i found a very reliable way of sending a trunk metallic box containing the amount of United States Dollars worth Twelve Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars(US 12.5 Million) as you must agree with me it has been hell on earth trying to keep this money safe from peoples eyes for all these while and with this opportunity all I need is just someone capable I can trust 100 I can send the box to. So if you can assure me of your honesty I will go ahead and send the box to you for safe keeping till I am back home and I will gladly give you 40 of the money. If this okay with you please get back to me with the following so i can get the box across to you. 1. Your full name 2. Contact address 3. Telephone number 4. Occupation. Waiting to hear from you. Yours in Service. Sgt. G. Carson US ARMY www army mil From: Miss Sabina Joneh To: undisclosed recipients Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 8:45 AM Subject: hi I hope all is well over there in your country. If so, thanks be to God almighty. My name is Miss Sabinah Jonah, of mende tribe in BUAKE, Cote dIvoire. I am 22years old. my father until his death was the king of our tribe and also one of the richest highly reputable business man (a cocoa merchant and supplier of agro allied material ) who operated in Abidjan, capital of Cote dIvoire during his days. It is sad to say that my father was poisoned to death by his business associates, which my uncle being his younger brother who immediately announced himself, not up to a week my father died as the king of mende tribe in BUAKE, who is also suspected to be involved or master planned my Fathers death on one of their outings on a business trip to France. They plotted and poisoned him with the accusation that he is a great sponsor and in support to restore the democratically elected president of LAURENT GBAGBO, who was the former president of Cote dIvoire. Before the death of my father on February 2007 in a private hospital here in Abidjan he secretly called me on his bed side and told me that he has the sum of Five million, Five hundred thousand United State Dollars. (USD5.500,000) deposited in a bank here in Abidjan. He used my name being the only child as the next of kin(beneficiary)to the fund. Now, I have in my possession the deposit certificate and all the vital documents which the Bank gave to my late father when he deposited the money. I believe that the the people that murdered my father are seriously after me, after my fathers younger brother have succeeded in claiming my late fathers landed properties. I have been on a hide out all this while, because he is still seriously looking for me. He believed according to our culture that I am a woman so I have know right over my fathers properties because I will be married out from the family by another man. I really do not know what to do. This is because I have suffered a lot of set backs as a result of this, running from one place to another, Now i am staying in a remote(local) village with an Apostolic church pastor and his family. The death of my father actually brought sorrow to my life. I am in a sincere desire of your assistance in this regards. I will like you to help me transfer this money to your country as soon as possible so that i can come over to your country and continue my Education there while you look for a very good Lucretia business you can invest on for me since i am still too young to handle a business that will need such huge amount of money. Now permit me to ask these few questions:- 1. Can you honestly and willingly help me as your sister/daughter 2. Can I completely trust you 3. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after the money is in your country 4. To make arrangement for me to come over to your country to further my education and to secure a resident permit in your country for me. Please, Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible. My sincere regard Miss Sabinah Jonah Message du 25/03/13 23:07 De. quotJohn Doequot A. quotMiss Sabina Jonehquot Copie . Objet. Re: hi Why dont you contact our Government officials Im sure they would be better able to help you. Would you like me to contact them for you John From: sabina01jonah To: John Doe Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 2:31 AM Subject: THANK YOU FOR RESPONDING, MISS SABINA JONAH Good day and happy new year I am so happy for your response and hope you read and understood the content of my message very well. I want you to know that i took this solid decision because of my condition here. Since the death of my father, i have been living a sorrowful life here. My uncle just after two weeks my father died succeeded in claiming my fathers landed property and he is seriously after me because he is aware that i am the next of kin to my fathers wealth since i am the only child. when my father was alive, i was in one of the best school here in my country. I have been on the run since my fathers death and now i am living with one of the Apostolic church pastor and his family in a local village very far from my state. i do not go to the city and i live all my life in fear, no school no friends. I want to be free and lastly i want to continue with my education. I have a strong feeling that you will see me through and help me with all your heart. So i want to count and rely on you and i want you to come out fully and help me. I am always in contact with the bank where my late father lodged the fund and i have every of the documents given to my father by the bank on the day he deposited the fund. My plan is that as soon as the fund is transferred into your account, you arrange for my papers immediately to come over there. Then look for at least one of the best school in your country for me because i will want to continue with my education while you look for a very good lucrative business and invest the money there for me. Now if you are ready, i want you to give me your full assurance by sending to me your Identity passport or photograph, your office and home address and phone number. As soon as i get this information, i will go to the bank in the city and introduce you formally as my trustee and guardian and also i need to know you. I have all the documents given to my father by the bank on the day he deposited the money with them. Yours sincerely Miss Sabina Jonah Subject. Your Life Is In Danger Asassin Urgent Response. You have been betrayed. Its a pity that this how your life is going to come to an end as your death had already been paid for by someone who is very close to you from all investigations. I have ordered 3 (three) of my men to monitor every move of you and make sure you are not out of sight till the date of your assassination. According to the report I gets, you seem to be innocent about what you have been accuse but I have no business with that, so thats why am contacting you to know if truly you are innocent and how much you value your life. Get back to me if you sure want to live on, ignore this mail only if you feel its a joke or just a threat. Dont forget your days on earth are numbered, so you have the chance to live if only you will comply with me. WARNING: Tell no one about this mail to you because he or she might just be the person who wants you dead, and if that happens, I will be aware and am going to make sure you DIE instantly. I will give you every detail of where to be and how to take any actions be it legal or illegal, thats only when I read from you. You need to stay calm and act unaware of this situation and follow instructions because any move you make that is suspicious you will DIE as your days are numbered. Subject: Apply for a loan We offer a loan at 3 rate. If you are interested, please do get back to us Loan offer at 2 apply now Name: Amount: Duration: Phone: Country: Subject: CongratulationsConfirm Mail Receipt. CongratulationsConfirm Mail Receipt. Congratulations You have been awarded GBP1,000,000.00 each amongst Five (5) recipients as charity donation from the Rothschild Foundation. Contact Payment officer: Mr. James Bryan Contact Information:jamesbryan022 gmail Enter Personal Details: First Name: Last Name: Address Line 1: Address Line 2 (optional): City: State: Zip/Postal Code: Country: Valid Phone Number: Fax (optional): E-mail. Regards, Mr. James Bryan. Subject: ATTN: RECIPIENT, WE WANT TO INFORM YOU THAT YOUR FUNDS OF 195,000,000.00 HAVE BEEN PAID TO YOU CONTACT US THROUGH OUR EMAIL ADDRESS: (ukfinancedeptment live. co. uk) TO COLLECT YOUR FUNDS FROM THE UK FINANCE DEPARTMENT. WE ARE WAITING FOR YOUR URGENT REPLY. YOUR FAITHFULLY, MANAGING DIRECTOR: DR HELEN COLE UK FINANCE DEPARTMENT Tel: 44 7024084948 Subject: Urgent Letter From Mrs Sabine Smith Greetings to you in Christ and your family in the name of God, in my search for a reliable and God fearing person and having gotten your contact through prayers and pains taking efforts via searching i made on the internet on my bed side. Presently, Im in a hospital where I have been undergoing treatment. I am Mrs. SABINE LORENZ SMITH, i am deaf and suffering from a long time cancer of the lungs which also affected my brain, from all indication my conditions is really deteriorating and it is quite obvious that, according to my doctors they have advised me that i may not live for the next two months, this is because the cancer stage has gotten to a very bad stage. I was brought up from a motherless babys home, and i was married to my late husband for twenty years without a child. My husband died in a fatal auto crash. Before his death we were true Christians and Since his death I decided not to re-marry, I sold all my inherited belongings and deposited all the sum of 11 million dollars with a Security Company and also deposited the sum of 3.2million USD with ICB BANK MALAYSIA. Moreover this money is still with them and the management just wrote me as the true owner to come forward to receive the money for keeping it so long or rather issue a letter of authorization to somebody to receive it on my behalf since I cannot come over because of my illness or they get it confiscated Presently, Im with my laptop in a hospital where I have been undergoing treatment for cancer of the lungs. I have since lost my ability to talk and my doctors have told me that I have only a few months to live. It is my last wish I now decided to divide part of this wealth, by contributing to the development of evangelism and charity in Africa, America, Europe and Asian Countries. I took this decision, before i rest in peace because my time will soon be up. I also dont want to die and leave my funds like this lady who left 13Million Usd for a cat here is her link As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the Security Company. I will also issue you a letter of authority that will prove you as the new beneficiary of my fund. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein. Lastly, I want you to be praying for me as regards my entire life and my health. May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and The sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you. I await your urgent reply. Send your email to my private email address (mrssabinnee00 hotmail. co. uk ) Yours in Christ, Mrs Sabine Lorenz Smith Subject: URGENT PROPOSAL FROM THE BRANCH MANAGER fx BANK PLC. KUMASI BRANCH GHANA. I am the branch manager of the fx Bank (LTD) Kumasi branch Ghana. I am looking up to see someone to assist me as to get this fund claimed. I do not know how you will feel about this but i am telling you that this is real and you are not going to regret doing this transaction with me. I only hope that we can assist each other. But if you do not want this business offer kindly forget it and I will not contact you again. I have packaged a financial transaction that will benefit both of us. As the Branch Manager of the fx Bank, it is my duty to send in financial reports to my head office in the capital city (Accra-Ghana) at the end of each year. On the course of the last year (2012) end of year report i discovered that my branch made Nine Million Seven Hundred and Forty Thousand dollar US 9,740.000.00. which my head office is not aware of and will never be aware of. I have since placed this fund on what we call SUSPENSE ACCOUNT without any beneficiary. As an official of the bank i can not be directly connected to this fund, so this pushed me to contact you for us to work for mutual benefits. want you to assist in receiving this fund into your bank account for us. Meanwhile you will have 45 of the total fund. Note there are practically no risks involved as it is going to be bank to bank transfer. All i need from you is to stand as the original depositor of this fund who made the deposit with our branch so that my Head office can order the transfer to your designated bank account. If you accept this offer to work with me, i will appreciate it so much. As soon as i receive your response, i will give you details on how we can achieve it successfully. You can contact me through my personal email address (charlesmensah2012 gmail) Faithfully, Mr. Charles Mensah, Subject: I, Mr. Robert S. Mueller III is hereby announcing to you that your 8M ATM VISA CARD has been approved by IMF-Benin Branch I, Mr. Robert S. Mueller III is hereby announcing to you that your 8M ATM VISA CARD has been approved by IMF-Benin Branch and the only thing you have to send is 38 for ATM Approval Converts Activation Code (AACAC) to IMF. You are free to indicate your option/opinion on how you wish. the every necessary fees and charges has been paid by the person incharge except 38 for (AACAC) for IMF and it should be Sending to Receiver Mr. Elias Chuduve, Country-Benin Republic, Question-Urgent and Answer - Urgent. Vielen Dank. Mr. Robert S. Mueller III - E-mail: fbi-fbi helixnet. cn Subject: I DONATE TO YOU 10,000,000.00 (sginc44 yahoo. hk) I DONATE TO YOU 10,000,000.00 (sginc44 yahoo. hk) IJ BOLTEN DIAGNOSED OF CANCER. I DONATE TO YOU 10,000,000.00 (TEN MILLION USD) TO YOU. SEND IN YOU TEL NUMBER AND ALTERNATIVE EMAIL. CONTACT MY ATTORNEY, S. GATES VIA THIS EMAIL ALONE FOR CLAIMS (sginc44 yahoo. hk) Subject: MAKE SOME QUICK CONSISTENT MONEY. This is perfectly for you. You WILL BE SUCCESSFUL. This is not MLM, a Matrix, Affiliate Marketing, Cash Gifting, Being Paid to Click on Ads, or any nonsense like that. This is perfect for stay at home moms, students, the unemployed, people with other online businesses, or anyone wanting to make some consistent money online. This is a straight-forward cash generating machine. You can start immediately and Make Money Today. And the best part is: you will Get Paid Today Everything is included. Subject: To Jane Doe I am looking for a missing client (Gary Doe) who is traceable to your family tree because he shares the same family name and nationality with you. He is an international investor in solid minerals such as precious stones, diamonds, mercury, gold bars, gold dust, Oil and gas etc. He went missing since his business trip to Saudi Arabia on Wednesday 7th July 2004. But now, there is an urgent need of him or any of his relative because his bank here wants him or his relative to run re-activation process of his bank account with the balance of 22.788Million which became dormant after this past six years the account has not been operated by him. Also a family treasure safe keeping security company here in the name of GSE that he deposited six trunk boxes of Gold Bars and Gold Dust as family treasure and classified bond on 29th December 2003 seeks for him as well. Kindly get back to me so that I will give you his full details to enable you give me any info or link about him that you can possibly provide, and you will be highly rewarded for your time and any help you can offer. Please for confidentiality and communication between us, reply me immediately to honstdibe hotmail Yours sincerely, Hon. Justice Dirarou Sidibe Member Ecowas Court of Justice, DS - Chambers 14 Rue du Commerce, Lome - Togo West Africa Subject: Approved funds of 1.2million This is to let you konw that your approved funds of 1.2million as your inhabitant immediately via ATM CARD with your full details below: 1.Full name: 2.Home Address: 3. Telephone: 4.Occupation: Send the full informations to the Atm payment director below is the contact details: Attention: Dr: Raymon Hans Address: C/ 20 Akapakpa Centre. Email: edbfplc yahoo Waiting to hear from you soon. Best Regards Dr. Ms Marian Subject: This company could show you Quick and Easy Gains Weekly Chart Indicating Breakout The action continues to heat up Trading Date: Thu, March 14th, 2013 Company Name: Pengram Gold Corporation Symbol to buy: PNGM Get it at: 0.027 Long Term Target Price: 0.25 This Company is Catching the Markets Attention, Why It could be a huge bounce play, way off from highs. I am contacting you in confidence and trust with a risk free proposal which came up due to the recent market trends. I am an investment advisory specialist with a known bank. I also worked as a discretionary investment specialist with Ernest and Young in the United States before joining the bank where i am at present. It is my duty to provide the mega clients with customized investment opportunities through equity, fixed income, derivatives and innovative structured instruments that seek to meet specific investment opportunities. Just a week ago, i was informed that we had lost a very important client with little details on what may have caused his sudden demise. Subsequently, this client is a mega client who only recently allocated 76m in a multi-asset class portfolio investment package. His records are yet to be entered in the system, because he delayed in completing the contractual agreement. Even as am emailing you now, the money is being processed for alternative investment which is the routine procedure when a client did not mention a beneficiary. We can arrange to transfer the funds to a safe account, since it is not on records as yet. I will be most willing to part with only 75 of the money while you get the rest 25. Please give it a thought to be sure that you wont be bothered providing the safe account. I am a frequent flyer, so i will prepare to meet you under secure arrangements to discuss my own transfer once the money has been secured in your account, however your consent to assist with the safe account will prove worthwhile as time continues to tick by the seconds. In other words, I have limited time to finalize this objective. Nevertheless, it is my modest believe that the key to a successful investment relationship is a complete understanding. All i need from you is your full names, address, contact telephone/fax, present occupation and designated banking details ( for the transfer to take full course). I decided to leave the subject of this email as quotEQUITYquot, to disguise the contents because of the value of the transaction and the abject need for utmost confidentiality. You may email me and i will leave my telephone number in response. Best regards, Simon Morgan Subject: PLEASE CAN I TRUST YOU(SEE ATTACHED LETTER FOR DETAILS With profound respect and humble submission, I beg to state the following few lines for your kind consideration, I hope you will spare some of your valuable minutes to read the following appeal with sympathetic mind. I must confess that it is with great hopes, joy and enthusiasm that I write to you this mail, which I know and believe by faith that it must surely find you in good condition of health. My name is Miss Angela Lisa Kinto, I am 23 years old. Im from Liberia in West Africa and presently, I am residing in the refugee camp here in South Africa as a result of the civil war in my country. I was a first year student of law at the university before the incident that led me into this situation of been in refugee camp in South Africa. Im a very simple, honest, respectful, Caring, sincere and romantic girl. My late father Dr. Kinto Murvee was the Managing Director of Rainbow Gold and Diamond Mine Company, also a successful exporter of Cocoa during his life time. I am the only daughter of my parent. It is sad that the rebels attacked my house one early morning killing my mother and my father. Equally my mother was a senior lecturer at the university before her untimely death. I dont have any relative now whom I can go to, all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war. I am the only survivor in my family because I am the only child of my parent. After the recent crisis that resulted to the death of my parent, I was taken to South Africa for safety by Red Cross under Catholic Caritas as an asylum, which is how I came to the Camp. As a refugee here I dont have any right or privilege to anything be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country. Please listen to this carefully, I have my late fathers Fund Deposit sleep and Deposit Agreement and death certificate here with me, because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a security company in South Africa which he used my name as the next of kin, the amount in question is Seven Million, Nine Hundred Thousand United State Dollars (USD7,900,000.00). Already I have informed this security company about my intention to claim my late fathers deposit. The security company told me to look for a foreign partner who will assist me in transferring the funds due to my refugee status here, as a refugee I am not allowed to the right of claim to the money but through an appointed representative as the united refugee law governing refugee all over the world states. Now I want an honest and GOD fearing partner overseas who will assist me in transferring this money. I kept this secret to people in the camp here you are the only person that I am telling this. So I will like you to help me to transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my travelling documents and air ticket to come and reside permanently in your country till such a time that it will be convenient for me to return back home if I so desire. This is because I have suffered a lot of setbacks as a result of incessant political crisis in Liberia. The death of my father actually brought sorrow to my life. I also want to invest this fund under your care in any business of your choice since Im still too young to manage it. I am in a sincere desire of your humble assistance in this regards. Your suggestions and ideas will be highly regarded. Now permit me to ask these few questions: 1. Can you honestly help me from your heart 2. Can I completely trust you 3. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after the fund has being transferred to your account and I come over to meet you Please, consider this and get back to me as soon as possible. Immediately I confirm your willingness, I will send to you my Picture and also inform you more details involved in this matter. In summary, I will like you to keep it to yourself and dont tell it to anyone for I am afraid of losing my life and the money. Reply to my private email address: angelakin222 gmail Kind Regards, Miss Angela. kinto Subject: Reminder Your Abandoned Consignment Response Needed I am Mr. Marvin Carradine a former US Army Contractor presently working as the Assistant Director Inspection Unit of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) USA. During our recent withheld package routine check at the Airport Storage Vault, I discovered an abandoned shipment left by a diplomat from Baghdad who was supposed to deliver these packages to you but failed to provide necessary clearances needed by the US Customs and when scanned recently, it revealed an undisclosed sum of money in two Metal Trunk Boxes weighing approximately 25kg each. The consignment was abandoned because the Contents of the consignment was not properly declared by the consignee as MONEYrather it was declared as personal effect to avoid diversion by the Shipping Agent and also the inability of the diplomat to pay for the United States Non Inspection Charges which is about 3,800 USD. On my assumption, each of the boxes will contain more than 2 Million to 2.5 Million each and the consignment is still left at our Storage House here at the Los Angeles Int Airport till date which was delivered through a registered shipping Company known Courier Dispatch Service Limited a division of Tran guard LTD. Approximately, the details of the consignment includes your name, your email address and the official document from the United Nations office in Geneva and are all tagged on the Metal Trunk boxes. However, to enable me confirm if you are the actual recipient of this consignment, I will advise you provide your current Phone Number and Full Address, to enable me cross check if it corresponds with the address on the official documents including the name of nearest Airport around your city and other details. Please note that this consignment is supposed to have been returned to the United States Treasury Department as unclaimed delivery due to the delays in concluding the clearance processes so as a result of this, I will not be able to receive your details on my official email account. So in order words to enable me cross check your details, I will advise you send the required details to my quotSECUREDquot email address for quick processing and response. Once I confirm you as the actual recipient of the trunk boxes, I can get everything concluded within 3-6 hours upon your acceptance and proceed to your address for delivery. Lastly, be informed that the reason I have taken it upon myself to contact you personally about this abandoned shipment is because I want us to transact this business and share the money together in the trunk boxes since the consignment has not yet been returned to the United states Treasury Department after being abandoned by the shipper so immediately the confirmation is made, I will pay for the United States Non Inspection Fee and arrange for the boxes to be moved out of this Airport to your address. Once we are through with this process, I will deploy the services of a secured shipping Company geared towards providing the security it needs to your doorstep. Or I can bring it by myself to avoid any more trouble. But I will share it 70/30 with you. But you have to assure me of my 30 share. Below are my direct telephone numbers as I wait to hear from you urgently if you are still alive. Mr. Marvin Carradine Assistance Inspection Director Los Angles International Airport Los Angeles, CA90045, United States (LAX) Subject: CASH PAYMENT NOTIFICATION. You have been approved the sum of 1,500,000.00USD by UN/WESTERN UNION and we have been instructed to start sending you 7,600.00 USD daily. You will need to Contact Mrs. Franca Lee 601-126-433-169 for more information on this program with your Names, Address and Phone Number to (unwumtcenter mail. mn) for payment inquiry. Yours truly, Jim Burch I am sorry to encroach into your privacy in this manner, I found your name listed in the Trade Center Chambers of Commerce directory here in Iraq, I find it pleasurable to offer you my partnership in business. I only pray this time that your address is still valid. I want to solicit your attention to receive money on my behalf. I am Capt. John Anthony, an officer in the US Army, i am one of the U. S. Army deployed to Iraq in the beginning of the war in 2003, and also a West Point Graduate presently serving in the Military with the 82nd Air Borne Division Peace keeping force in Baghdad, Iraq. I am on the move to Afghanistan from Iraq as the last batch just left, and i really need your help in assisting me with the safe keeping of two military trunk boxes which has just arrived the USA from Iraq. I hope you can be trusted Though, I would like to hold back certain information for security reasons for now until you have found time to visit the BBC website news below to enable you have insight regarding what I intend to share with you, believing that it would be of your desired interest in one way or the other. Here is a BBC news listing that confirms what I want to share with you. Here is also BBC news listing that confirms what I want to share with you if you can be trusted, I will explain further when i get a response from you. Get back to me having visited the above websites to enable us discuss in a more vivid manner to the best of your understanding I must say that Im very uncomfortable sending this message to you without knowing truly if you would misconstrue the importance and decide to go public. In this regards, I will not hold back to say that the essence of this letter is strictly for mutual benefit of you and I and nothing more. I will be more vivid and coherent in my next email in this regards. Meanwhile, could you send me a mail confirming you have visited the site and understood my intentions Am standing by for your urgent response now that we are leaving Iraq to Afghanistan. Best regards. Capt Anthony John US ARMY Subject: Job Offer. The Golden 1 Credit Union is Californias leading financial cooperative, and the fifth largest credit union in the U. S. with 6 billion in assets and more than 600,000 members. We have 74 offices, more than 270 ATMs and more than 25,000 network ATMs nationwide. We are working to expand our services into New Zealand to make work faster for our clients and customers. A new project was set up and we are in need of workers who will work from home make an impact in our business. Your job will be very complex. We do not require your full time or effort. We shall divert local payments from clients to you to receive payments. You will be paid 10 of each payment processed and also get more bonus depending on how effective your location is. Please send us the following information indicating your interest. First Name Last Name Home Address, City, State, Home amp Cell phone Numbers Occupation amp sex Please get back at us as soon as you can with the requested information and we shall then process your application and tell you more about the process. Please note that payment will start to get to you upon confirmation of your interest in this position. Regards Golden 1 Credit Union 8945 Cal Center Drive. Sacramento, CA 95826 Attn: Employment Officer Carter Derell. Subject: I look forward to a response. I write this and I believe that you answer me. I hope you will be an interesting conversationalist and a good friend and maybe more. Many Humans began their relationship through correspondence. And so I decided to try it. I am an educated, active, ambitious. I appreciate in people a sense of proportion and the ability to laugh. ) But most of all I appreciate the confidence and the willingness of men to a new relationship. You are ready to start a new relationship What do you think about this Write to me. My email nibayy26 I look forward to a response. Best wishes, Juliya Email: nibayy26 yandex. ru Subject: User ID: atmcard803 It is with gladness, i write you this message, to congratulate you on the successful release of part payment of your long Awaited payment. The sum of 5 Million USD to you, Credited to Online Bank ATM Card account that was set up for you in Kasikorn Bank Pcl. Your Login details Secure Account Login User ID: atmcardXXX Password: ga7XXe73ghd3 The Metropolitan Courier is unable to complete the Delivery of your ATM Card with the details we received from IMF, so we require some more information in order to complete this transfer. Your Full Names: Contact Address: Message Phone: Mobile Phone: Home Phone: Fax: Occupation: Marital Status: Age: In order to resolve this problem, Please email us immediately. As soon as this information is received. Reply to: smithisua yahoo. co. jp Call me immediately. Thank you as we anticipate your prompt response. Yours Faithfully, Mr Smith Cha Isua USA Office: 601 South Figueroa Street, Suite 3875, Los Angeles, California 90017, U. S.A, Thailand Office: 1 Soi Rat Burana 27/1, Rat Burana Road, Rat Burana Sub-District, Rat Burana District, Bangkok 10140, Thailand Subject: CONFIDENTIAL ASSIST How are you and every members of your family we hope fine It is my pleasure to identify with you. I am Isaac Joko and My younger sister Precious is 18 years we are from sierra leone but residing in Ivory Coast west Africa. It is my desire to contact you on honesty and sincerity to assist us in transferring the sum ofUS5.600.000 (FIVE MILLION SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND, UNITED STATES DOLLARS) inherited from my father late Mr Joko Johnson to your country for investment. I am motivated in contacting you and hope to gradually build trust relationship and confidence in you as we get to know you better. So please we want to know if you will be of assistance but first i want to get to know you better. we will be glad and willing to offer you 20 of the total sum for your assistance in retrieving the money and effort input after the successful retrieval of this money and investment. Indicate your interest towards assisting us by sending your phone and address so that we can communicate with you at any time we will be waiting for your response. Thanks Isaac and Precious Subject: RESPONSE IF YOU ARE INTERESTED How are you today I am certain this message might come to you as u huge surprise you might as well wonder why I chose you of all people. Well I have always believed in the saying that one might never know where his/her destiny helper may come from. In the light of the above, I seek your assistance to enable me wire the sum of US6 Million to you without hitches, if you are interested please indicate so by providing the details below to the following email: (robert. andrew I promise you 100 risk free in this mutual transaction. 1. NAME IN FULL. 2. ADDRESS. 3. NATIONALITY. 4. AGE. 5. SEX. 6. OCCUPATION. 7. MARITAL STATUS:. 8. PHONE. As soon as I received your reply indicating your willingness to assist, I shall update you with more details on this transaction. Sincerely yours, Robert Andrew Subject: Re: Charity Projects For Orphans This is based on blind trust, hoping that you will expand my wishes as desired. I have US200 Million for charity projects. You will be getting 20 of total funds as your commission if interested. Regards, Mr. William Billington Subject: Over-invoiced Contracts NNPC Towers, Central Business District, Herbert Macaulay Way, P. M.B. 190, Garki, Abuja. Good day to you and I hope you are having a great day. My name is David Lang, I am a board member of the NNPC. I am sending you a formal proposal which I would like you to go through and consider. My proposal may come as a surprise to you, especially as we have never met before. In our global community which is now connected by the internet and advanced communication technologies, we are all strangers first before we become acquaintances, friends and life partners. I seek your assistance and co-operation to facilitate the remittance of twenty (20) million dollars into your designated bank account or any account that you can arrange for this purpose. The money in question was secured by me with the help of a few others from an inflated contract awarded to a Chinese construction firm, and completed recently. You may be tempted to judge us on this but you should know that this happens in every country from South America, the U. S, Europe, Middle East and Asia. You probably dont get to hear about it in your own country. The original awarded contract sum to this Chinese firm was one hundred and fifty million dollars. However, in collusion with the executives of this firm at the time, the contract was inflated to cost one hundred and seventy million dollars. The extra twenty million was our own kick back for awarding the contract to them. The contract was approved by our ministry of finance and one hundred and seventy million was deposited with a local bank which acted as the paying bank for the contract. The Chinese firm was fully paid leaving the balance of twenty million behind for us to share. Right now the money at the bank is pending payment and I require a substitute account for the funds to be paid into. This is the reason for sending you this email. I am asking for your assistance if you have the facility to enable us remit the money into your account. If you are interested, you can get in touch with me via email. Just click reply introduce yourself and also provide a telephone number that I can reach you on. After the exchange of contact information, we shall open all channels of communication and negotiate what your percentage will be for enabling this. This must be done before we can proceed. Finally when the money is remitted into your account, I will obtain a visa and travel to meet you to conclude our arrangement. You should see this as an opportunity. It is a lot of money and this is very real and I am very real and credible. The only way you will know for sure is if you accept my proposal and commit yourself wholeheartedly to this. If you are not interested, then I apologize for the intrusion and for wasting your valuable time. You can delete this email. Thank you for your time. Regards, David Lang Email: dlang dr ALERT of 1 million British currency from Msn Uk. provide Name - Address - Sex - Age,- Mobile Number -- Occupation: Subject: Contact Western Union We have concluded to effect your payment of 1.5Million, through western union, but the maximum amount you will be receiving each day starting from today is 5000.00 daily until the funds is completely transferred. Reconfirm to us your full details to avoid a mistake. Call us so that we can tell you what next to do. 22998344980 Relpy email (wunionbj barid) Mr. George Yaha Subject: This is your time. Unless you have been living under a rock Im sure by now, youve already downloaded for free the most popular investment software on the planet. I am of course talking about Trendo and if you havent seen it in action for yourself yet you need to pay attention. Yesterday alone I notched up an impressive 3032 profit just by having this software running in the background whilst I went about my daily business. Im insanely busy being glued to this software and Im sure you can understand why, so Ill keep this brief, but please do yourself a favour and get involved as soon as you can. To your success David Subject: Re:copper and so on It is glad to write to you with keen hope to open a business relationship with you. I obtained your company name and email address from the Internet. Qingdao JuXiangDa ImportampExport CO.,LTD. is a company specialized in copper. Our products had adopted ISO9001:2000 Quality System Authorities. For more information, we would like to let you know our company web site as below. Hope to hear good news from you. Sincerely Yours, Jacky Export Manager Qingdao JuXiangDa ImportampExport CO.,LTD. TEL: 86-532-80934379 FAX: 86-532-80934379 MSN:Jacky20110822 hotmail TradeManager: cn1001706274 SKYPE: Jacky20110822 Subject: PLEASE GET BACK TO ME I have a proposal of 5M which we benefit us. contact me on my email: nuelobaro hotmail or 447937422146 for details. Subject: Did You Get My Mail I saw your name among the list of beneficiaries who will receive a part-payment of US7.5 Million and has been approved already for months which according to records in the system had been long overdue. Your fund has been located to United Overseas Bank Bangkok Thailand which is the paying bank now, you are required to forward the following details of yours: Full names, Address, Occupation, Age and Phone Numbers for verification and re-confirmation through my email. dlegalaffairs globomail for me to inform you with the information of United Overseas Bank which is the paying bank. Once again, I apologize to you on behalf Of UN (UNITED NATIONS) failure to pay your funds in time, which according to records in the system had been long overdue. Yours Sincerely, Dr. Mark Friedrich Director Legal Affairs (UN) Subject: RE: VERY URGENT. CALL OR EMAIL ME I am Mr. Scott C. Tooley the Assistant Director Inspection of the TSA, the Transportation and Safety Administration in Des Moines International Airport, Iowa, USA. During my recent withheld package routine check at the Airport Storage Vault, I discovered an abandoned shipment by a Diplomat and, when scanned it revealed an undisclosed sum of money in two Metal Trunk Boxes weighing approximately 25kg each. The consignment was abandoned because the Contents were not properly declared by the consignee as MONEY rather it was declared as personal effect to avoid interrogation and also the inability of the diplomat to pay for the United States Non Inspection Charges which is about 3,800 USD. On my assumption, each of the boxes will contain more than 1 Million to 1.5 Million each and the consignment is still left in our Storage House here at the Des Moines International Airport till date. The details of the consignment including your name, your email address and the official document from the United Nations office in Geneva are tagged on the Metal Trunk boxes. However, to enable me confirm if you are the actual recipient of this consignment as the assistant director of the Inspection Unit, I will advise you provide your current Phone Number and Full Address, to enable me cross check if it corresponds with the address on the official documents including the name of nearest Airport around your city. Please note that this consignment is supposed to have been returned to the United States Treasury Department as unclaimed delivery due to the delays in concluding the clearance processes so, as a result I will not be able to receive your details on my official email account. So in order words to enable me cross check your details, I will advise you send the required details to my private email address which is (too. scott200usa) for quick processing and response. Once I confirm you as the actual recipient of the trunk boxes, I can get everything concluded within 3-6 hours upon your acceptance and proceed to your address for delivery. Lastly, be informed that the reason I have taken it upon myself to contact you personally about this abandoned consignment is because I want to assist you receive your consignment in return for a good compensation, since the consignment has not yet been returned to the United States Treasury Department after being abandoned by the diplomat. Immediately the confirmation is made, I will make every necessary arrangement that is required and arrange for the boxes to be delivered to your doorstep Or I can bring it by myself to avoid any more trouble. But you have to assure me of a 30 share. Below is my direct telephone number but if you are unable to reach me know that I am on inspection just email me and make sure you include your mobile number so that I can give you a call. I wait to hear from you urgently if you are still alive. Mr. Scott C. Tooley Assistance Inspection Director Transportation and Safety Administration (TSA) Des Moines International Airport 5800 Fleur Drive Des Moines, IA, 50321 Tel: (515) 897-0342 Private Email: too. scott200 usa Subject. 2013 EMAIL PRIZE AWARDS. China Shenhua Energy Company Limited Headquarters Address: 4th Floor, Zhouji Tower, 6 Ande Road, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China 100011 Telephone: (86 10) 58160076 or 58160078 Fax: (86 10) 84775107 Website: www csec com Email: dr. francischen092 yahoo 2013 EMAIL PRIZE AWARDS. We at China Shenhua Energy global office likes to officially congratulate you for the draw that was just held by our company featured you as the second place winner. Our company holds promotions each year just to promote our global publicity and reputations as we plan to exploit more corners of the world with our highly valued products line. This promotion is just one of various ways we are presently using to achieve this global vision of ours. Your email address with MICRO ID: PLD-5693-HTY-76254Ul-43FE was luckily drawn to be this years second place winner of a Brand New Gallery 2012 BMW 3 Series model: which is worth 42,505 USD and cash prize of 1.5 Million United State Dollars, This money and gift we believe will enable you make some impact in the society and possibly invest in our company in the near future. You are hereby requested to contact our agent for more details on our Promotion in particular before taking further actions to claim your prize. Ensure you inform Dr. Francis Chen who is our fiduciary claims official in Europe (United Kingdom) and can understand English and some other European Languages. See details of him below Name: Dr. Francis Chen E-mail: dr. francischen092 yahoo Address: Embark Lane 23, London. United Kingdom When contacting the claims agent you should include the following if you must get a response from him: Your Full Name: Address: Phone number: Age: Gender: Occupation: Winning email and Micros ID: We know you must be excited and very happy about this news you have just received from us and the truth is that we are doing this to put smiles into homes and hearts of people worldwide. The only thing you will need to pay to this company is to kindly place our company logo on the car (BMW) that you have just won for a minimum of six (6) months. On behalf of the entire management and staffs of China Shenhua Energy Company Limited, I say Congratulations to you and your family. Signed, Mrs. Li Haicang (Sec.) NOTE you must be 15years or older to claim. Late response is not accepted, misconduct and non adherence to instructions leads to prize termination. Do not fail to keep your winning information personal for security reasons because the Company will not be responsible for lost of funds. Thank You for using our online services. We are happy to have you as our customer. Unfortunately there are some issues with your account and we need your fast response to handle them You should update to your profile from here: You will be asked to provide a security answer. Thank You for using our services. Subject: Your Direct Deposit payments were disallowed Attn: Chief Accountant We are sorry to notify you, that your most recent Direct Deposit payment (No.592549204622) was rejected, because of your current Direct Deposit software being out of date. The detailed information about this matter is available in the secure section of our web site: Click here for more information Please apply to your financial institution to acquire the updated version of the software. Yours truly, ACH Network Rules Department NACHA - The Electronic Payments Association 11013 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 963 Herndon, VA 20128 Phone: 703-561-6650 Fax: 703-787-3903 Subject: SECURE ALERT Important message regarding errors on your account There was an error with your recent online statement - it didnt include the Direct Debit amount to be claimed from your bank account. The missing details are shown below: A minimum payment of 275.05 will be collected from your bank account by Direct Debit on or after 19 March 2013. Please accept our apologies for this omission Click on the link below to find out more. http //anz co nz/help-centre Kind regards Colette Nugent Head of Customer Communications. Subject: Your Long Overdue Payment Notification INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF) DEPT: WORLD DEBT RECONCILIATION AGENCIES. ADVISE: YOUR OUTSTANDING PAYMENT NOTIFICATION I saw your email ( in the Central Computer among the list of unpaid, inheritance next of kin and lotto beneficiaries that was originated from New Zealand Australia, Europe, Asia Plus Middle east, Americans ) among the list of individuals and companies that your unpaid fund has been located to the WORLD BANK/ISLE OF MAN BANK. Your email appeared among the beneficiaries, who will receive a part-payment of your contractual sum and has been approved already for months. You are requested to get back to me for more direction and instruction on how to receive your fund. However, we received an email from one Mr. Virgle Lee Samples who told us that he is your next of kin and that you died in a car accident last week. He has also submitted his account for us to transfer the fund to him including his International passport, we want to hear from you before we can make the transfer to confirm if you are dead or not Please if you are still alive, kindly furnish us with below information: 1. Your Full Name. 2. Address. 3.Country. 4.Age. 5.Occupation. 6.Telephone Number. 7.Next Of Kin. Once again, I apologize to you on behalf Of IMF (International Monetary Fund) for failure to pay your funds in time, which according to records in the system had been long overdue. I await to hear from you soonest. Upon your response to this message, I shall give you all you need to contact the appropriate office. Regards, Mr Bruce Baguley Office of the IMF London, United Kingdom. Subject: Contact us if you are interested in the position We need a representative in your country, please view the attached file and see if you will be interested. You do not ever need to pay for any fees to apply, Send us the required information for your kind consideration. Regards Stacey Faraj Wuxi Sunroy International Trading Limited United Arab Emirate Address: P. O. Box 31550, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. China Address: Add: Room 525 Digital building, No.99 Qingyang Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China We are into Manufacturing of Fabrics, Textiles and Furniture Wares with numerous customers home and abroad. We produce various clothing materials, batiks, assorted fabrics and traditional costume. We need a honest representative from your country who will be in charge of all our payments from our clients/customers, because most of our customers pay us through Certified checks which are not negotiable here in United Arab Emirates. This brought to our quest to employ a credible and trustworthy person as our representative to handle our payments. We have lots of payments made from our clients sitting in our accounting department in DUBAI. In order to maintain our long lasted relationship with our customers we have employed some workers in the past but they are not enough since we are growing rapidly. This would not affect your present job, but will serve as another stream of income to your good self. As our Representative in your country, your tasks are 1. Receive payment from Customers 2. Deduct 10 which will be your percentage/pay on each Payment processed. 3. Forward the balance after deduction of (percentage/pay) to any of our offices you will be contacted to send payment to. (Payment is to be forwarded by Western Union Money Transfer/Money Gram). Note: As a representative of our company you will be entitled to 10 of any amount you receive from customers on behalf of the company as payments for outstanding debts or goods that they want to buy. This work takes only 3-7 hours per week. Youll have a lot of free time doing another work, but this opportunity is very challenging and you should understand it. We are looking for a worker who is satisfied with our requirements and will be an earnest assistant. We are glad to offer this job position to you. Please contact Mr. Stanley Wadia at wuxi. sunroyonlinetrade e-mail. ua and he will get back to you as soon as possible, before any of your information will be forwarded to our clients for payments you will be notify a day before. Required Information: FULL NAMES: STREET ADDRESS NO: CITY: ZIP CODE: COUNTRY: CELLPHONE NUMBER: HOME PHONE: SEX: AGE: OCCUPATION: Regards, H. R.M. Mrs. Stacey Faraj Congratulations You Have Won 1,000,000.00 USD from PCH LOTTO, below are the claim Requirement. Email us back: pchlotto. claims pchlottowinners Name in Full Address Mobile No. Sex Occupation Country Yours Sincerely Mr. Dave Sayer ONLINE CO-ORDINATOR Subject: Re: Incoming Wire Notification Receive Your Funds Now With No Fee Required Incoming Wire Notification. An incoming wire transfer has been received by your financial institution and the funds deposited to your account on 27-02-2013. Please download the attached document and view the transfer confirmation slip to be sure theres no error on your account that the funds was wired to. Thanks For your cooperation Customer Service Bank Of America Benedict Raul Subject: You have new message It is my pleasure to ask for your hand in transacting a deal that involves huge amount of money in dollars which is in an account with a financial company I work for within my region. It needs to be re-profiled and evacuated to abroad for immediate investment. I will give you details on the source and origin as we come into an agreement by sealing an MOU. This deal is for our mutual benefit. Regards, Kamsi Gabriel Subject: Urgent Response I am Joyce Cole, I am ill and would die as a result of cancer. I want to distribute my funds to charity organizations in your country through you, please respond for details. Subject: Attn: From Mr. Collins M. Udem. From: Mr. Udem M. Collins. Remittance Manager Capital Banks of West Africa. This is to notify you that after the WEST AFRICA BANKS ASSOCIATION (WABA) New Year Meeting, we confirm many inheritance files including your own which is presently on my desk, and it proves that you have not received your payment due to your lack of co-operation and not being able to fulfilling the Banking obligations giving to you in respect to your Contract /Inheritance payment. Based on this development, you are advice to stop dealing with those-officials in the bank as this will be illegal act and have to stop if you wish to receive your payment immediately. After the (WABA) Board Meeting held at our headquarter this Feb 2013, we have resolved in finding a solution to the general problem, and as you may know, we have arranged a payment through Our Swift Card Payment Center in Europe, America And Asia Pacific, which is the instruction given to all WABA by Our Chairman, President Alassane Ouattara (Gcfr) of Republic Of Cote dIvoire. This card center will send you an ATM Card which you will use to withdraw your money in any part of the World, but the maximum is (50,000.00) Fifty Thousand Us Dollars per transaction. If you wish to receive your Fund this way, 50,000.00 per transaction each day, do get back to me. We are expecting your rapid respond before the approval. Meanwhile, you have to stop any further communication with anybody/office regarding to the transaction. Thanks for your co-operation. Best Regards, Mr. Udem M. Collins. Remittance Manager. Your email has received five hundred thousand dollars. Mr. Elloker Subject: SEO Proposal. Want more clients and customers We will help them find you by putting you on the 1st page of Google. Email us back about your requirement to get a full proposal. Feel free to ask, if you have any query. I will be happier to assist you. Thanks amp Regards Online Marketing Executive Subject: DETAILS OF YOUR MONEY ARE ATTACHED View attachment. pdf (396k) Subject: Notification of Payment - You just earned 100 Great news, you are selected for a 100.00 Bonus for Click N Bank gt Claim Your Bonus Here Bonus Granted By. Jesse Regan Total Bonus. 100.00 You may claim the 100 bonus through this page. gt Claim Your Bonus Here Subject: This is very Urgent Please Greetings. I am a private investment consultant to Immigrant African investors who are poised for secured, high yielding and confidential investments in Europe, Asia, and Australia. I presently have a good client who wants to invest in Australia/ New Zealand with Huge Sum of Money and there main interested is buying high rise buildings for renting. We have about four people that are coming over there by next week, please email me back and I will tell you what role I need you to play and we can discuss more details about the business. This is very urgent and I will like you to contact me right away, for more information. For your kind information I have discuss the agent charge with the investor and I need to work together with you and we can share the percentage together. Please I need your urgent reply, so that I can discuss with you exactly how you need to handle the clients when they arrive and order things. Have a nice day. Regards Adama A Sannoh Email: barrasannoh yahoo. co. uk Subject: Hire SEO expert for your website I hope you are doing well. I got your email id from your website. Let me tell you something relevant about myself, Im Pooja Pandey, an SEO consultant. My job involves managing amp running a large selection of quality sites on different topics. I strongly believe that with my SEO service you can reach higher results in terms of Search Engines, Page Rank, Visibility and Traffic. I would like to discuss this with you in more detail as this is a very competitive and lucrative market and I need to make sure this is done correctly from the outset. Meeting your expectations will not be a problem but as it is such a big task we will require some commitment from you which I would like to discuss with you over the telephone or via email. Our Linking Strategies are: Open and close Link Wheel, Links from industry related websites, Links in Content, Listing a Business Directory Web Site, Social Bookmarking, Article Submission, Forum and Guest Posting etc. Remember that when you get quality links to your website, its just like getting VOTES. the more the better I look forward to your reply and the potential of working with you to help your business grow online. Truly, Pooja Pandey Online Marketing Manager Subject: RE: CONFIDENTIAL amp INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP. (Dr.) David Shread (SAPC) Vice President of Finance and Administration Of SAPC South Africa Petroleum Corporation South Africa. My Name is Dr. David Shread I am a member and Chairman of Contract Award and Monitoring Committee (CAMC) in South African Petroleum Corporation (SAPC). I got your contact through a reliable source. I am writing to you concerning a very confidential business, I had a contract payment (US8.5M) which I am willing to invest in your country with your full support since I cannot do anything alone with the payment since I am still in service, I hope we can strike the transaction together with your full cooperation. I will give you full details of the transaction as soon as you express your interest, it will be highly appreciated if you can get back to me on my email or direct Fax number line below expressing your position on this proposal, dont hesitate to send your private telephone / fax numbers to me. Waiting for your immediate reply through my Email address below confirming your interest on my proposal. Best Regards Engr. (Dr.) David Shread Chairman, Contract Award amp Monitoring Committee) Vice President of Finance and Administration Of SAPC Email: david. shread execs Fax: 27 doogld2 Subject: Call to claim for the Month of March. Dear Email Account Holder, For the month of Match, GBP 405,700.00 has just been processed and approved. The procedures to facilitate the processing is attached in the email. email us:claimsukpponcas hotmail Mrs. Joyce C. Barbara Assistant Publication Manager View the attachment. pdf (196k) Subject: PLEASE IS THIS TRUE NIGERIA INVESTIGATION BUREAU 14A AWOLOWO LANE, IKOYI LAGOS NIGERIA. Motto: No Body is Above the LAW FROM THE DESK OF Dr. Musa Y. Bello (Assistant). FOR: ECONOMIC amp FINANCIAL CRIMES COMMISSION (EFCC). I, am Mr. Musa Y. Bello (ASSISTANT Chairman) Economic And Financial Crime Commission, a committee set up by the Federal Government of Nigeria under the able President Dr. Goodluck Jonathan. The purpose of the committee among other is to investigate, verify and settle all outstanding debts owned to foreign contractors whose payment is overdue. Consequently, we received a directive from the office of the president, ordering the above office to settle all genuine contractors/next kin whose debts has been outstanding for a long time now. and for those that shown sufficient proof regarding the release of their fund, And we wish to inform you that in our record here, you have fulfilled such conditions as the rightful beneficiary of the said 17.8 Million Dollars. But the reasons why your own Transfer has to be delayed is because, there is presently a counter claims on your funds by one MR. JOHN WHEELER, who is presently trying to make us believe that you are dead and even explained that you entered into an agreement with him, to help you in receiving your fund, So, here comes the big question. Did you sign any Deed of Assignment in favor of (JOHN WHEELER). thereby making him the current beneficiary with his following account details: MR JOHN WHEELER, AC/NUMBER: 6503809428. ROUTING/122006743, B/NAME:CITI BANK, ADDRESS:NEW YORK, USA. Please if you did not sign, nor authorize MR. JOHN WHEELER to receive your payment on your behalf, kindly reconfirm to us, for your urgent release the Premium immediately, Please Reconfirm your genuine ADDRESS (information). your bank information were you want this payment to be transfered including your telephone/cell number for verification Or mail us urgently, to avoid making payment to a wrong person, attempt to divert your payment to a new account without your knowledge. This office is glad to inform you that your payment shall be made as soon as we receive your feedback of claim/release today. We are sorry to inform you that the Federal Government had made it clear to all foreign contractors whose payment is overdue to be paid immediately hence all the modality relating to the release of your contract fund had been completed today. You are adviced to stop any further communication with any department Or any Government parastatal. This is to forestall new effort towards a diversion of your payment. We apologize on behalf of the President and the good citizens of this country Nigeria for any delay and lost this must have caused you and promise that such thing will not happen again. And if you are dealing with any of the Fraudsters regarding this payment Or any transfer from this country, Please we urge you to STOP, because your funds in the total sum of 17,800.000(Seventeen Million Eight Hundred United States Dollars) AND all expenses which you must have lost, was recently approved by the Presidency and here with this Investigation Bureau (EFCC)here in Nigeria to be settled. Kindly reply urgently for more information and directive. We wait your concern and action of claim to this regards. Best Regards Mr. Musa Y. Bello (Assistant) Alhaji Ibrahim Lamorde (Chairman) Economic and Financial Crimes Commission Due to our New Monitory Validation System, your clear. net. nz Email Account has been previously used for Fraudulent activities and it needs to be verified and upgraded be for you can send or receive any more mails. To re-validate your mailbox, reply to this mail and fill your: Clear. net. nz Technical Support Subject: Re: Important message I am Michael Shenberg, Investment Consultant with Morning-star one of the World Largest Funds management firm. I have a business proposal for you, if interested kindly compose a new mail to: michealshenbergdesk outlook my private account to discuss further. Subject: CONTACT WITH YOUR TICKET NUMBER BELOW From the Falcon Subscribers Agents (FSA), in assistance with the International Lottery Board of Commissions, We happily announce to you that you have won an award of 370,000 at the Gulf Region Payment Center. SERIAL NUMBERS: 277-184-18 your e-mail address above is attached to ticket number: 23-07-35-88-BH which drew the lucky numbers: 66 32 07 12 00 37 48, which subsequently won you the lottery in Category 2D. Please contact the Claiming Agent with all the following information. Name: Home phone: Mobile Phone: Age: Occupation: Current Address: Ticket Number: SAM PARSON TEL: 971 42244401 FAX: 971 42244749 Email: sam. parson1616 yahoo. co. uk He will need to confirm everything we have on file to ensure that, there will be no setbacks upon the release of these funds to you. I want you to know that verification and confirmation of all of your payment documents have been sent to our affiliate company, (The International Lottery Board of Commissions) from our processing office. Also note that our processing coordinator who has been evaluated by our legal department will verify your winning information. This will leave you the true beneficiary of the won award under the Falcon Subscribers Agents (FSA), and zoned under the Emirates Tax Revenue office. Due to a mix up of some email addresses, we ask that you keep this award from public notice until your claim has been fully processed, as this is a part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unwarranted abuse of this program by participants. Congratulations once more from all members and staff of this program and thank you for being part of our promotional lottery program. Note: Do not reply to this email Contact your claiming agent above. Note: You Should Not Pay Any Money From Your Pocket To Claim This Winning, Any Tax That Needs To Be Paid Should Be Send To You From Your Winning In Advance To Enable You Clear Your Tax. MRS DOROTHY SMITH Correspondent Agent Falcon Overseas Subscribers Agents. MIDDLES EAST, ASIA, AND USA Our security department informed us that we found suspiciouse activity on your account. Until we confirm some transactions with you, your account is suspended. To start the process click here: Confirm Transactions Your security is very important to us. Subject: Im Syrian little girl 15 yrs old a war victim Im Syrian little girl 15 yrs old a war victim. I need your help after my parents and little brother was killed. Ive discovered documents that my parents has deposited 18.5 Million Pounds for investment in Europe. This fund can give me new hope to survive. I need you to assist me receive the funds so that I will come over to your country and live. My condition is ugly and dont know how to explain it, its traumatic. Email me to: sarina1 asia Yours Sincerely, Ms. Sarina Subject: Alert Notice - Irregular Card Activity Dear Valued Customer, We detected irregular activity on your Commonwealth Bank. Check Card on 14th March, 2013. As the Primary Contact, you must verify your account activity before you can continue using your card, and upon verification, we will remove any restrictions placed on your account. To review your account as soon as possible please. Please click on the link below to verify your information with us: here Continue To Online Banking If you account information is not updated within 48 hours then your ability to access your account will be restricted. We appreciate your prompt attention to this important matter. Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2013 ABN 48 123 123 124 Subject: THE TRUTH/SECRET ABOUT YOUR FUND I am MR Bennett Philip. a computer scientist working with central bank of Lome Togo. I just started work with central bank of Lome Togo. and I came across your file which was marked X and your released disk painted RED, I took time to study it and found out that you have paid VIRTUALLY all fees and but the fund was not released to you. The most annoying thing is that they wont tell you the truth that on no account will they ever release the fund to you, instead they allow you spend money unnecessarily, I do not intend to work here all the days of my life, I can release this fund to you if you can certify me of my security. I needed to do this because you need to know the statues of your Funds and cause for the delay, Please this is like a Mafia setting in Lome Togo, you may not understand it because you are not a Togolaise. The only thing needed to release this fund is the Anti drug/terrorist clearance certificate which will be tendered to any of your nominated bank and the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE(IRS)for clearance of the transferred amount in your account. Once the Anti drug /terrorist clearance certificate is obtained funds will immediately reflect in your bank within 10 Minutes, the certificate is all that is needed to complete this transaction. Note that the actual funds is valued at 15.5 MILLION USD and the president made a compensation fund release for all unpaid beneficiary valued at 10 million usd. Listed below are the mafias and banks behind the non release of your funds that i managed to sneak out for your kind perusal. 1) Prof. Charles soludo 2) Senator Mark 3) Chief Joseph Sanusi 4) Dr. R. Rasheed 5) Barrister Awele Ugorji 6) Mr Roland Ngwa 7) Barrister Ucheuzo Williams 8) Mr. Ernest Chukwudi Obi 9) Dr. Patrick Aziza Deputy Governor - Policy / Board Member 10) Mr. Tunde Lemo Deputy Governor - Financial Sector Surveillance / Board Member 11) Mrs. W. D. A. Mshelia Deputy Governor - Corporate Services / Board Members 12) Mrs. Okonjo Iweala 13) Mrs. Rita Ekwesili 14) Barr Jacob Onyema 15) Dr. Godwin Oboh: Director Union Bank Of Nigeria. 16) Mr John Collins: Global Diplomat Director. 17) Foreign fund diplomatic courier 18) Barr. Becky Owens 19)Rev. Steven Jones 20) bank of Africa 21)Mrs. Debbie Hargrove 22)Mr. Micheal Wagner 23)Barr. Isa Farid 24)Dr. Raymond Faye 25)Ibraheem Fashola 26)Dr. Leslie Fawaz 27)Mercy Fajaroo 28)Walter K. Falana 29)Azeez Fatou 30)Ibrahim Fabumi 31)Daniel Faras 32)Micheal Faras 33)Minassa Fernandez 34)Viresh Fernando 35)Deacon Diende Fernandez 36)Ben Felix 37)Dr. Ige Femi 38)Chen Hsiu Fei 39)Gloria Festus 40)Lopez Fernando 41)Aloye Fidelis 42)Augusto Fish 43)Dr. Raymond Fingesi 44)Dr. Martin Fibu 45)Joseph Finn 46)Ogom Fidelis 47)Jennifer H. Fiedler 48)Dr. Jimmy Fowler 49)Robert Fortin 50)Dr. Sharon Forrest 51)Prince Michael Fofano 52)Sarah Fofano 53)Tony Foster 54)Dr. Koman Fofar 55)Samuel Fona 56)Grace Fona 57)Funmi Folorunso 58)Mike Franklin 59)Egbo Francois 60)George Freeman 61)Senator Jude Fred 62)Paul Frank 63)Dr. Francis Fregere 64)Walter Freer 65)Olu-Segun Fredrick 66)Justice Philip Francis 67)Raul Franco 68)Desmond Fred 69)Madu Frank 70)Rita Frank 71)Godwin Frank 72)Dr. J. Frances 73)Frank Francis 74)Derrick Frans 75)Kingsley Fred 76)Dr. Carlos Frederico 77)Dr Ola Funmilowo 78)Alan Fumbi 79)Vincent Fuso 80)Dr. John Fugar 81)William Funsho 82)Michael Funsho 83)Shahla Ghasemi 84)Ali-Reza Ghasemi 85)Martins Gambari 86)Jim Gallo 87)Paulo Gato 88)Ben Gafhar 89)Byron Gate 90)Arthur Gai 91)Shinder Gangar 92)Lopez Garvin 93)Abdul Gafah 94)Dr. Rufus Gaba 95)Alhaji Garba 96)Dr. Frank Gani 97)Brigadier Williams Gal 98)Egonna Duru Gal 99)Lucky Garbi 100)Sadique Gadaffi 101)Federick Ike Ganziri 102)Dr. Dennis Gavey 103)Jose Sanchez Garcia 104)Ahmed Gana 105)Jose A. Garcia 106)Major Archie Gates 107)Bavolleni Gallilo 108)Musa Galadima 109)Shehu Galadima 110)Barr. Imam Galadima 111)Barr. Jerry Galadima 112)Mustapha Gambo 113)Dr. Isah Gambo 114)Usman Gambo 115)Engr. Isaac Garuba 116)Alhani Azeez Garuba 117)Engr. Sule Garuba 118)Idris Garuba 119)Mustaph Garuba 120) ADB Bank Ouagadougou Burkina 121) FSA UK 122) NATWEST BANK 123) ECO Bank 124) Credit Bank 125)Barr Greg Thompson Do get in touch with me immediately with my direct number 228 91314703 to conclude this final transaction immediately, and also send to me your convenient tel/fax numbers for easy communications. Thanks while i look forward to your positive reply. Please reply back to me on my private email id if you are interested bennettphilip0 yahoo. fr or bennett. philip aol Regards, MR Bennett Philip Your account has expired. You must renew it immediately or your account will be closed. click here to renew your account. Regards POWERED BY TelstraClear Subject: UNITED NATION PAYMENT CENTRE This is to bring to your notice that we are delegated from the UNITED NATIONS in Central Bank to pay 50 victims from your country who has being Victims of Internet scam. The United Nations has decided to pay you 8,500,000 USD (Eight Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) each. You are listed and approved for this payment as one of the scammed victims to be paid this amount, get back to this office as soon as possible for the immediate payment of your 8,500,000 USD compensation funds. We have been having a meeting for the past Seven months which ended Three days ago with the former secretary to the UNITED NATIONS in the person of Mr. Ban Ki-moon. This email is to all the people that have been scammed or extorted money from because of your contract payment execution in any part of the world, the UNITED NATIONS have agreed to compensate them with the sum of US8.5.MILLON This includes every foreign contractors that may have not received their contract sum, and people that have had an unfinished transaction or international businesses that failed due to Government problems or irregularities etc. We found your email in our list and that is why we are contacting you, this has been agreed upon and has been signed by the United Nations Board of Directors and Trustees. You have to contact Pastor Kevin Kogel our payment agent in West Africa, as he is our UNITED NATIONS representative in West Africa, contact him immediately for your cheque US8.5.MILLON This funds are in a Bank Draft for security purpose. He will send it to you and you can clear it in any bank of your choice. Send a copy of your response to official email: SECURITY amp FINACIAL CONTACT AGENT: Pastor Kevin Kogel EMAIL: kevinkogel zing. vn TEL: 234-706-217-4230 You are advised to send your communication particulars, Full names Age Telephone Fax numbers Mailing Address Occupation Marrital Status Your Company Name And Address Contact Pastor Kevin Kogel immediately for your Cashier Cheque. Thanks and God bless you and your family. Hoping to hear from you as soon as you cash your Bank Draft. Making the world a better place for the sake of Humanity. Give him your File Reference (RE-1077-V) and you are free to contact him via telephone number which he will provide to you upon the receipt of your email. Best Regards, Yours Faithfully, Mr. Ban Ki-moon Secretary United Nations West Africa General Roy Smith. (Financial Officer)United Nations. http //www unorg/sg. Subject: Important Message Reply have important message to pass through, i want to know if your email is valid, if valid reply to my Valid Email: andvioletlarge. allen yahoo. ie Subject: Security Alert Your account has expired limits. You must renew it immediately or your account will be closed and you will be having problems in sending of mails and receiveing mails. please fill the form below to renew your account. fist Name: last name: Email Address: Re-enter Email Address: Password: Confirm Password: Country: Date Of Birth: Regards Customers Service Subject: - C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S - WESTERN UNION FOUNDATION/MALAYSIA Western Union Foundation Grants 2013: Website: www westernunion com (Customer Service Department) quotDear Western Union Customerquot This Email was Randomly sent to 3 Western Union Users Worldwide who has been using the Western Union Services in sending Money to Friends, Relatives Or Business Purposes. Over the Years, Western Union Foundation has Awarded Over Millions of US Dollars to Individuals and Organizations, See Link for More Details: foundationcenter org/pnd/news/story. jhtmlid392200010 We wish to inform you that WESTERN UNION FOUNDATION MALAYSIA is awarding 1.2 Million US Dollars to 3 Western Union Customers Worldwide and be informed that you have been selected to receive prize of 400,000.00 USD in the On going 2013 Western Union Foundation Grants Promo. Your funds Are Ready to be Transferred into a Western Union MoneyWise Visa Card and which will be Couriered to your Home Address. NOTE: The Delivery/Courier of your Western Union MoneyWise Visa Card is FREE. Your Reference Number is: WUF/MY97715/400BQMY. Please Provide the Information below that will be used to Send your Western Union MoneyWise Visa Card: 1. Full Name: 2. Full Address: 3. Nationality: 4. Mobile/Tel No: Send Informations to Our Western Union Agent: Name: MR. VIJAY RAGUNATHAN Office Lines: 601-490-68192 601-460-37853 Contact E-mail: westernunionmalaysia62 kimo 2013 Western Union Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For any inquiries, kindly contact - (Customer Service Department): customercare wu-foundation. org Subject: Annulleret: Dear Friend Compliments of the day and Gods blessings I am glad to inform you that I have successfully concluded the transaction, the money transferred to London. It was transferred through the assistant of your country man Mr. Howard Ferraro who is a London base business man. Currently I am in London with him, my wife and children. However, I did not forget you because you are the source of my success, you made me what I am now though you are not there to complete this project with me but I gave all the credit and thanks to you. I know it was not your fault or rather your wish to back up on me and the transaction, I understood it was simply because of what you must have heard about my continent and her business opportunities. Actually there are still good ones for example myself. In appreciate of your assistance I have mapped out as a compensation and wrote on your favor a Draft worth of US900,000.00.(Nine hundred thousand United States Dollars) I left the Draft with my attorney Sir. Febian Brown on my departure to London. I would like you therefore, to contact him on the below info so that he can mail it to you. Attorney: Sir. Febian Brown Email: febianandassociates yahoo Telephone: 229 98422239 Send him the following information to prove your self to him: Your full name. Your country. Your address. Your phone number. Your occupation. Your age. Contact my attorney so that he can release your Draft to you. I will stop here. Once again, thank you very much and remain blessed. Do you seek Financial help in boasting your businesses or raising your standard of living. then make First Citizens Financial Loan Company your loan company today as we are determine to give our clients the very best of our services. First Citizens Financial Loan Company is a private Loan Company located in the United states, we give out loans to individuals, firms and cooperate bodies both secured and unsecured at 3 interest rate monthly base worldwide with no credit check up, collateral or Non collateral required, loan amounts between the sum of 3,000.00 to 3,000,000,00. We offer all kind of Loans. Contact us today via email U. S.A Main Office Regards, Dr. Bruce Weissert 2226 reagan ave, Rock Springs, Wyoming. USA Tel 1: 307-212-9361 Tel 2: 307-352-9719 Email: contactus01 gmail First Citizens Financial Loan Co. Subject: Your friend 101. Get paid 25 for each email you process. has recommended this great product from The Metal Observer Mailorder Hi. No skills required to get started Your friend, 101. Get paid 25 for each email you process. thought that you would be interested in Betrayer - My Twisted Symphony from The Metal Observer Mailorder. 101. Get paid 25 for each email you process. sent a note saying: THIS IS A-B-C EASY (Anyone Can Do It) No skills required to get started User-friendly system and extremely clear instructions Get started and make moneyas easy as A-B-C A - Check your inbox B - Process e-mails with the information we will supply C - Get paid 25 for each email you process Your Earnings Are Unlimited. Check this site and get started: To your success, Work At Home Coach Subject: Confirm your receipt of this mail without delay. ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND FOREIGN REMITTANCE OPERATION DEPARTMENT Holborn, London, UK Tel: 447024088459 Email: royalbankofscotland850 yahoo. co. uk We received instruction few days from our correspondence bank to transfer the sum of 10.5 million into your account which we are on the process to make your payment through Digital River Visa Electron Card on your name so that you can make withdrawal from any ATM machine system in your country by your self, to avoid any problem. But we are surprise this morning when we are about to load the fund into the Digital River Visa Electron Card and received another email from Ms JANE MOORE whom claim to be your representative and forward to us the following account information for us to transfer the fund into her account. The account which she forward to us is as follow. NAME JANE MOORE Bank OF America TX2-XXXX-01-01 9308 Forest Lane, Dallas TX 75243 ROUTING 54XXX0162 ACCT 488XXXX45645 Please, Do reconfirm to us as a matter of urgency if this lady is from you and have you authorized her to receive your fund. If this lady is not your representative, Kindly choose the method you will like to receive your funds with and forward the information to us now. (1)Wire Transfer (OWT) Full Name: Full Address: Phone Number: Occupation: Sex: Age: Country: Bank Name: Account Number: Swift Code: Routing Number: (2) Atm Card Full Name: Full Address: Phone Number: Occupation: Sex: Age: Country: However, we shall proceed to issue all payment details to the said Ms. Jane Moore, if we do not hear from you within 24hrs from today, we will process and release the fund into Ms Jane Moore account. Confirm your receipt of this mail without delay. Yours in service Mr Richard Bob. (Account manager) 447024088459 Your payment is ready since last week. Why did you abandon your payment. I need to hear from you before we can make the transfer through courier services. Again, Reconfirm your cell phone number. with your delivery address to avoid any kind of mistake thereafter payment. Reply to: cbiplc08 ibibo Again, send your delivery address. and cell . if you want to receive cash payment through courier. Yours, Marcel Johnson Owen. Subject: Open the Attachment File From: Mr. Frank Nkosi Johannesburg South Africa TEL: 27 788 173 397 Fax Number27 866 216 415 Fax Number27 866 216 417 Email: nkosifamily1954 gmail You may be surprised to receive this letter from me, since you dont know me personally. I am Mr. Frank Nkosi, the first son of Mr. David Nkosi, who was murdered in the land dispute in Zimbabwe. Before the death of my father, (Mr. David Nkosi) he had taken me to South Africa to deposit the sum of US20.5 Million (Twenty Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only) in one of the private security companies in Johannesburg South Africa, as if he foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe. This money was deposited in a box as family treasure to avoid much demurrage from the Security Company. This Money was meant for the purchase of new machines and chemicals for the farms and establishment of a new farm in Swaziland. This land problem came when Zimbabwean President Mr. Robert Mugabe introduced a new land Act reform, which wholly affected the rich white farmers and some few black farmers. This resulted to the killing and mob action by Zimbabwean war veterans and some lunatics in the society. In fact, a lot of people were killed because of this land reformed Act for which my father was one of the victims. It is against this background that, I and my family who are currently staying in South Africa decided to transfer my fathers money to a foreign country since the law of South Africa prohibits refugees to open any bank account or to be involved in any financial transaction throughout the territorial zones of South Africa. As the eldest son of my father, I am saddled with the responsibility of seeking a genuine foreign partner who will help us transfer this fund out of South Africa. All I seek for is an honest businessman, whom I can entrust my future and that of my family I must also let you know that this transaction is 100 risks free. If you accept to assist me and my family all I want from you is for you to make arrangements and come to Johannesburg-South Africa, so that you can help us open a non-resident account in your name which will aid us in transferring the money into any account youll nominate overseas. I have two options for you firstly you can choose to have certain percentage of the money for helping us in this transaction, or you can go into partnership with me for the proper profitable investment of the money in your country. I have also mapped out 5 of this money for all kinds of expenses we might incur in the process of this transaction. If you do not prefer a partnership I am willing to give you 25 of this money while the remaining 70 will remain for my family and me. If you are willing to assist me kindly call me on the numbers above or you can send me a fax or email me immediately Furnishing me with your personal telephone and fax numbers for easier communication on this effect. Finally, please treat this matter as very urgent and Confidential. Youre sincerely, Mr. Frank Nkosi. Subject: PLEASE PROTECT YOUR WEBMAIL ACCOUNT FROM BEING CLOSED Attn: Email User, This is to formally notify you that we are presently doing maintainance and upgrading on the Webmail host server of Your Email Account and this can close your webmail account with us completely. To avoid this, please send your Email and password to webmail customer care email address:(webbhelpdesk live) Please do this, so that your webmail account can be protected from being close. Your immediate response is highly needed. Vielen Dank. Webmail Help Desk Team. Subject: Imperative Matter I am Spc. Nicolas Brandon of the 1ST Battalion, 75th Regiment, currently Deployed in Afghanistan, after two previous Deployment in Iraq. Based on the United States plans to gradually withdraw troops from Afghanistan, in support of The U. S.-led coalition plans to formally hand over security responsibilities to the Afghan army and police by 2014, I have been Approved for withdrawal to your country before the end of first Quarter of this year, The mission is to work with your countries finest military experts to help beef up terrorist targeted states, mostly the United States and the European Union on the war against terrorism. But i wish to inform you that I have in my sight, the sum of 16.2 million USD. Which was recovered from one of our raids battling insurgent attack, this people keep most of their money at home for evil activities which they normally get through illegal deals and donors. Based on the suffering we undergo here some of us do meet such luck. It happened that I went for this raid with the men in my unit and i decided to take it as my share for my suffering as a soldier here in this evil land filled with suicide bombers. I deposited this money with a Red Cross agent informing him that we are making contact for the real owner of the money. It is under my power to approve whoever comes forth for this money. I wish to use this money for charity purposes in Turkey. where we have high number of refugees and Sudan where we have currently the highest numbers of refugees displaced as a result of war. You need to visit such places. I am not forgetting the displaced in India. I want to invest the money on stock fish from Norway to this refugees because based on my experience on battle ground in this places, they lack a lot of fish and meat to add to their meager and unpalatable meals which they get in little quantity just to keep them living until God knows when the problem ends. Instead of allowing this terrorist to get the money and spend it on purchasing arms illegally from Russia and China it is better channeled to saving the world. I cannot move this money to the United States because I will be in Europe for about 3years, so I need someone I could trust. If you accept, I will transfer the money to Europe where you will be the beneficiary because I am a uniformed personnel and i cannot be parading such an amount so i need to present someone as the beneficiary. I am an American and a specialist officer for that so i have a 100 authentic means of transferring the money through diplomatic courier service. I just need your acceptance and all is done. Please if you are interested in this transaction i will give to you the complete details you need for us to carry out this transaction successfully. I believe i can trust you. Where we are now we can only communicate through our military communication facilities which are secured so nobody can monitor our emails, then i can explain in details to you. I will only reach you through email, because our calls might be monitored, I just have to be sure whom I am dealing with. If you are interested please send me your personal mobile number so i can call you for further enquiries when i am out of our military network. I am writing from a fresh email account. So if you are not interested do not reply to this email and please delete this message, if no response after 3 days i will then search for someone else. I am doing this on trust, you should understand and you should know that as a trained military expert I will always play safe in case you are the bad type, but i pray you are not.16.2million USD is a lot of money which is the dream of anyone. I wait for your contact details so we can go on. In less than 14 days this should be successfully finalized and i will give you 30 of the sum, while 70 will be kept for my charity plans. I hope i am been fair on this deal. Subject: YOU ARE A WINNER. You have been chosen for a grant prize of an ATM MASTER CARD onlinepromo valued 1000000,000.00. For claims, kindly contact the ATM MASTER CARD payment officer with the below information. ATM MASTER CARD payment officer Name: Mr. Jamil Ghazali Email: shendi20 gmail 1..Name. 2..Occupation. 3..Address. 4..Country. 5..Status. 6..Telephone Num. Subject: Attn: Beneficiary, Be informed that your part-payment of (350.000.00) from International Monetary Fund Unit (IMF) has been approved to transfer via our department of Western Union, Meanwhile your urgent respond is highly needed with the re-confirmation of your details where and how to receive your funds in our office such as: Your Name. Country. State and City. Address. Telephone. Number. Age. Sex. Occupation. Also the payment of 10,000.00 has already been made through Western Union for you to pick it up, but due to the instruction we received from International Monetary Fund Unit (IMF), You are required to pay sum of (210.00) to activate your payment files and also to ensure you are the right person to receive the fund. Upon reception of the Activation fee, you can pick up the first transfer of 10,000.00. Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) : 9543264012 Senders First Name Martin Senders Last Name Bauert Amount: 10,000.00. Test Question: When Answer: Today Status: Available For Pick up By Receiver You can easily get back to us via email or telephone for more details while the amount you will be confirming daily is (10,000.00) starting from the day we receive the Activation fee of sum of 210.00 You are to use the name below to send the Activation Fee via Western Union and send payment details to this E-mail: shendi20 gmail RECEIVER NAME. Mr. Jamil Ghazali COUNTRY. NIGERIA TEXT QUESTION. GOOD ANSWER. GOD SENDER NAME. MTCN. SENDER ADRESS. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Vielen Dank. Mr. Jamil Ghazali Email: shendi20 gmail Manager Western Union Nigeria. Subject: CAN YOU SUPPLY YOUR PRODUCT Government of Ghana amp ECOWAS Tender Office Accra-Ghana My name is Mike Akua. I am a government accredited commission agent, looking for manufacturers in your field, whose products are certified as good quality products. We are in need of different kinds of products that you offer, and you can reach us for effective and efficient business. Please furnish us with full details of the standards of your products. We will appreciate it more, if you give us detailed specification, website, and price lists. Also, we would like to know of your payment terms and the difference when we place a large order. Your prompt and detailed response will be appreciated. I await your prompt response. Regards, Mr. Mike Akua Subject: Re: MBG/Transfer/payment/Remit-1-2 Happy New Year to you In reference to our database confirmation about your details as the beneficiary, We are writing in respect of Mr Frimpong Kwaku Ampah from Africa who dead on the 25 January 2013, he has about US5,300,000.00 with our Bank here in Malaysia and we find out that you are the beneficiary of the fund in our Bank, we are writing to let you know your fund is in our Bank, kindly let us know how we can remit the fund to your account or any way we can delivery your fund to you by our bank officer. Reconfirm below details and contact information: 1. Full name: 2. Address. 3. Phone number: 4. Email address: 5. Copy Of Passport 6. Occupation: As the beneficiary of the above fund we request your present in Malaysia before we can proceed however the are some documents you will need to sign before the release of the fund to you as the beneficiary. Your co-operation and urgent respond is highly needed to enable us complete your transfer and to serve you better. Thank you and have a pleasant day, MAY BANK GROUP: E-mail: infombg asia Contact Person: Mr Henry Willson C. Tel: 60-1126361834 Fax: 60 1126361830 Branch Address. 22A, Jln Sepah Puteri 5/20a, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya Selangor, KL-Malaysia. Subject: IR3 Individual income return. Dear customer emailID: janedoe After the last anual (2012 - 2013) calculations of your fiscal activity we have determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund of 454.90 NZD. Case ID Number: TAX-6218-7192-9372-0041 Please submit the tax refund request and allow us 7-10 days in order to process it. For example submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline. To access the form for your tax refund, please follow the link below: Denis Fleur Director, Tax Refunds Dept. Copyright 2013 Inland Revenue Subject: Re: Confirm receipt of email Please, kindly confirm if you receive the attached letter otherwise, I have to send again. Thank you and respected. Compliment of the day. I am Aisha Gadhafi the daughter of the former Libyan leader, late col. Muammar Gadhafi. However, I was never in support of my fathers position in killing the Libyan citizens. I am sending you this email in respect of my fathers funds that was deposited in my name in a reputable financial institute and my father thought the said funds has been seized before he died. Now the government is after us and trying to liquidate all my late fathers funds. I would need your assistance to transfer the funds to your name and then to your country based on the fact that, all our activities are presently monitored and we cannot make any trip out of Algeria or get involved in any monetary issue or business transaction, hence I seek your assistance. I will send more information to you if you accept to assist me. Right now we have a lot of calamity in Libya and the US Government has already seized US200Billion dollars of my late fathers wealth in the United States of America and the South African did the same too. So therefore, I am trying to make sure they dont find the fund that was deposited in my name. This is why I need your assistance to move funds as soon as possible because presently, I am in the Algerian refugee camp under the Algerian government protection act, I cant make that happen myself, and hence I contacted you. I have been here in this camp since August 2011 and at that time I came in here, I was pregnant and right now have a baby girl. I want you to know that I have a past and history to protect and I have never supported my late father in his wrong ways that is why I want to separate myself from the family. I actually came across your contact information on the yellow pages. Having studied a bit of your profile as available, I came to the conclusion that you will be a very trustworthy and reliable partner since you have had no criminal records in the past or present, hence I contacted you because I know you are capable to handle this project and assist me to receive these funds. At this point I cant communicate with you on phone, but only by email as we have restricted access and for the fact that all my calls are monitored for security reasons. I will also want you to know that I have done all that are necessary for you to receive these funds without any problem or eyebrow. As soon as I receive your email I will send you more information and also the contact of the Financial Institute who has custody of the funds presently, to contact them and make further claims of these funds to your particulars and have it transferred to your account, and then hold it till am out of this camp for investment purpose in your country. But please I want you to know that I am working with you with full trust and honesty on this because the new Government of Libya is seriously looking for all funds under my late fathers name. The total fund is US35,000,000.00 and you shall have 20 of the total amount for assisting me in making this transfer a success. I also want you to know that there is no legal implication of any kind or any unforeseen one and it is 100 risk free and it is compulsory you keep every detail in this message confidential and secretive between us and the bank official that will be assist us. I also want you to know that none of my relative know about these funds and it is an inheritance from my father and everyone thought that the funds had been seized. Please, kindly get back to me immediately to enable me forward you more information. We would need a Change of Ownership which I would sign to that effect immediately. Please, as a result of the present issue in Libya, I would want you to keep this confidential because if the Government finds out about the funds, it would be confiscated. There is no risk involved in this transaction as all the paper works that would prove the legitimacy of the funds, when it is transferred into your account, would be made available by the bank including the origin of funds that would be issued as an investment funds. This transaction is meant to be confidential based on my personality, so therefore, if you have an alternative/private email address, do forward it to me and reply to my above email address upon receipt of this email. Regards, Princess Aisha Gadhafi. Email: aeisha yahoo. cn Subject: WINNING NOTIFICATION Congratulations from me and the staff of the BBC ONLINE PROMOTION 2013, please open the attached file for your winning details Yours faithfully, Mr. Morgan Bernard Online coordinator (Sweepstakes International Program) View the attachment. pdf (128k) From: pete morgan ptmorgan561 gmail Sent: Tuesday, 12 March 2013 2:53 a. m. To: Hotel Subject: ROOMS NEEDED Hello, I am Mr PETE MORGAN from England and i wish to make reservations in your accommodation / hospitality. I hereby check for availability in your accommodation from the 15th MAY 2013 to 24th day of MAY 2013(Check-in 15th MAY 2013 and check-out 12 noon 24th MAY 2013) which is 9 nights. I inquire for 6 double rooms in regards to 12 adult delegates. Please get back to me With the confirmation of availability and prices. I await your reply soon. Have a nice day. On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 10:01 PM, Hotel wrote: Hi Pete, As our website states we only have the 2 rooms available. We can only accommodate a maximum of 5 people (2 double and one single). We would be happy to accommodate two couples if this of any help. Regards John On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 7:49 PM, ptmorgan561 wrote: WE ARE AWARE OF WHAT WE WANT, SO CAN WE HAVE THE TOTAL PRICE FOR THE AVAILABLE ROOMS On 3/12/13, Hotel wrote: What we have is two rooms as per our website. Based on this if you want double rooms then two people in each room Bedroom 1 for nine nights is NZ130 x 9 NZ1170.00 Bedroom 2 for nine nights is NZ110 x 9 NZ990.00 Total price (four people) NZ2160.00 Please let us know if we can assist you in accommodating four or five of your delegates. Regards John On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 5:28AM, ptmorgan561 wrote: Greetings. I acknowledge the receipt of your response. I wish to inform you that the delegates have approved to stay in your facility for the period of time requested. Above all, the price quotation is well accepted by us and as such, we would want to make a part payment of 2,000 USD with a credit card to enable you hold the reservation for us. Moreover, we also made an arrangement with a prepaid logistics agent who will take care of the flight and logistics needs for the delegates during their coming and entire stay with you, but because the logistics agent does not have a P O S, I do need to confide with you and send you my credit card information to handle the below mentioned payments. Summarily, I would send to you the credit card information as soon as I hear back from you. Once you receive the credit card, this is exactly what you are required to do 1. Charge a total of 8,000 USD from it. 2. Deduct 2,000 USD been the deposit cost of your services. 3. Then you will send the balance of 6,000 USD to the logistics agents Bank Account. The information will be forwarded to you also with the list of guests and our exact arrival time once this arrangement is confirmed. Finally, confirm this arrangement and provide me with your. (1) Your hotel full name/address (2) Name of the Manager/Owner (3) Hotels telephone and fax numbers N. B: The balance will be paid upon our arrival in. Looking forward to a warm hospitality Regards, Mr PETE MORGAN. Address: 117 Regent Street W1B 2QD London. United Kingdom. (44) (0) 704-571-1422 (Tel) (44) (0) 703-174-5880(Mobile). Subject: Support Center Account Ownership Verification Alert This email was sent from our Kiwibank Secure SSL Server to verify and confirm your identity as there has been several multiple logon attempts Kiwibank Internet Banking Account from an undisclosed IP/Computer location. You are requested to verify your membership details correctly. Verify and Update your identity MyAccount Activity Verification Proceduregt Failure to confirm and verify your Kiwibank Internet Banking information might lead to your account permanently suspended. Copyright 2013 Kiwibank Limited. Subject: Hello friend As you read this, I dont want you to feel sorry for me because I believe everyone will die someday. My name is Alawi Jasim Boris, merchants in Dubai U. A.E and India I have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer. It has defiled all forms of medical treatment, and right now I have only about a few months to live according to medical experts. I have not particularly lived my life so well, as i never really cared for anyone(not even myself) but my business. Although I am very rich I was never generous, I was always hostile to people and only focused on my business as that was the only thing I cared for. But now I regret all this as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in the world. I believe when God gives me a second chance to come to this world i would live my life a different way. I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul so, I have decided to give alms to charity, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth. So far, I have distributed money to some charity homes in India, U. A.E, Algeria and Malaysia. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this myself anymore. If you are interested in helping me kindly act accordingly for further explanation. Regards, Alawi Jasim Boris. Subject: EFTPS: Company Tax Payment Batch Has Been Rejected. Your Federal Tax Payment ID: 2881074510 has been rejected. Return Reason Code R225 - The identification number used in the Company Identification Field is not valid. Please, check the information and refer to Code R966 to get details about your company payment in transaction contacts section: EFTPSreport1334022012.pdf (Adobe PDF) In other way forward information to your accountant adviser. EFTPS: The Electronic Federal Tax Payment PLEASE NOTE: Your tax payment is due regardless of EFTPS online availability. In case of an emergency, you can always make your tax payment by calling the EFTPS. Subject: SecureMail - Read Message You Have One Unread Message In Your Online Banking Account VIEW YOUR MESSAGE Regards, ( Copyright Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ABN 11 005 357 522, 1996-2012. ANZs colour blue is a trade mark of ANZ. Web Site Terms of Use ANZ Web Site Security and Privacy Statement Site Map Jobs at ANZ Subject: It Took Off Like A Rocket This Morning USA Resources Statement Comments on Latest News Announcement Affiliated to Pengram Gold Corporation. Trade Date: March, 11th Name: Pengram Gold Corporation Ticker: P NGM Buy at. 025 Short Term Target: .35 This company is ready for a Fresh Week and New Highs This company is getting ready to explode. Please read the attached business proposal and get back to me at your earliest convenience with your thoughts and reaction. Email me on: mohammed. kazeem syria-web. biz I am Mohammed Kazeem. I represent the interest of my brother on law who is a minister in the Syrian Government. As you probably know, there is a lot of crisis going on i Syria and my brother in-law is having problems with the ruling party and they are currently investigating his ministry. While he is sure that he has not done anything wrong as he publicly opposes the decision of the government to use weapons on our own people, there is also very reason for him to secure his familys future in case the unexpected happens. He has asked me to help him find a reputable foreigner who can help him accommodate and invest 73.9 Million US Dollars privately. Hence my reason for contacting you. We need your help to accommodate and lodge the funds in the banking system in your country. We will handle the logistics involved in the movements of funds to you. Please note the entire business will be executed in a legal way. My brother in-law has promised to give you 15 of the total money as compensation for your troubles. He would like you to invest the remaining 85 in a lucrative business in your country. You will be paid 35 of any profits made from investing the remaining 85. Due to his position in the Syria cabinet, he wants this done discretely and he would want to keep his identification confidential. R will be acting as his eyes and ears during the course of this transaction. If this proposal interests you, please kindly respond ASAP so we can go through the details together, please note my email address to reply to: mohammed. kazeem syria-web. biz Subject: Every email processor will earn 20-25 Congratulations Youre about to change your life for the better. Take a look and read some of the infos that I am presenting to you. If you are serious and motivated like I am, this is your Once in a lifetime Opportunity Start Your Own Money Making Job Immediately Click here. gtgtgt Stay at home and make 20-25 for every e-mail you process Its absolutely true and It is a very simple process and no special skills are required. This is a very unique opportunity Click here. gtgtgt Follow our simple system amp do the following below Step 1: Check your E-mail inbox daily. Step 2: Send out the info we supply for you in your training materials. Step 3: Get Paid 20-25 Per E-mail sent out Step 4: Make 100 to 200 a day Every email processor will earn 20-25 for every e-mail that is processed online. Click here. gtgtgt Thank you Tommy Subject: John Doe, our amazing Loss-Coverage Insurance just for you My name is Mike Adams, VIP account manager with bforex, and I am writing to you first because this week were coming out with a new exciting offer that you could enjoy before anyone else. Get your first 5 Loss-Coverage Insurance trades now When you profit you take the money. In case you lose we will cover your losses John Doe, you might think we went crazy, but the reason we do it is simple: we are absolutely sure that if you take our free trading course you will make money with your online trades. That is why we can allow ourselves to give you 5 trades risk-free. To receive this amazing Loss-Coverage Insurance offer simply click here. John Doe, Im sure that now you have the perfect trading offer available: Free trading course 24/6 support Free Loss-Coverage Insurance for your first 5 trades. You dont want to miss this amazing opportunity. I hope to see you trading with us soon. Best Regards, Mike Adams boforex VIP account manager This is actually your very own opportunity to work from home with a BBB confirmed organization. Just click right here for more info This company has been running for about fifty-five years and so has aided lots of people work at home. Claim your own totally free success package as soon as possible and you can start working by tomorrow. Subject: Re-comfirm your request to close your Gmail Account before closure Dear Gmail Customer, You submitted a request to terminate your Gmail account email address and the process has started by our Gmail Email Team, Please give us 3 working days to close your email address. All files on your Gmail mail including (Inbox, Sent, Spam, Trash, Draft) will be deleted and access to your Gmail Email address will be Denied If anything doesnt look right, To cancel the termination follow the link below to make changes and sign in your Gmail email account and cancel request http //thelifeofwanda com/js/index. html Regards, Gmail Account Services This is to inform you that the America Embassy office was instructed to transfer your fund 985,000.00 U. S Dollars compensating all the SCAM VICTIMS and your email was found as one of the VICTIMS. we have already sent the 4,500 dollars this morning to avoid cancellation of your payment, remain the total sum of 985,000.00.We need the below details from you, to enable us place the payment to your name and transfer the fund to you. Full Receivers name, Youre Country, Address, Phone Number, OCCUPATION, Youre Age, A Copy of Your ID CARD, for more information contact this email:wunion44 aol Feb 18, 2013 10:54:32 PDT Transaction ID: M64H1RBGXYFUAKN01 You sent a payment of 149.49 USD to Robert Bohbot (funguszlm428 gkyrkos. gr) Thanks for using PayPal. To see all the transaction details, log in to your PayPal account. It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account. Seller Robert Bohbot funguszlm428 gkyrkos. gr Note to seller You havent included a note. Shipping address - unconfirmed 17725 MANDERSON ST 110CROWLEY, MO 68693-0518 United States Shipping detailsUSPS Priority Mail Description Casio Mens DW8825-5V G-Shock Classic Digital WatchItem 945195203734149.49 USD1149.49 USD Shipping and handling0.00 USD Insurance - not offered---- Total149.49 USD Payment149.49 USD Charge will appear on your credit card statement as PAYPAL Robert Bohbot Payment sent to funguszlm428 gkyrkos. gr Issues with this transactionYou have 45 days from the date of the transaction to open a dispute in the Resolution Center. Questions Go to the Help Center at: www paypal com/help. Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and click Help in the top right corner of any PayPal page. To receive email notifications in plain text instead of HTML, log in to your PayPal account, go to your Profile, and click Notifications. PayPal Email ID PP942 Subject: Bank Account Statement dated for 5-02-2013 to 11-03-2013 of your account number xxxxxxx New Account Statement Now Available Your New Account Statement Now Available To Be Viewed Online. To View Your Statement, Please click the quotLog Inquot below to access your TSB Bank Account. TSB Bank Customer Service. 2012 Copyright TSB Bank. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. View original email. pdf (20k) Subject: ANZ Bank Notification Dear ANZ Customer, Your access to use our internet banking service is limited, in order to regain access to our internet banking service you are required to verify your account security details. Click here to resolve the problem Note: Please do not reply to this email, as your reply will not be received. This is an automatic notification of new security messages. Sincerely, ANZ Security Department Team View original email. pdf (24k) Your email account has been limited. Click on the link below to resolve. https //email com-client/online-webmail/login NOTE. Your account will be disabled after 24 hours if not resolved. Subject: RE: 12/03/2013 FROM UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS. 760 United Nations Plaza, New York, New York 10017, United States United Nations to fx GROUP US INC. to pay 100 (One Hundred) scam victims 5,950,000.00 USD (Five Million Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States Dollars Only) each. You are listed and approved for this payment as one of the beneficiaries to be paid this amount as compensation. As a result of this laudable recommendations, it is imperative to bring to your notice that during the last U. N. meetings held in New York, United States of America by all the Minister Of Finance Of All Countries, it was alarmed so much by the rest of the world in the meetings on the loose of funds by various foreigners to the scams artists, Lawyers and some dubious Bank officials operating in syndicates all over the world today. In other to redeem the good image of each country, the Secretary General of the U. N has ordered the payment of 5,950,000.00 USD each to the affected victims in pursuance with the U. N recommendations. Due to the corrupt and inefficient Banking Systems in most banks around the world, the payments are to be made by fx GROUP US INC. According to the number of applicants at hand, 21 Beneficiaries has been paid, 60 of the victims are from the United States, while about 40 are from other parts of the world. We still have more than 75 left to be paid the compensations of 5,950,000.00 USD each. You in particular was mentioned by one of the Syndicates who was arrested in London as one of their victims of the operations, After proper investigations and research at Western Union Money Transfer and Money Gram office to know if you have truly sent money to the scam Syndicates through Western Union Money Transfer or Money Gram, your name was found in Western Union Money Transfer database amongst those that have sent money through Western Union Money Transfer to them and this proves that you have truly been swindled by those unscrupulous persons by sending money to them in the course of getting one fund or the other, right now we are working hand in hand with Western Union and FBI to track every fraudsters, Lawyers and some dubious Bank officials down, you are hereby warned not to communicate or duplicate this message to anybody for any reason what so ever as The Federal Bureau of Investigation have combined effort with the United Nation Anti-crime. Other victims who have not been contacted can submit their application as well for scrutiny and possible consideration. Mandate has been issued to a commission namely U. N COMPENSATION RE-UNITED, USA here in the UNITED STATES to effect this payment to you using its traditional banking procedure, VIA WIRE TRANSFER and you are to contact the Finance Director of fx GROUP US INC. for the release of the fund to be transferred into your nominated bank account, and here is the contact information below. Finance Director fx GROUP US INC. Mr. Amer Sajed Contact Address: 100 SOUTH WEST STREET WILMINGTON, DE, UNITED STATES 19801 Contact Email:(barclaycardu. sunits56788) If you are receiving this notification for the first (US5,950,000.00) which is on your name, can only be paid upon our receipt of your beneficiary identification security transfer CODE which is BB3729UN for clearance of the fund. Send it immediately to them for instant accreditation of your Compensation proceeds into your account as listed below. 1) Your full name 2) Phone, fax and mobile 3) Address: 4) Profession: 5) Age: 6) Marital status: 7) Copy of your any valid ID card. ATTACHED. Ensure you contact Mr. Amer Sajed with all your Full contact details regarding of your Fund and get back to us for more information. Congratulation in advance. We Await Your Urgent Response. Best Regards, Rosemary A. DiCarlo NB. THIS TRANSACTION IS BEING MONITORED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT IN ORDER TO GUARDS US FOR INTERNET IMPOSTORS. fx BANK PLC. CONFIDENTIAL NOTICE: This email message, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and prohibited from unauthorized disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you received this message in error, please notify the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 00:56:29 -0800 Subject: won afcon price To: onlinefsm hotmail. co. uk Hi Liam I received an sms ref:Fer/4690/6103/24 to claim my price, how did i win it Regards John Subject: Youre ref no: FER/4690/6103/24. Youre ref no: FER/4690/6103/24. We acknowledge the receipt of your email with the informations sent to us by the International Lottery Terminal, we have verified on the international lottery terminals and officially confirmed you the prize winner of the (AFCON) All African Cup Of Nation Cash Award in conjunction with the FIFA with the details attached to the file Ref: FER/8309/1209/26 as your contact details was generated by the UK International Lottery Terminal Database for the promo which draw you a jackpot winner in 2nd category Prize, with the Winning numbers as follows WINNING NUMBER: 9-22-23-24-30 bonus number 2. I wish to let you know the steps that you shall follow to receive your prize award payment at the earliest time. In this process, we shall respect your views, opinions and most importantly, protect your privacy. The value of your Prize is One Million One Hundred Thousand British Pounds (GBP 1,100.000.00) Payment of your awarded prizes, upon due approval shall be executed after normal routine formalities in accordance with the Gaming boards regulations in United Kingdom on prize claims and foreign payments. PROCEDURE TO CLAIM PRIZE Option: Winners outside United Kingdom are required to come to our office in person to sign for the release of your winning price, If winner is outside the United Kingdom and could not be able to come in person, our duty is to assist the winner process their winning for onward submission of the winning file to the paying bank for payment before the deadline, a notary public will be used for all legal endorsements. Our duty is to represent you to sign and endorse all legal discharge documents on your behalf for transfer directly to your designated bank account. In whatever payment option, a foreign claimant is required to obtain a Claimant clearance certificate which will enable them claim their prize and it is obtainable from Probate Registry Department of United Kingdom before the payment of winning prize can be granted. CLAIM FORM/OPTIONS OF PAYMENT: COMPLETE THE REQUIRED DETAILS BELLOW (A) WIRE TRANSFER: (B) ATM CARD: (C) CASH DELIVERY 1. Full Name: 2. Age: 3. Sex: Female 4. Address: 5. Occupation: 6. Email Address: 7. Country of origin: 8. Country of resident: 9. Cell Number: 10. Fax Numbers: To facilitate the speedy processing of your payment, find the payment application form/option of payment which you shall complete in return of this message. These details will be submitted for claimant certificate approval also to the paying bank for vetting. Congratulations once again as we await your instructions to claim the quoted prize award. Sincerely, Liam Gannon Headquarters: Customer service 33 YatchBasin Marina Offices, UponTyne Newcastle London. Tel:447924541357 UK/SA International Lottery Association Promotion Awards Copyright 2013 UK International Lottery Inc Subject: To John Doe I am looking for a missing client (Gary Doe) who is traceable to your family tree because he shares the same family name and nationality with you. He is an international investor in solid minerals such as precious stones, diamonds, mercury, gold bars, gold dust, Oil and gas etc. He got missing since his business trip to Saudi Arabia on Wednesday 7th July 2004. But now, there is an urgent need of him or any of his relative because his bank here wants him or his relative to run re-activation process of his bank account with the balance of 22.788Million which became dormant after this past six years the account has not been operated by him. Also a family treasure safe keeping security company here in the name of GSE that he deposited six trunk boxes of Gold Bars and Gold Dust as family treasure and classified bond on 29th December 2003 seeks for him as well. Kindly get back to me so that I will give you his full details to enable you give me any info or link about him that you can possibly provide, and you will be highly rewarded for your time and any help you can offer. Please for confidentiality and communication between us, reply me immediately ( honstdibe hotmail ) Yours sincerely, Hon. Justice Dirarou Sidibe Member Ecowas Court of Justice, DS - Chambers 14 Rue du Commerce, Lome - Togo West Africa Subject: CONTACT AG COMMISSIONER OF U. S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION (CBP) From: Dr. Jayson Ahern This is to acknowledge the receipt of your affirmation and to inform you of the latest development as regards the delivery of your consignment package by the Diplomat Hilary Kalu. While scanning the package, our cashtrac machine detected that the content of the package the Diplomat is delivering to you is cash worth the sum of USD 4.500,000. It is a crime to bring in money (over US10,000) into the United States of America without proper documentations and clearance because it shows that the money is either being smuggled into the country or the source of the funds is questionable. It is very important that all the relevant documentations needed to authenticate the source of the funds are provided to prove that the funds were earned legitimately in accordance with the PATRIOT ACT so that the FBI, IRS and Homeland Security will not come knocking at your door. In lieu of the above, It is therefore mandatory that you provide the Origin of Funds Certificate (O. O.F) to prove that the funds have no links with any form of illegality. Being the beneficiary of the package, the Origin of Funds Certificate(O. O.F) is the only way of confirming the source of the funds and it is your responsibility to provide the Certificate before the Diplomat will be allowed to complete the delivery To You Tomorrow. The Diplomats Flight Details shows that he came from Benin Republic and we have contacted the relevant Authorities in that country to enquire about the process of getting the Certificate. We were informed that the beneficiary of the package will pay for the Certificate and the cost of this documentaion 120 Dollars, You have to pay this fee directly to them via Western Union Money Transfer Or Money Gram in the name stated below: Receiver Name:Samuel Nwabunwanne Address: Benin Republic City Cotonou Amount. 120 Question amp Answer, What For, My Belonging After paying the Fee, send the following payment information 1. Senders Name and Address 2. MTCN Number 3. Text Question amp Answer Upon the receipt of the payment information, the Certificate will be made out in your name by the Cotonou Republique Du Benin Authority, scanned and send immediately via email to us so that the Diplomat will be allowed to complete the delivery of your package to you tomorrow. Failure to pay for this documentation is a confirmation that you wanted to smuggle the funds into the country which is a federal offence and a gross violation of the Patriot Act. It is therefore in your best interest that you pay for the Certificate as instructed immediately as the consequences of refusing is very severe. Yours Faithfully, Jayson Ahern Subject: Account Maintenance. Thank You for using our online services. We are happy to have you as our customer. Unfortunately there are some issues with your account and we need your fast response to handle them You should update to your profile from here: http //biggestloserweightlosscamps com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/index. php You will be asked to provide a security answer such as your CVV2 Security Code Thank You for using westpac. Subject: Dear Beneficiary WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER MALAYSIAN PAY-OUT CENTER You are entitled to receive a total sum of 1,500,000 USD which has been successfully deposited at the Western Union Payment Center, Malaysia by the United Nations in collaboration with IMF. The Management of the Western Union Payment Center, Malaysia has designated that the amount be remitted to you via our Daily Limit Payment of 7,600 USD. Fill in the details above to Dr. Lee Yung of the Western Union Payment Center via email unitednationcompensation01 kimo for more more information on how to receive your first installment of 7,600 USD. 1.Name: 2.Address: 3.Marital Status: 4.Occupation: 5.Age: 6.Sex: 7.Nationality: 8.Country: 9.Telephone Number: Thanks for your co-operation. Online Co-ordinator. Drlee Subject: PAYMENT INFORMATION ENCLOSED. Good Day Beneficiary: I write to inform you that we have been given the mandate to transfer your full compensation payment of 1,800,000.00 USD via western union by this government. We tried to give you the Western Union Instructions through phone, but we could not locate your numbers in our database to reach you last week even this morning. So, I decided to email you the MTCN and Sender Names so that you can pick up the USD5,000.00 to enable us send another USD5,000.00 by tomorrow as you knows we will be sending you only USD5,000..00 per day. Please pick up this information and run to any western union in your country to pick up the USD5,000.00 and send us email back to send you another payment tomorrow. Manager Mrs. Anita Daniel Email: westernunionmoneytransfer319 yahoo. cn email us once you picked up this USD5,000.00 today. Here is the western union information to pick up the USD5,000.00, Visit https //nigeria westernunion com to verify your pick up. MTCN. 685-039-5616 Senders Name: YOLANDA DALAG Question: Honest Answer:Trust Amount: 5,000.00USD City:Abuja Country:Nigeria Tel:234-802-138-1209 I am waiting for your email once you pick up USD5,000.00, Thanks Mrs. Anita Daniel Western Union Online Coordinator You won 2.5 million. Contact fidiciarydesk09 yahoo. hk Subject: HK Mutual Partnership Top of the Day to you, If you dont mind, Id like to propose a mutually beneficial transaction worth USD 172,340.000.00 to you. I would like if you take a bold step towards this deal. Actually, I seek for someone to trust who would stand as an Investor to receive the amount as Tenure Investment Proceeds. Send to me a confirmation email of acceptance if you are interested. Let the email also contain your name, age, Telephone no. country and residential address, occupation, and your level Of Investment. Our partner attorney would start putting together the necessary documentation that would facilitate the release of the money to you. I look forward to a positive response from you. Warm Regards, Sarah Catherine Legg - Chief Financial Officer of The Hong kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. - Director of the HSBC Asia Holdings BV. Subject: Attn: Beneficiary Be informed that your part-payment of (350.000.00) from International Monetary Fund Unit (IMF) has been approved to transfer via our department of Western Union, Meanwhile your urgent respond is highly needed with the re-confirmation of your details where and how to receive your funds in our office such as: Your Name. Country. State and City. Address. Telephone. Number. Age. Sex. Occupation. Also the payment of10,000.00 has already been made through Western Union for you to pick it up, but due to the instruction we received from International Monetary Fund Unit (IMF), You are required to pay sum of(210.00) to activate your payment files and also to ensure you are the right person to receive the fund. Upon reception of the Activation fee, you can pick up the first transfer of 10,000.00. Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) : 9543264012 Senders First Name John Senders Last Name Doe Amount: 10,000.00. Test Question: When Answer: Today Status: Available For Pick up By Receiver Track it with our website: wumt westernunion com/asp/orderStatus aspcountryglobal You can easily get back to us via email or telephone for more details while the amount you will be confirming daily is (10,000.00) starting from the day we receive the Activation fee of sum of 210.00 You are to use the name below to send the Activation Fee via Western Union and send payment details to this E-mail: shendi20 gmail RECEIVER NAME. Mr. Jamil Ghazali COUNTRY. NIGERIA TEXT QUESTION. GOOD ANSWER. GOD SENDER NAME. MTCN. SENDER ADRESS. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Vielen Dank. Mr. Jamil Ghazali Email: shendi20 gmail Manager Western Union Nigeria. Subject: PARTNERSHIP PROPOSAL FROM ELIZABETH DIPUO PETERS From: Mrs. Elizabeth Dipuo Peters Tel: 27-74-290-3189 Fax: 27867714610 Email: elizadpncp yahoo. co. za Attn: Intending Partner, Firstly, let me start by introducing myself as Mrs. Elizabeth Dipuo Peters, I am visually impaired Widow, a mother of two children and former Premier of the Northern Cape Province (22 April 2004 - 10 May 2009) under the auspices of the President of South Africa, Mr. Thabo Mbeki, and now elected as a Minister of Energy of the Republic of South Africa since 11 May 2009, under the auspices of the new President of South Africa, Mr. Jacob Zuma. I got your contact curtsey in our foreign information exchange in South Africa on a personal request in search of a reliable and trustworthy foreign individual, though we have not met before, After due deliberation with my children, I decided to contact you for your assistance in standing as a beneficiary to the sum of US30.5M ( Thirty Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only) Elizabeth Dipuo Peters and read about me, My husband Mr. John N. Peters died during Apartheid Crises in South Africa in 1986, after his death I discovered that he had some funds in a dollar account which amounted to the sum of US30.5M with a security and finance institution in South Africa of which I will divulge information to you when I get your full consent and support to go for a change of beneficiary and subsequent transfer of the funds into you a comfortable and conducive account of your choice for investment, and my late husband kept this fund for a purpose of foreign investment for my children. This fund emanated as a result of an over-invoiced contract which he executed with the Government of South Africa. I am offering you 20 of the principal sum which amounts to US6,100.000.00 (Six million One Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only) and 5 will be for any expenses that both of us may incur during this transaction. And another 5will go for Motherless babes home. However, you have to assure me and also be ready to go into agreement with me that you will not elope with my fund. If you agree to my terms, kindly as a matter of urgency send me email or you can contact me on my direct line above, so that we can talk more about the transfer, Please I do not need to remind you of the need for absolute Confidentiality of this transaction. My regards to your family. Mrs. Elizabeth Dipuo Peters Minister of Energy South Africa As you have refussed not to update your Email Account, it will be closed within 24hours if not verified because your E-mail account has exceeded its limit and needs to be verified. Click and fill the link below for verification to avoid loosing your E-mail account. Click Here: http //www roofingroseburgoregon com/2013/verifyemailaccount333393753293/index htm Webmaster Help Desk. System Administrator Subject: i sell fresh hack tools I SELL GOOD SPAMMING TOOLS, RDP, FRESH EMAILS, SPYWARES, SMTP, MAILER, CVV, BANK LOGINS, WEBMAILS, DATING SITES LOGIN/EMAILS, JOB SEEKERS WORLDWIDE DATABASE EMAILS, ETC CHAT WITH ME ON MY ID chenxiaoli2012 Subject: REPLY IMMEDIATELY IT IS VERY URGENT Pls, i need your help, i am a member of the inner caucus of the last regime in Libya, I have to run out of my country, the new regime almost killed us all. I want to TRANSFER my funds to you for a safe keep amp for an investment for my children before i die, PLEASE EMAIL ME NOW for detailsjamesknight490 yahoo. fr Subject: Re: smokers Clean way to smoke. Click on this. Subject: Investment partner wanted. I am a 57years old Australian currently living in the United Kingdom, i recently sold off my tobacco company because i had some issues with the British Government. I am currently looking for a business opportunity to invest in. Please only interested persons are to contact me. Do feel free to write me back personally with details. Warm regards, Bradson Paul. Subject: Syrian Issues Mr name is Mr Adriance Bierman, am writing you to kindly reply me once you get this message it is about one of my late friend who died in the ongoing war in SYRIA he was an oil merchant dealer I will explain further if you show your interest by responding to me through this my email (adriance. bierma aol) Subject: Providing Cheap Loans Greetings From Ge Capital Finance Company. We are presently offering loans to interested persons at a low interest rate of 5.Our method, offers you the chance to state the amount of loan needed and also the duration you can afford. This gives you a real chance to get the funds you needWe Provide long-lasting financial solutions. Do you need a loan or funding for any of the following reasons Personal Loan, Business Start-up or Expansion, Education, Debt Consolidation, Hard Money Loans, etc. You do not have to worry any more, because the good news is hereContact us today for a guranteed loan. Kindly provide the following: Name: Contact Address/country: Mobile Telephone Number: Occupation: Loan Amount: Loan Duration: Thanks for choosing Ge Capital Finance. Yours Sincerely, Mr. Ruud Kole Subject: Business Establishment I apologized for contacting you for the first time through email, it is because it serves as the fastest and more convenient way to get to you, I am Reem Al-Hashimy from UAE, I seek your assistance because of my position in the government (U. A.E. Minister of State). Can you please assist me to receive and invest this fund 20 Million, in your company or any business in your country. I will give you more details and my profile as I hear from you. Best Regard, Ms. Reem Al-Hashimy Subject: YOUR FUND RECOVERY UNITED NATIONS WORLD FUND RECOVERY MANAGEMENT AND PAYMENT BUREAU 3 WHITEHALL COURT, LONDON SW1A 2EL UNITED KINGDOM ATTN: BENEFICIARY RE: YOUR FUND RECOVERY It will interest you to know that we have recovered an unpaid/unclaimed fund on your name and a mandate has been given us to ensure that this fund gets to you without delay. Note that a special payment arrangement has been made to remit this fund to you through, Bank Transfers, Certified Check, and Diplomatic Delivery or alternatively you come in person to any of our payment offices in Europe. You are advised to furnish this office with the informations below to enable us open communication with you regarding the release of your fund immediately. 1. Full Names: 2. Address: 3. Telephone No: 4. Mobile Telephone No: 5. Fax No: 6. Your unclaimed amount: Please confirm how you want your fund released to you. Call to acknowledge this mail. Yours truly, Robert Dewar (Director) Direct Tel: 44 7700096136 Subject: FW: YOUR UNCLAIMED FUND RELEASE NOTIFICATION FROM WORLD BANK USA INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION (IFC) DIRECTOR WORLD BANK DEBT FUND RECOVERY COMMITTEE (DWDRCA) 98540 EAST OLYMPIA WASHINGTON DC USA RE: YOUR UNCLAIMED FUND RELEASE NOTIFICATION Attention: Fund Beneficiary I am Mr. George F. Moore the inaugurated Chairman World Bank Unclaimed Debt Recovery Committee Auditors (WDRCA) Washington DC. My committee has a mandate to recover unpaid debts owed to various Contractors and has started their payment release since 2011 till now on both lottery funds, inheritance funds, Loans and Grants ranging from USD1M-19.5Million owed to various Beneficiaries Contractors and Companies across the globe like (Singapore, Europe, USA, Africa, and Australia) which originated from British England and submit the list of the unpaid Beneficiaries, Companies and Contractors to the appointed official paying Banks for immediate release of your funds through online banking method of payment as collectively agreed on the ongoing releasing of all outstanding access in London England. In the course of our investigation in conjunction with the British Finance Minister, your particulars were among the first listed set of the Fifteen individuals yet to be paid hence this email. However, we received an Email yesterday 21/02/2013 10:30 AM from one Mr. Rex Boon Poh Hock that you are dead. According to him, you died on 31st October 2000 Singapore Airlines Flight 006 collided on take-off into construction equipment at Chiang Kai-shek International Airport in Taipei during Typhoon Xangsane. Out of the 179 passengers and crew, 83 people perished which he claimed that you are among the dead ones. This method of payment is a professional advice from world Bank Group of Auditors Washington DC and been the safest easiest to receive your fund, no more Atm Find the displayed tracking informations of other settled Beneficiaries in your category B as they had all received their payment through Atm master card last year except you. Also below are the FedEx tracking, which was use in sending their card to them between the year 2011/2012. You can well track them for proper confirmation. Hence due to the incessant scam and fund hijackers, online payment has been approved official assigned copy of irrevocable fund release approval issued by the World Bank International Audit Section and send to the Bank of Africa Benin Republic to act on this crucial matter and insure that online non residential account will be open and activated on your behalf to enable you transfer your fund into you country Bank account by yourself through online transfer. Contact Information of the paying Bank will be given to you on my next mail to enable you open Contact with them. Tracking site: www fedex com/tracking Reba cannon tracking number: 793558322075 John Stacey tracking number: 793558334918 James Williams tracking number: 79355832684 Name: Donna l. Vargas: eo989255511us (www usps com) Name: Christopher Thomas Joyner: 899389380290 (www fedex com) Name: Gerald d. Warner: 875777537332 (www fedex com) See your payment schedule data through the below link: www unclaimedassets co uk/traceforgottenfunds htm Your payment approved Informations are as follows Un/eu approval no un5685eu, Reference no.-35460021, Allocation no: 674632 Pin code no: 55674 Certificate of merit payment no: 103, United nation released code no: gnc/3480/02/00 Yours sincerely Mr. George F. Moore Director World Debt Recovery Committee Auditor (DWBDRCA). The Osteopathic society of NZ has made its members aware of the following scam and have found Australian members have had a similar email. Some Australian Osteopaths responded and found that the person then asked for bank account details. Below are some examples of the emails received: My name is Diane Clapper I will be going on my annual leave on the 8th of March and my husband amp I will be coming to New Zealand on holiday for 1month. We would be staying from Sunday 10th of March 2013 to Wednesday 10th of April 2013. I require the services of a Personal Osteopath, though this could be done rather flexibly for the entire period of our stay. I will require your services for 2 days each week and for 1 session of 1hour or 1hour/30mins each depending on your availability. Basically I require massage in other to relax as I regularly have stiffness in my shoulder and lower back. Over the past 1 month I have hired the services of a personal osteopathic therapist and I find each osteopathic therapy session very relaxing and refreshing. Since I am going on a 1 month holiday I would like to continue with my work-out program during my stay in New Zealand. I am interested in either body massage or a combination of massage and manual therapy. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts, recommendation and the total costs for your services (4weeks - number of sessions 8). Im 43 years old and a senior accountant, working with Seawright Foods Limited here in the United Kingdom. I will be happy to pay in advance of our visit to guarantee your services during our stay. We can have the therapy sessions at your Clinic/Studio. I look forward to hearing from you, many thanks. Best regards, Diane Clapper 13, Norwood Rd, London, SE24 9BH United Kingdom Thanks for making your services available to me, I will ensure payment is sent out to you as soon as possible. I look forward to meeting you soon. Have a nice day and God bless. Best regards, Diane Clapper Sorry for the delay in writing you, my father suffered a stroke a few days ago and his condition is critical. Im just coming from the hospital and I havent had time for anything else. The doctors say its really bad and he is due to undergo an operation. I pray to God that he survives this. Just to let you know your payment is on the way. My finance director left a message for me at the office, saying payment has been posted to you. You should receive it by Monday or Tuesday at the latest, do kindly let me know when it arrives. Many thanks, Diane Clapper Sorry for the delay in writing you, my father had a triple bypass operation on Saturday and its been a very nervous period for my family and I. Thanks to God he is awake today and responding well to treatment. Have you received the payment from my regional office Payment was sent by Mrs. Morgan (Seawright Foods Limited - director of finance). Just to let you know, I have received today a copy of the payment memorandum from my office stating all my holiday allowance was sent to you. Apparently my finance director has made a mistake, I sent two bills to my office, one was to cover my flight and holiday expenses which was to be sent to my travel agent and the other was for your therapy service which was to be issued to you. Mrs. Morgan however sent you all my holiday allowance. Please confirm receipt of payment when you receive it and deposit all the payment in your bank, thank you. Best Regards, Diane Clapper Subject: PARTNERSHIP PROPOSAL FROM ELIZABETH DIPUO PETERS From: Mrs. Elizabeth Dipuo Peters Tel: 27-74-290-3189 Fax: 27867714610 Email: elizadpncp yahoo. co. za Attn: Intending Partner, Firstly, let me start by introducing myself as Mrs. Elizabeth Dipuo Peters, I am visually impaired Widow, a mother of two children and former Premier of the Northern Cape Province (22 April 2004 - 10 May 2009) under the auspices of the President of South Africa, Mr. Thabo Mbeki, and now elected as a Minister of Energy of the Republic of South Africa since 11 May 2009, under the auspices of the new President of South Africa, Mr. Jacob Zuma. I got your contact curtsey in our foreign information exchange in South Africa on a personal request in search of a reliable and trustworthy foreign individual, though we have not met before, After due deliberation with my children, I decided to contact you for your assistance in standing as a beneficiary to the sum of US30.5M ( Thirty Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only) Elizabeth Dipuo Peters and read about me, My husband Mr. John N. Peters died during Apartheid Crises in South Africa in 1986, after his death I discovered that he had some funds in a dollar account which amounted to the sum of US30.5M with a security and finance institution in South Africa of which I will divulge information to you when I get your full consent and support to go for a change of beneficiary and subsequent transfer of the funds into you a comfortable and conducive account of your choice for investment, and my late husband kept this fund for a purpose of foreign investment for my children. This fund emanated as a result of an over-invoiced contract which he executed with the Government of South Africa. I am offering you 20 of the principal sum which amounts to US6,100.000.00 (Six million One Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only) and 5 will be for any expenses that both of us may incur during this transaction. And another 5will go for Motherless babes home. However, you have to assure me and also be ready to go into agreement with me that you will not elope with my fund. If you agree to my terms, kindly as a matter of urgency send me email or you can contact me on my direct line above, so that we can talk more about the transfer, Please I do not need to remind you of the need for absolute Confidentiality of this transaction. My regards to your family. Mrs. Elizabeth Dipuo Peters Minister of Energy South Africa Subject: You have received a tax refund payment You have received a tax refund payment of 432.25NZD from IRC (Inland Revenue amp Customs) into your Internet Banking Account. Please accept the tax refund request. The money will appear in your Internet Banking Account after 3-6 days. A refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons. For example submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline. Please click on sign in to Online Banking to accept your incoming funds Best Regards Inland Revenue amp Customs. Subject: Todays Draws result Congratulations, your email address has won (1,000,000.00USD) in the on going Publishers Clearing House lotto draw that was held today, please fill details below for claims and email us back: Name: Address: Sex: Occupation: Present Country: Telephone Number: Once Again Congratulations. Sincerely Mr. Thomas Hendricks Online Co-Ordinator Direct Line: Tel:44 701 117 3501 Subject: ReYouve won 2013 New Year Promo. Your E-mail has won 5,000,000.00USD in the recent Yahoo Asia Finance Bonanza. You are currently approved to collect a sum of Five Million Dollars from our Claims Department. To collect your Prize, please send an e-mail to: Mr. Richard Allen, Remittance Director. E-mail: kimocontacts kimo OUR REQUIREMENTS FOR CLAIMS:WE NEED YOUR:AGERESIDENTIAL OR OFFICE ADDRESSOCCUPATIONTEL NO. DRIVERS LICENCETICKETING DETAILS Yahoo Asia Team. Subject: Commercial amp Personal Loans Be informed that we offer all types of Fast Collateral And Non Collateral Business amp Business Expansion. Personal. Mortgage, Consolidation, Investment at 3 interest rate even with bad credits. For more information and application contact - Scott Porter AampA FINANCE, UK aafundings dishmail. net Subject: KINDLY VIEW ATTCHED FILE AND GET BACK TO ME URGENTLy. From The Desk Of Mr. Wayne loi Senior Staff In File Department, Ned Bank Of South African Pretoria South Africa South African. PLANE CRASH WEB SITE. (quotREMITTANCE OF 22 MILLION U. S.A DOLLARS CONFIDENTIAL IS THE CASEquot) Compliment of the Season, on a very good day. I am (Mr. Wayne Loi) a senior staff in file department in Ned Bank Of South African(NBSA).I got your contact from a YahooTourist Search. When i was searching for a foreign partner I assured of your capability and reliability to champion this business opportunity when I prayed to God about you. In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of 22 million U. S.A dollars (Twenty Two Million U. S.A Dollars). In an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his entire family in (Monday September 2nd, 1998 GMT 4:22 UK) in a plane crash. Please see for more information. Let Mr. Zhu Li Deposited the Sum of 22 million U. S.A dollars and know body will ever come for this money because he has no next of kin in his documents. Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because we cannot release it unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines, But unfortunately we learnt that all his supposed next of kin or relation died alongside with him at the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim. It is therefore upon this discovery that I and one official in my department now decided to make this business proposal to you and release the money to you as the next of kin or relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and we dont want this money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed bill. The Banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such money remained unclaimed after 17 years, the money will be transferred into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund. The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner, And a Southern cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner. We agree that 35 of this money will be for you as foreign partner, in respect to the provision of a foreign account, 10 will be set aside for expenses incurred during the business and 65 would be for me and my woman colleague. There after I and my colleague will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentages indicated. Therefore to enable the immediate transfer of this fund to you as arranged, you must apply first to the bank as relations or next of kin of the deceased indicating your bank name, your bank account number, your private telephone and fax number for easy and effective communication and location where the money will be remitted. Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you by fax or email the text of the application I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is hitch free and that you should not entertain any atom of fear as all required arrangements have been made for the transfer. Yours faithfully, Wayne Loi POST SCRITUM. You have to keep everything secret as to enable the transfer to move very smoothly in to the account you will prove to the bank. NOTE: YOU DONT HAVE TO REPLY TO THIS EMAIL ID, REPLY BACK TO MY PERSONAL EMAIL ID BELOW TO CARRY ON WITH OUT DELAY EMAIL wayneloi superposta OR DIRECT CONTACT LINE :( 27)789833235 PLEASE YOU DONT HAVE TO CALL DURING MY OFFICE HOUR TO AVOID AN EYE BOWL ON MY SEAT CAUSE AM STILL ON DUTY AS OF THESE MOMENT. TOP SECRET MUST BE KEPT ONLY. Subject: Late Mr. Billy Lawrence My name is Dr. Kofi James, regional branch manager Eco bank of Ghana, I have decided to seek a confidential co-operation with you in the execution of the deal described here-under for our both mutual benefit and I hope you will keep it a top secret because of the nature of the transaction. During the course of our bank year auditing, I discovered an unclaimed/abandoned deposited fund, sum total of 15.500, 000.00 USD (Fifteen Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign customers (Late Mr. Billy Lawrence) an American a gold merchant who unfortunately lost his life and family, in an Auto Crash along abidipelle Drive Accra Capital city of Ghana in September 7, 2004. Now our bank has been waiting for any of the relatives to come-up for the claim but nobody has done that. I personally has been unsuccessful in locating any of the relatives for over 7 years now, I sincerely seek your consent to present you as the next of kin / Will Beneficiary to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account valued at can be paid to you, which we will share in these percentages ratio, 60 to me and 40 to you. All that I require from you is your sincere co-operation trust honesty and utmost confidentiality to enable us conduct this transaction successfully. I assure you that this transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law both in your country and here in Accra Ghana kindly get back to me with your direct mobile phone number if you are in anyway privileged to carry out this transaction, I will call you for proper discussion on how you will open communication with the bank and make the claims for onward transfer of the fund to you, please note that we have few days to carry out this deal, Your kind rapid response will be highly appreciated. Dr. Kofi James Regional Branch Manager Eco Bank of Ghana Kaneshie Branch Ghana Subject: Job Opportunity-Earn Extra Income We need a representative in your country, please view the attached file and see if you will be interested. You do not ever need to pay for any fees to apply, Send us the required informations to Mr. Wadia at wuxisunroy. onlinetrade e-mail. ua for your kind consideration. Regards Stacey Faraj Wuxi Sunroy International Trading Limited United Arab Emirate Address: P. O. Box 31550, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. China Address: Add: Room 525 Digital building, No.99 Qingyang Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China We are into Manufacturing of Fabrics, Textiles and Furniture Wares with numerous customers home and abroad. We produce various clothing materials, batiks, assorted fabrics and traditional costume. We need a honest representative from your country who will be in charge of all our payments from our clients/customers, because most of our customers pay us through Certified checks which are not negotiable here in United Arab Emirates. This brought to our quest to employ a credible and trustworthy person as our representative to handle our payments. We have lots of payments made from our clients sitting in our accounting department in DUBAI. In order to maintain our long lasted relationship with our customers we have employed some workers in the past but they are not enough since we are growing rapidly. This would not affect your present job, but will serve as another stream of income to your good self. As our Representative in your country, your tasks are 1. Receive payment from Customers 2. Deduct 10 which will be your percentage/pay on each Payment processed. 3. Forward the balance after deduction of (percentage/pay) to any of our offices you will be contacted to send payment to. (Payment is to be forwarded by Western Union Money Transfer/Money Gram). Note: As a representative of our company you will be entitled to 10 of any amount you receive from customers on behalf of the company as payments for outstanding debts or goods that they want to buy. This work takes only 3-7 hours per week. Youll have a lot of free time doing another work, but this opportunity is very challenging and you should understand it. We are looking for a worker who is satisfied with our requirements and will be an earnest assistant. We are glad to offer this job position to you. Please contact Mr. Stanley Wadia at wuxisunroy. onlinetrade e-mail. ua and he will get back to you as soon as possible, before any of your information will be forwarded to our clients for payments you will be notify a day before. Required Information: FULL NAMES: STREET ADDRESS NO: CITY: ZIP CODE: COUNTRY: CELLPHONE NUMBER: HOME PHONE: SEX: AGE: OCCUPATION: Regards, H. R.M. Mrs. Stacey Faraj Subject: Refund Transaction 621023 Started. View original email. pdf (24k) Subject: CommBank Online: Please Re-Validate Your NetBank Details You are requested to revalidate your Details in your Online Profile. This is as a result of on-going routine Update with our systems. To avoid loss of information This is an automated process that occurs during server upgrade. Therefore it is important for all Online users to Re-validate Please Follow the link below to sign in and re-validate your profile Click Here To Begin Note: Failure to Re-validate your profile Activity will lead to online service suspension. Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 17:42:15 0100 Subject: Re: 1997 HYUNDAI ACCENT: Hyundai accent 4 door car color Bourne from Gas LPG and set up around the country. Cool on a budget (London). 99,000 Baht so i added 12000baht for the courier charges so i made a transfer of a total amount of 117000baht and as the 1st Source bank transfer policy for a secured payment transaction, you are to confirm first the payment by sending first from your pocket the sum of 12000baht first via western union money transfer to the transport name and address below so on your western union payment receipt you will have the MTCN number which you will send to the bank and once the bank have the mtcn and your western union payment receipt they will release the total amount of 117000baht to your account immediately. Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2013 19:48:41 0100 Subject: Re: 1997 HYUNDAI ACCENT: Hyundai accent 4 door car color Bourne from Gas LPG and set up around the country. Cool on a budget (London). 99,000 Baht Well. i just contacted the bank FBI police now for an immediate legal action arrest on you at your given address, this is done as a result of none response from you on the transaction been made to you, you have just 48hours hours to send out from your pocket the courier cost of 12000baht from your pocket first. and send it via western union money transfer post to the courier name and address (Stacie Hartman) and send your western union payment receipt copy to the bank confirmation mail. for the activation of the full funds to your account. as soon as possible before the legal action arrest time. they got your name and address tracked for the legal action arrest and have been sent and verified to your nearest Interpol Depth. Thanks I am Michael Shenberg, Investment Consultant with Morning-star one of the World Largest Funds management firm. I have a business proposal for you, if interested kindly compose a new mail to: michealshenbergdesk outlook my private account to discuss further. Hi, in 2010 somehow our organisation started getting communications and invoices relating to a apparent Expo Guide registration. We discovered pretty quickly that it was a scam and didnt pay anything but they are still contacting us today. It is probably also worth mentioning that they appear to try multiple contacts within the organisation - the quotdebt collectionquot agency ICAA have been in contact via phone with at least 4 people in or company. Following are some email communications and invoices we have received. From: The Deputy CEO To: hs icaacy Date: 30/10/2012 09:32 a. m. Subject: Fw: Ref:Outstanding Invoices// Further to your phone call to me yesterday, and your correspondence to Jane Doe below, I respond without prejudice below. Firstly, we do not consider that the agreement you refer to was signed by a member of our organisation. There is no evidence of it having been returned to you from our fax number or other postal receipt verification. We do not recognise the signature, and further the signatory did not name or date the agreement, nor take the opportunity to correct any, or complete, any of our company details at the time of signing. Secondly, even if a member of our organisation had signed it (which we do not believe), the agreement was deceptively presented and laid out. This deceptive and misleading contact would clearly invalidate any contractual agreement. We will not under any circumstances be paying any invoices involved with this deception, and our accounts department have been advised to ensure that you do not attempt to come in through other contact points in our organisation. Should you wish to pursue this further, for our legal record we ask that you do so by written correspondence to this email address only. Regards The Deputy CEO From: Helen Simpson lths icaacygt To: John Doe Date: 26/02/2013 10:21 p. m. Subject: ref: Helen ICAA//Attn of Mr J Doe Importance: High Date: 26 February 2013 Your Order Number: 354825 Attention of: Mr John Doe Position Held: Financial Officer Thank you for taking my call today on 05 February 2013 I apologise for the delay of further contact with you but I was awaiting 2 documents for your reference from our client which we have now received. With reference to our telephone conversation, with reference to the outstanding invoices your company has owing to Expo Guide. Please read with due care and attention the reason of our contact (ICAA) with your company, as this has become a very serious matter. therefore it is important to address this letter and documents with your Company CEO/Company Lawyer if necessary. International Credit Assessment Agency (ICAA) has been commissioned to act on behalf of Expo Guide (We have been allocated a limited period of time to retain your file) as to assist your company resolve the matter of these outstanding invoices - out of court. Expo Guide had initially posted to your company the enclosed letter and order form offering a designed advertisement via their online data base www expo-guide com Your company has accepted the offer, completed and signed the order form and returned it to Expo Guide. After receipt of your order Expo Guide has created a dedicated online advertisement for your company which can be viewed under. www expo-guide com/ Unfortunately your company has not made payment for the contractually agreed charges for the 1st,2nd and 3rd year contract period. As today the following amount is outstanding. Invoices: (3) USD 4,713.00 Late charges and interest USD 338.00 TOTAL USD 5,051.00 Furthermore we need to draw to your attention to the enclosed cover letter (see documents attachment ) which was mailed to you together with the order form which clearly indicates that: Should you wish to place an order for a payable insertion please use the attached order form. Modifying data free of charge can only be done online The order form itself again says in clear print: This form is only for your correct listing as an individual payable advertisement entry Again with reference to print on your order form it is again mentioned that: The order is payable and irrevocable unless revoked by registered letter within ten days of the date of submission. However our client is agreeable to accept a lower settlement payment of USD 1,571.00 and cancel late charges amp interest on condition payment is paid immediately within the next 4 banking days. We require a written letter as to confirm you are agreeable to resolve this matter out of court as to make the make the lower settlement payment payable to Expo Guide of USD 1,571.00 on this 1st year outstanding invoice. On receipt of this letter a Cancellation Agreement document will be prepared in preparation for making this payment. On receipt of your payment to our client your all outstanding invoices will be cancelled (see reference to 4th year invoice, reference to print on order form), late charges and interest revoked, your order cancelled, your contract terminated, this will be stipulated in print on your Cancelation Agreement Should you decline this lower offer from our client as to settle amicably out of court, we shall be obliged as to follow through our final legal procedure as to forward to you a legal letter, on receipt of your legal letter the lower settlement offer will be automatically revoked. Please note below bank details of client//Expo Guide//Outstanding Invoices Account Account holder: Expo Guide S. C. Address: Apartado Postal No. 39 064 C. P. 15621 Mexico D. F. Mexico. Bank: Banco Santander S. A. 1809 URB. O. E. Madrid. Glorieta Ruiz Gimnez1, 28015 Madrid. Spain IBAN: ES43 0049 1809 28 211 0338 334 Bank account: 2110338334 Swift BSCHESMM Payment to be paid via T/T or Credit Card. A credit card payment form can be forwarded upon request. Yours faithfully, Helen Simpson Senior Credit Manager INTERNATIONAL CREDIT ASSESSMENT AGENCY ICAA Ltd. Tsacon Court 187A Leontiou Str. 4th Floor. 3020Limassol Cyprus P. O. Box 53397 3302 Limassol Cyprus Phone: 357 25 27 06 66 Fax: 357 25 27 07 77 E-mail: hs icaacy Website: www icaacy com From: John Doe Sent: Wednesday, 27 February 2013 9:45 a. m. To: Helen Simpson Subject: Re: ref: Helen ICAA//Attn of Mr J. Doe Helen, I refer you to correspondence that has already taken place with our organisation from our companies Deputy CEO who has forwarded an email to all Executives in the Organisation, and instructed no payment to be made. The Expo Listing scam is listed by New Zealands Department of Internal Affairs and the National Fieldays site, along with numerous other government agencies. I will not be responding to any further communications from either Expo-guide or ICAA, and will certainly not be making payment Regards View the invoices. pdf (264k) Subject: I Need Your Urgent Help. John Doe I came down to Manila, Philippines with my family for a short vacation but unfortunately, we were mugged and robbed at the park of the hotel where we stayed. All cash, credit cards and cell phones were stolen off us but we still have our lives and passports. Weve been to the embassy and the police here and they have done the best they can. Our flight leaves in less than 48hrs from now but we are having problems settling the hotel bills and the hotel manager wont let us leave until we settle the bills. I am contacting you to ask for a short loan which I will refund immediately I get my family back home safely. Let me know if you can help. Looking forward to positive response. Subject: - DONATION TO YOU 10,000,000.00 (sginc44 yahoo. hk) - DONATION TO YOU 10,000,000.00 (sginc44 yahoo. hk) IJ BOLTEN DIAGNOSED OF CANCER. I DONATE TO YOU 10,000,000.00 (TEN MILLION USD) TO YOU. SEND IN YOU TEL NUMBER AND ALTERNATIVE EMAIL. CONTACT MY ATTORNEY, S. GATES VIA THIS EMAIL ALONE FOR CLAIMS (sginc44 yahoo. hk) Subject: KINDLY CONTACTING WESTERN UNION OFFICE NOW. KINDLY CONTACTING WESTERN UNION OFFICE NOW. I have deposited your check to the western union office we agreed with western Union office, your name and your email address listed and approved for this payments Compensation fund 27USD as one of the mail address win victims, during the last UN meeting held at Port-novo, Capital Of Benin, reconfirm your address, Your Full name, Your Telephone Number. All you have to do contacting this office ( unionwestern48 kimo ) they will give you direction on how you will starting receiving the funds daily. the agreement with western union office is 5000USD per a daily twice until the whole of 2.7USD is tranfered complete to you again i want to let you know Mr Larry Martin said you have sent him to claim the fund on your behalf, are you ware of this person Call Rev Tony Mike immediately you receive the message now for your first Payment of 5000USD today because the first Payment is ready today call him at Direct Line. 22968441792 now to avoid mistakes like transfering the the first payment to a wrong person We are wataing to receive the information soon. Reply here ( unionwestern48 kimo ) Email them with above address, the contact person is REV TONY MIKE with phone number 22968441792.But i am advise you call Rev. Tony Mike Immediatley you receive this e-mail with 229-68441792 ask him for the two digit numbers of the MTCN. SENDERS NAME. Rev. Tony Mike TEXTQUESTION. HONESTY ANSWER. ALWAYS CODE. 303 MTCN. 9152996. AMOUNTSENT. 5000USD Best regard Mr. David May. Your Funds transfer is Ready Subject: Your account has been restricted Dear Valued Customer, Your Kiwi internet banking account has been restricted Click the following Link to restore all blocked access. Customer Care Account Dept. Kiwi Bank Limited. Subject: Your Compensation Good Day Beneficiary, This is to inform you that Your wining compensation sum of(US800.000) has been converted into an ATM-VISA CARD by United Nations Contact Ben Maxwell Via Email:(benmaxwell11 e-mail. ua)with your address for delivery. Regard Emma Egobia Subject: first payment Dear Valued Customer. Our Operation manager has sent your first payment of 5000usd to you and here is the informationContact Phone Number229-98705115. Email (westernbj03 live) Bellow is your first payment for 5000usd sent today. Sender Name: Ani Mike MTCN: 0569397621 Question when Answer now Amount Sent: 5000usd I am waiting for your urgent response after you have picked up this first payment. I am dave brad from california, i am here to see that you get all your money that you lost to scammers back, reply back for your money now Subject: GET BACK TO ME VIA THIS EMAIL:razberts2 blumail. org Do you need a L0AN or Financing of any type Have been turned down by your bank due to bad credit Do you have unpaid bills or in debt Do you have dreams of setting up a business Contact us today, we are fast and reliable and honesty is our watch word. To apply, DO NOT CLICK REPLY..but SIMPLY COMPOSE A NEW MESSAGE via email: razberts2 blumail. org Subject: Sales Agent Needed We are offering a job position in our company. Harvey Fishing Seafood is employing individuals to work for the company as a Sales Representative/Payment processing Agent. You dont need to have an Office and this certainly wont disturb any form of work, you have at the moment. Salary: No basic salary, lucrative commissions structures. Average income range between 3000 - 5000 pm. Position: Sales Representative/Payment processing Agent Experience: None Required - We will guide you through. Age Requirements: From 25yrs and Above Schedule: 5 hours/week. You choose your hours. Visit our application centre on www harveyfishnet com/application if Interested to Apply. Admission is free of charge. Scam Warnings. Do not pay for a job, Your job has to pay you, BEWARE of Scams. In Trust and Good Faith, Mr. Thomas Lashan Recruiting Department Please note that Your Anz online banking account has been flagged, due to recent changes we have made to our online banking system. Therefore your access to use our Anz online banking services has been limited until you update your account information. To update your informations please follow the link below, Click here to proceed Note: This verification will allow us to activate new features to your account on our system or you will lose your account, ANZ SECURITY TEAM. Subject: CONTACT CODE(511) Our Ref: UN/EU/CITIBANK/511 WORLD BANK GROUP AND UNITED NATION ORGANIZATION do hereby give this irrevocable approval order with Release Code: GNC/3480/02/00 in your favor for your contract entitlement/award winning payment with the UNITED NATION to your nominated bank account. Now youre new Payment, United nation Approval NoUN5685P, White House Approved No:WH44CV, Reference No.-35460021, Allocation No: 674632 Password No: 339331. Pin Code No: 55674 and your Certificate of Merit Payment No. 103. Released Code No: 0763 Immediate Citibank Telex confirmation No: -1114433 Secret Code No: XXTN013, Having received these vital payment number. therefore You are qualified now to received and confirm Your payment with the United Nation immediately within the next 72hrs. As a matter of fact, you are required to Deal and Communicate only with MR SCOTT PETERS, DIRECTOR INTERNATIONAL REMMITTANCE CITIBANK OF UNITED KINGDOM, with the help and monitory team from the CITIBANK OF NEW YORK which is our official remitting bank, Committee On Foreign Payment Matters in United Nation, has look up to make sure you receive your fund valued 8.3m. So contact:MR SCOTT PETERS on his contact information, Direct Citibank Telephone No 447045700247, Cell/mobile 44-7031899725 Fax Number:870 28 7323, Email: unitednation303 ymail for immediate release of your contract/inheritance/Award Winning claim Be informed that you are not allowed to correspond with any person or office anymore, You are required to send bellow informati 1) YOUR FULL NAME: 2) FULL ADDRESS OF YOUR CITY, STATE AND COUNTRY: 3) PHONE, FAX AND MOBILE: 4) COMPANY NAME, POSITION AND ADDRESS: 5) BANK INFORMATIONS: a) BANK NAME: b) BANK ADRESS: c) ACCOUNT NUMBER: d) SWIFT CODE/ ROUTING NUMBER: 6) PROFESSION, AGE AND MARITAL STATUS: 7) A COPY OF YOUR INTL PASSPORT/DRIVERS LICENSE NOTE: YOUR PERSONAL CONTACT/COMMUNICATIONCODE WITH CITIBANK IS(511),YOU ARE ARE ADVICE TO SEND YOU FULL BANKING INFORMATION TO THE CITIBANK OF LONDON INTERNATIONAL REMMITTANCE DIRECTOR HEADED BY MR SCOTT PETERS AND MAKE SURE YOU SPEAK WITH HIM, WITH YOUR NEW PAYMENT CODE FOR RELEASE OF YOUR PAYMENT AND SEND HIM ALL YOUR BANKING INFORMATION NOW. CONTACT CODE(511) OFFICER:MR SCOTT PETERS. POSITION:DIRECTOR, INTL, REMMITTANCE CITIBANK LONDON. TELEPHONE OFFICE/BANK:447045700247. FAX NUMBER:44870 28 7323 CELL/MOBILE: 447031899725, EMAIL:unitednation303 ymail SIR FRANK PETERSON. (CHAIRMAN COMMITTE ON FOREIGN CONTRACT/AWARD WINING PAYMENT UNITED NATION AND USA GOVERNMENT). Subject: Note your payment pass-code: atm900-k16 OCEANIC BANK INTERNATIONAL PLC has been mandated to issue out an ATM CARD value of, to you send details Subject: Access To Santander Online Banking Service Dear Valued Customer, Reference to our recent requirements to all Santander customers, we have noticed some information were missing in your Santander form sent for our database updates. Please kindly download the link below and complete the form below accurately as we would like to update our system Click here to complete the form below We hope you find our Online Banking service easy and convenient to use. Yours sincerely Santander Bank, Digital Banking Director TOYOTA AWARD DEPARTMENT Toyota (GB) Forest Road, Feltham Middlesex TW13 7DY United Kingdom. We are pleased to inform you that your Email Address has won 450,000.00 (four hundred and fifty thousand Great British Pounds) in cash or bank draft credited to file reference number: TOYOTA: 01173VG/12 and a Brand New Toyota Car (TOYOTA CAMRY) in the 2013 New Year of Toyota Automobile Group Alleviation Promo. The selection process was carried out through random selection in our computerized email selection system(ESS) from a database of over 950,000 email addresses drawn from all the continents of the world. New Toyota Car. Year 2012 Model MODEL. Toyota Camry Manual ENGINE TYPE. 1973cc 4-cylinder POWER. 145bhp TRANSMISSIONS. Five-speed manual FUEL. 29.1mpg (combined) This Toyota car award is approved by the British Gaming Board and also Licensed by The International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR).This promotional car award is the tenth of its kind and we intend to sensitize the public. FOR YOUR PRIZE CLAIMING CONTACT THE CLAIM DEPARTMENT WITH THE INFORMATION BELOW: TICKET NUMBER: 793-TKH75 REFERENCE NUMBER: TOYOTA:33PKY69276037 SECURITY PIN CODE:33PKY692 1, FULL NAME: 2, ADDRESS: 3, MOBILE No: 4, AGE: 5, SEX: 6, STATE: 7, OCCUPATION: 8, COUNTRY: 9,YOUR SECURITY PIN CODE: The information in this email is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee(s). Access to this email by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not an intended recipient, please notify the sender of this email immediately. You should not copy, use or disseminate the information contained in the email. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views TOYOTA AUTOMOBILES GROUP UNITED KINGDOM. Regards, Members amp Staffs DR. KELVIN PALMER (Claims Manager) 447-0129-942-28 info. claimtoyotaawarddept yahoo. co. uk Copyright 2013 Toyota Inc how are you today hope all is fine with you Dear. well a lot of things became interested in you, I will also like to know you more, and I want you to send an email to my email address so we can share more Remember the distance or colour does not matter but love matters. nice to meet you Subject: Your Transfer Ref: 2090984. Your Transfer Ref: 2090984 you are on to Santande Bank international, We received instruction from our correspondence Bank to transfer your awarded payment to you, but we received another email from John Doe whom claim to be your representative with a letter of trust, requesting your money to be transfer on below account. BANK: Westpac Bank ADDRESS: 27 Horomatangi Street, Taupo, New Zealand. ACCOUNT NAME: John Doe ACCOUNT NUMBER: SWIFT CODE: Transfer Amount: 500.000 Euros Please, do reconfirm to us as a matter of urgency if you authorized John Doe to receive your award on your behalf. pls contact the transfer dept, Via-email: info santarder. biz. tc to stop the transfer if you do not signed the authorization Yours Sincerely, Mr. Carlos Alfredo Open Bank international http //www bancosantander es Subject: Good Morning sir Hello Sir, I am sorry to contact you through this medium. What I want to share with you is a very important issue, something I and my mum consider as a secrete. My dad died last year and just three months after his burial his brother wanted to sleep with my mum and she refuse, so he became angry and then conspired together with our family elders and take over all my fathers properties. They chased us out of our house because I am a woman. Here If you do not have a male child your brothers will take over your properties when the person dies, that is the custom here, they do not regard women. So my mum took me to the city where we are now living in a very poor environment. My mum told me that my father kept something useful, she gave me a file containing documents of Gold bars and dust which my dad deposit in a Storage. She told me that she remove the file from my fathers bag two days after my dad died. I thank God that she did. So now that is the only thing remaining for us to build our hope on. I have gone to the storage company where the gold was kept and they showed me the gold. Now my reason of telling you this is because I want you to come to our rescue Can you assist us to transfer the gold out of Ghana to your country. Then you will also help us to sell the gold and invest the money in a good business there for us. We are willing to give you thirty kilos of the gold if you can help us. Please consider my plea and help me and my mum because we are suffering too much. Please send me a number to reach you so that i can call you. If you want to see me on a webcam or my photo please let me know. Thanks and may God bless you. You can call me on this number 233572920638 Subject: Congratulations/Contact my Secretary as your ATM CARD is ready. Im happy to inform you about my success in getting those funds transferred under the co-operation of this new partner from Paraguay after you refused to do the business with me. Although, its really been quite a long time but after all efforts, i succeeded. Now contact my secretary in COTONOU-BENIN REPUBLIC. I have left a certified international ATM CARD for you with my secretary worth of US2.5m cash able anywhere in the world as your own compensation. Ask him to send you the total of US2.5m (in ATM CARD) which i kept for your compensation in for all the past efforts and attempts to assist me in this matter. I appreciated your efforts at that time very much. HIS NAME IS: REV. DONALD KUKAH. ADDRESS: Cotonou, Benin Republic. His email address: rev. donaldkukah2 yahoo. fr Nevertheless, you should send to him: 1) YOUR FULL NAME: 2) ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND COUNTRY: 3) PERSONAL CELL PHONE, FAX AND MOBILE: 4) COMPANY NAME (IF ANY) POSITION AND ADDRESS: 5) OCCUPATION, AGE AND MARITAL STATUS: 6) COPY OF YOUR INTL PASSPORT/DRIVERS LICENSE: Presently, i am far away in Canary Island with this new partner on further investments. Please do let me know immediately you receive it so that we can share the joy after all the sufferings at that time. In the moment, Im very busy here because of the investment projects which me and the new partner are having at hand. Good luck Regards, MS. LINDA GAYUS. Subject: Last Opportunity: Transition Improved. Your last submission was incomplete and at such, was unsuccessful. This is your last opportunity to be moved to our new servers. You are hereby required to confirm your information immediately for seamless transition as communicated in our last email. To proceed, kindly START NOW Regards Customer Service Team Commonwealth Bank Subject: Warning ( Mailbox Abused ) MAILBOX HAS BEEN VIOLATED ADMIN / STAFF / EMPLOYEE Clickhere xvahsyenjdh82hebdh form2go com/76312 html for Cleanup Admin Authorized cleanup. Subject: Payment notification system transaction is completed. 7136 has been successfully transferred. If the transaction was made by mistake please contact our customer service. Receipt on payment is attached. This is an automatically generated email, please do not reply Subject: Lets talk more my bunny Hello My name is Tanya. I am lonely russian woman from Ulyanovsk. I hope you will interested in my letter or in my structure in agency. I have decided to write to you really liked to me. Some more about me. I am 25, I have finished medical university in our city and now I work as the childrens doctor. My free time I spend on a hippodrome, as I 7 years am engaged in equestrian sport. I think more about my appearance will tell you my photos. If you want to learn more about me you may write me to Kurakiyn85 yandex. ru Also if you want to ask me some questoins (if interested in me), please write me and I promise answer you and also I will send you more of my photos. Bye for now. I hope its letter will not without your reply. Subject: PLEASE SEND YOUR DATA AGAIN FOR CONFIRMATION AND FUND TRANSFER THE DESK OF WESTERN UNION REMITTANCE RN UNION REMITTANCE DEPT. Our Ref: WUMT0XX2/987UK Website: www westernunion com We have tried contacting you several timWe have tried contacting you several times but it seems our notification message was not essage was not coming through and as such we could not send ythrough and as such we could not send you the Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) of your ber (MTCN) of your 300.000.00USD (Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) deposited wit Thousand United States Dollars) deposited with us by United Nations h us by United Nations in collaboration with the European Union. We were given your ropean Union. We were given your Email Address by the UN Data center for the UN Data center for us to have the deposited funds transferred to you. EU/U sferred to you. EU/UN are helping people around the WoN are helping people around the World because of the global economy and financial melt down that has put Most Fam and financial melt down that has put Most Families in Poverty across the World. So ilies in Poverty across the World. So every Year since 2008 when the program startedr since 2008 when the program started Thirteen Beneficiaries around the Globe ar Thirteen Beneficiaries around the Globe are selected in the on line draw and awarded the sum of 300.000.00 USD. Y ed the sum of 300.000.00 USD. You are one of beneficiaries of this year ou are one of beneficiaries of this years Donation. To help us facilitate the process of yourTo help us facilitate the process of your transfer, we need your information as stated below for ation as stated below for verification and records. Provide the following information:Provide the following information: 1. Receivers Full Name: 2. Receivers Address: 3. Receivers Country: 4. Mobile Telephone Number: 5. Occupation: 6. Identity Card OR Valid International Passport:ational Passport: 7. Age: 8. sex: NOTE: We also hereby state that we wNOTE: We also hereby state that we will handle with respect and confidentiality your entire information tiality your entire information at our disposal. With the requested dat our disposal. With the requested data we can commence the facilitation of your funds transfer to you. f your funds transfer to you. Congratulations once again and Best rons once again and Best regards. Mrs. Sarah Shaw (Transfer Manager)(Transfer Manager) 20 Wayte Street, Portsmouth, PO6 3BS Telephone: 44-703-192-8876 Email: wumtclaimsoffice Copyright 2013 western Union Hold ings Inc. UK Subject: Online Job Opening: 5000 per month theres a new online opening that I think youd be a good fit for. go take a look now before its filled by someone else talk soon, --HELP WANTED TEAM Subject: Re: 18 Months Project I have a business proposal for you. Please, let me know if this email is valid. I am Capt. Andrew Huth, i need your urgent help to move 5,600,000.00 million, please note this is not a stolen money Contact these email (capt. andrewhut qq.) for details Subject: Read for your perusal I am Mr Richard Radebe, Personal banker and account officer to the late UWE Gamballa who was murdered in South Africa, before his death he was the CEO of porsche Motors. My urgent need for a foreign partner that made me to contact You for this transaction. I got your contact from yahoo Tourist search while I was searching for a foreign partner. As this message might meet you in utmost surprise. However, it All just sure of your capability. And reliability to champion This business opportunity when I prayed to good Lord about you. Before his death he left the sum of 22Million Usd with the ABSA Bank of South Africa were currently i work as a banker, and all attempt to communicate with him Family was to no avail, and he never included any next of Kin on this account and until now no one has steped forward to lay claims on the entire funds The Below Link will give you an insigt of his story.(removed) Therefore i require your partnership to stand as his next of Kin to enable me prepare all legal paper works in your name to have the funds moved out in your name, and if you agree do respond back to me to enable me furnish you with more details as to the way forward in how this can be achieved. Immediately you receive this letter. Please indicate your Willingness by sending your information to enable us enter into the official stage of this transaction. For more Clarification and easy communication contact me via my private email: richardradebe mail2world my private cell number 27719836756. You can as well Visite our website www ABSA CO ZA I await your response. Yours Faithfully, Mr Richard Radebe ABSA Bank Johanessbourg, South Africa. With the technology reform, the printing industry has been more and more common. Here I write to you, to let you know we offer printing services. Below is what we can deal with mainly, but no limited to. Promotional products: leaflets, brochures, flyers etc. Card products: play cards, business card, head card, score cards etc. Book products: magazines, soft/hard cover books, catalogues, picture album etc. Others: sticker/label, tags, cardboard/ corrugate box, paper/plastic bags. paper cups, cover folders etc. Waiting for your early reply. Subject: Your transactions are suspended Due to the introduction of our new security system, which is aimed at reducing the number of cases of wire fraud, all the account transactions of our customers will be temporarily blocked unless the special security requirements are met. In order to re-establish the full functioning of your account, it is necessary that you install a special security software. Please open the link below and follow the instructions to proceed with the installation. We apologize for causing you troubles by this measure. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any problems. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Security Department Something sparked my interest in you Could we make a closer acquaintance Subject: hi jane explore all your opportunities one of them will make you very successful jane make sure you tell the others im sure this will be as profitable for you as it was for me adobe ly/YcLlB2 this will be viral soon DO YOU NEED A LOAN REPLY AMOUNT AND DURATION Subject: Please Open The Attach Letter And Get Back To Me. Telephone: 27783367544. Fax: 27866034918. Private Email: drbasilndulula gmail First I Must Solicit For Your Confidence In This Transaction This Is By Virtue Of Its Nature As Being Utterly Confidential. Though I Know That A Transaction Of This Magnitude, Will Make Anyone Apprehensive And Worried But I Am Assuring You That All Will Be Well At The End Of The Deal. I Have Decided To Contact You Due To The Urgency Of This Transaction, Let Me Start By Introducing Myself Properly To You. I Am Dr Basil Ndulula. The Accountant And Auditor Director One Of Bank Annex Here In Pretoria South Africa. I Came To Know You In My Private Search Through The South Africa Chamber Of Commerce For A Reliable And Reputable Person To Handle This Confidential Transaction, Which Involves The Transfer Of Huge Sum Of Money To A Foreign Country Requiring Maximum Confidence. The Proposition: A Foreigner quotA Diamond/ Gold Merchant CeoquotWho Met His Death In An Auto Accident With His Wife/ 2 Kids On The Highway Road Of Cape Town Here In South Africa While Going On Vacation Holidays In 2/9/2009 Worth Of (Us18.5 Million)quotEighteen Million Five Hundred United States Dollars).The Bank Now Expects A Next Of Kin As Beneficiary And Valuable Efforts Have Been Made By The Bank To Get In Touch With Any Of The Family Or Relatives But To No Success. It Is Because Of The Perceived Possibility Of Not Being Able To Locate Any Of The Late Depositors Next-Of-Kin. Based Upon This Discovery, I Have Decided To Make This Business Proposal To You And Release The Money To You As Next-Of-Kin Or Relation To The Deceased For Safety And Subsequent Disbursement Since Nobody Is Coming For It And I Dont Want This Money To Go Into The Bank Treasury As Unclaimed Funds. The Banking Laws and Guidelines Here Stipulates That, If Such Money Remained Unclaimed After Seven Years, The Money Will Be Transferred Into The Banks Treasury As Unclaimed Funds. The Request For A Foreigner As Next-Of-Kin Is Occasioned By The Fact That, The Late Depositor Was A Foreigner And So Indigenous Cannot Stand As The Next-Of-Kin. In Order To Avert This Development, Some Of My Trusted Colleagues And I Now Seek Your Permission To Have You Stand As Next Of Kin To The Late Depositor So That The Fund, Us18.5 Million Will Be Released And Paid To You As The Beneficiary Next-Of-Kin. All Documents And Proves To Enable You Get This Fund Will Be Carefully Worked Out On Your Acceptance To Partake In This Transaction. My Colleagues And I In My Department Have Secured From Probate An Order Of Mandamus To Locate Any Of The Declared Beneficiary (Next Of Kin) And More So I Am Assuring You That This Business Is 100 Risk Free. Meanwhile Your Percentage Share Shall Be 40 With Respect To The Provision Of A Foreign Account, 10 Has Been Set Aside For Any Expenses We Might Incurs While The Remaining 50 Will Be For My Colleagues And I. As Soon As We Acknowledge Receipt Of Your Acceptance Of This Business Proposal. I Would Furnish You With The Necessary Steps To Take Beginning With The Text Of Application Which You Shall Forward To The Bank For Scrutiny And Approval. Please If This Is Acceptable by You Then Kindly Send to Me Youre Reply through My above Private Email Address Immediately. Do Not Make Undue Of The Trust I Have Bestowed In You. Yours Truly, Dr Basil Ndulula. Subject: Notification about the rejected Direct Deposit payment We would like to notify you, that your most recent Direct Deposit via ACH transaction (216671457041) was rejected, because your business software package was out of date. The detailed information about this matter is available in the secure section of our web site: Click here for more information Please contact your financial institution to get your updated version of the software needed. ACH Network Rules Department NACHA - The Electronic Payments Association 15963 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 852 Herndon, VA 20114 Phone: 703-561-7230 Fax: 703-787-7835 My name is Mr. Wright Cain, a Christian from UK. I picked your email for inheritance of 2.5 Million Dollars Contact My Email (wrightcain kimo) For Details. Regards Mr. Wright Cain Subject: Your IPL processing fee has been calculated Your February IPL processing fee of 2.76 is due on Mar. 3. (Learn more) Pay your processing fee to protect your account and money. Please note that not paying your IPL processing fee may result in losing your IPL account (current balance: 500.00) and current earnings of 182.97 since you started utilizing IPL. Need help paying your processing fee Learn how or talk to an expert volunteer. Jessica Martinez FanBox Billing Department Subject: CONTACT WESTERN UNION REPRESENTATIVE TO RECEIVE YOUR CASH PAYMENT. Please be informed that we have concluded arrangement to effect your payment US620,000.00 (Six Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars) through Western Union Money Transfer. A total sum of US21,700,000 was giving out as Cash Grants to 35 international recipients worldwide in different categories for Research, Business and Social Development. All participants for the online, your name and e-mail address attached to ticket number: 00888675646534 with Serial number RHTF/98786768/11 drew the final number: 10, which subsequently entitled you to this Cash Grant of 620,000.00. We have therefore been mandated to pay you this amount immediately. However, we would like to confirm that you will be receiving daily payment of two transfers of US7,500 each totaling US15,000 everyday until you received the total funds. Now contact Western Union Money Transfer Representative with the contact details to receive your payment. Name: Mr. Michael Williams, Tel: 44-702-406-0883. On this e-mail: (westernunion198544 yahoo) Though, Jerry Lones sent two transfer of US7,500 each totaling US15,000 on your behalf today. So, contact Mr. Michael Williams and tell him to give you the MTCN, Sender Name, Question/Answer to pick up the US15,000 with other two transfers to follow up daily as schedule until you receive the total amount. Also forward him your FULL NAME, ADDRESS, DATE OF BIRTH and TELEPHONE NUMBER for confirmation. Please let me know as soon as you received all your funds US620,000.00 (Six Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars). Vielen Dank. Subject: CALVARY GREETINGS BELOVED Please endeavor to use it for the Children of God. As you read this, I dont want you to feel sorry for me, because, I believe everyone will die someday. My name is Mrs. Esther Caldwell, From Scotland, I was married to late Dr. Anthony Caldwell, a contractor with United Nations in Abidjan - Cote DIvoire, West Africa, where we live all our Lives for Thirty-two years before he died in the year 2007. I am a sick and dying woman who has decided to donate what I have to you for the work of God and for charity organization around your community. I am 59 years old and I was diagnosed of cancer for about 2 years ago, Immediately after the death of my husband who has left me everything he worked for and because the doctors told me I will not live longer than Two Month because of my present Condition, I decided to WILL/donate the sum of 5.2Million to you since I dont have a child of my Own to handle the Charity project in my name and for the work of God. You should contact me immediately you receive this mail so that I will put you in contact with the establishment to enable you arrange with them on how to get the Fund for the purpose mentioned above. I cant predict what will be my fate by the time you will receive the fund, But you should please ensure that the fund is used as l have described above. Please reply me as soon as possible. Your Dying Sister In Christ, Mrs. Esther Caldwell. Subject: YOUR ATM VISA CARD HAS BEEN APPROVED, CONGRATULATIONS. YOUR ATM VISA CARD HAS BEEN APPROVED, CONGRATULATIONS. Subject: CLAIMS PROCESSING REQUIREMENTS Congratulation once again, my name is Kevin Smith. I will be your guide through the various process of obtaining your claims. METHOD OF SELECTION All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from over 20,000 company and 30,000,000 individual Mobile numbers. Tickets were not sold directly, rather your mobile number was luckily selected to have won (US 2,500.000.00). This promotional program takes place every five years. This program is proudly sponsored by conglomerate of multinational organizations as part of their corporate social responsibility. You are required to forward the following details to help facilitate the processing of your certificate and the release of your claims. 1. Full names. 2. Residential address. 3. Winning mobile number. 4. Occupation. 5. Sex. 6. Age. You are advised to forward these information as soon as possible to enable us attend to your file. Please note that your funds have been deposited safely in a financial institution and your information will be forwarded to the bank before the bank can release your claims. The aim of the Universal Grant is to alleviate poverty and to assist winners pursue their prospective career. After we have received this information, a scanned copy of your certificate will be sent to you. This will be your proof from this office to the bank before they release your funds. If you have any questions, feel free to call:44-702-405-1401. Please keep your winning confidential to avoid impersonation Once again congratulations. Subject: Subject: URGENT Hello my beloved I am Margaret Adam, from Republic of Tanzania. i am legally married to Mr. Asim Munir Adam, an Indian citizen by birth. we meet at school before i moved to Brazil with my husband, by the grace of god, i am a new Christian convert, suffering from long time invasive cancer of the breast at the moment which is taken control of two breast All indication from my doctor that my conditions is really deteriorating and it is quite obvious that i wouldnt live more than two months, according to my doctors and in all indication regards to medical analysis. This is because the cancer disease has gotten to a very bad stage that no hope for me to be a living person again. My dear husband was involved in a plane crash, it was June 1, 2009, and this was Air France Flight 447 from Rio de Janeiro to Paris, read more about the crash During the period of our married life, we only had one child, my late husband worked as a Contractor for ELF Petroleum in Brazil and was very wealthy and after his death, i inherited some part of his business and money in the bank amounting to 30.5Million (United States Dollars only) currently deposited in Johannesburg The doctors has advised me that i may not live for more than one months and 2 weeks and warn me to decease from thinking over who is going to inherit me, today i have decided to contact you to be my next of kin, because right now am in the hospital here in South Africa I am offering you 20 of the principal sum that amounts to US6,100.000.00 (Six million One Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only) and 5 will be for any expenses that both of us may insure in this transaction. And another 5 will go for Motherless babes home. However, you have to assure me and also be ready to go into agreement with me that you will not elope with my fund and you will take care of my only son who is 7YRS OLD. That you will train him until he graduates from University and the Investment of the funds will be a joint partnership with my Son so that he will not suffer in Life if he grow up If you agree to my terms, kindly as a matter of urgency send me an email. My late Husband family in India seized all the properties and landed properties, that is why my Son and I came to South Africa, This 30.5Million (United States Dollars only) was meant to buy farm Agriculture machinery were my late Husband wants to invest in mechanized farming in Southern Africa before HE DIED IN THE PLANE CRASH on June 1, 2009 If you want to speak with my Banker that promise to help move this fund out to your account, that is fine and okay by me I await urgent reply Margaret Adam My cell : 27737457836 Email: margaretadam001 yandex Subject: Attention Please. I have information that you are the next of kin of a deceased gentleman here in the UK, please i would advice you get back to me as quickly as possibly. I appreciate your time and anticipated response. Regards, Aaron Michaels Law Consultant Email: aa. michaels consultant Subject: Congratulations. You Have Been Chosen (1,000,000.00) Open The Attachment For Your Winning Details: View attachment. pdf (480k) Subject: Limit exceeded We are sending this e-mail to inform you that your e-mail account has exceeded its sending and receiving limit in the last 7 days. In order to verify your account and lift the suspension limit, please verify your account information below: The limit applied on your account will be lifted as soon as you verify your account. After verification, you may use your e-mail account as usual. We are sorry for any inconvenient that this might have caused. Subject: NetCode Security Alert Your Netcode Security has been disabled is an extra level of security used to double-check that its really you making transactions online. You are hereby advised to follow the Link below to Re-activate your Netcode Security token. Click Here To Enable Netcode Security Asb Internet Banking. Subject: Attention Please. I have information that you are the next of kin of a deceased gentleman here in the UK, please i would advice you get back to me as quickly as possibly. I appreciate your time and anticipated response. Regards, Aaron Michaels Law Consultant Email: aa. michaels consultant Subject: Good Morning sir Hello Sir, I am sorry to contact you through this medium. What I want to share with you is a very important issue, something I and my mum consider as a secrete. My dad died last year and just three months after his burial his brother wanted to sleep with my mum and she refuse, so he became angry and then conspired together with our family elders and take over all my fathers properties. They chased us out of our house because I am a woman. Here If you do not have a male child your brothers will take over your properties when the person dies, that is the custom here, they do not regard women. So my mum took me to the city where we are now living in a very poor environment. My mum told me that my father kept something useful, she gave me a file containing documents of Gold bars and dust which my dad deposit in a Storage. She told me that she remove the file from my fathers bag two days after my dad died. I thank God that she did. So now that is the only thing remaining for us to build our hope on. I have gone to the storage company where the gold was kept and they showed me the gold. Now my reason of telling you this is because I want you to come to our rescue Can you assist us to transfer the gold out of Ghana to your country. Then you will also help us to sell the gold and invest the money in a good business there for us. We are willing to give you thirty kilos of the gold if you can help us. Please consider my plea and help me and my mum because we are suffering too much. Please send me a number to reach you so that i can call you. If you want to see me on a webcam or my photo please let me know. Thanks and may God bless you. You can call me on this number 233572920638 Subject: Quality first This is Carrie from i-loveprint Co.,Ltd. We are a leading manufacturer and exporter of printing services in China. Printing Products: Catalogues, Magazines, Picture Albums, Books, Booklets, labels/stickers, tri-fold, Calendars, flyers, business cards, Sticky memo pad, paper bags, etc. Competitive quotation will be provided upon receipt of your detailed requirements. Best regards, Carrie You need Adobe Reader installed on your computer to view our files. If you are unable to open the files we recommend you get the latest version of Adobe Reader. You can download and install Acrobat Reader for free from the Adobe website.


  1. Ich lebe in USA Florida und bin heute eine glückliche Frau? Ich sagte mir selbst, dass jeder Kreditgeber, der mein Leben und das meiner Familie verändern könnte, jede Person, die einen Kredit sucht, an sie verweisen wird. Wenn Sie einen Kredit benötigen und zu 100% sicher sind, den Kredit zurückzuzahlen, setzen Sie sich bitte mit ihnen in Verbindung und teilen Sie ihnen mit, dass Frau Marina Sie an sie verwiesen hat. oder WhatsApp sie auf +393510917209.

    WhatsApp: +393510917209

  2. Hallo,
    Ich bin Herr Mike Church Finanzdarlehen, ein legitimer Darlehensgeber, wir geben Darlehen
    zu Privatkredit, Wohnungsbaudarlehen, Darlehen, die ein Auto kaufen, Studentendarlehen, Schulden
    Konsolidierungsdarlehen, ungesichertes Darlehen, Risikokapitaldarlehen und Unternehmen an
    investieren und finanzielle Probleme lösen, etc. ... unsere Kredite leicht und teilen
    Kapital von 150 Millionen Euro, erwartet kurz- und langfristige private Kredite,
    eine Laufzeit zwischen 500 und 100 Millionen Euro für alle ernsthaften Menschen,
    zuverlässig und integrieren will es einen Kredit aufnehmen. Mein Zinssatz von 2%, wenn
    Wenn Sie an unserem Darlehensangebot interessiert sind, wenden Sie sich bitte per E-Mail an:

    Name: Herr Mike

    E-Mail: oder WhatsApp-Handynummer +1 661 380 643

  3. Dringender Realkreditantrag:
    (Citylaon & Gutschrift)
    Suchen Sie einen Geschäftskredit? Privatkredit, Wohnungsbaudarlehen, Auto
    Darlehen, Studentendarlehen, Darlehen zur Schuldenkonsolidierung, ungesicherte Darlehen, Unternehmen
    Kapital usw. .. oder wurde das Darlehen von der Bank abgelehnt oder
    Finanzinstitut aus irgendeinem Grund. Wir sind private Kreditgeber und Kredite
    Für Unternehmen und Privatpersonen mit niedrigen Zinssätzen und erschwinglichen Zinssätzen von
    2% Zinssatz. Bei Interesse an einem Darlehen? WhatsApp uns heute bei +971544105744 oder
    ( und erhalten Sie Ihr Darlehen noch heute.

  4. Hallo allerseits. Ich habe Kommentare von Leuten gesehen, die ihr Darlehen bereits von CHRISTY WALTON FINANCE erhalten haben, und dann habe ich beschlossen, mich gemäß ihren Empfehlungen zu bewerben. Vor wenigen Stunden habe ich auf meinem persönlichen Bankkonto einen Gesamtbetrag von 30.000 Euro bestätigt, den ich beantragt habe. Dies ist wirklich eine großartige Nachricht und ich rate jedem, der ein echtes Darlehen benötigt, um sich per E-Mail ( zu bewerben. Ich bin jetzt froh, dass ich das Darlehen erhalten habe, das ich angefordert habe


      Die wunderbare Frau, die mir einen Kredit gewährt hat und heute schuldenfrei ist. Dank der gutherzigen Frau, die mich aus finanzieller Last befreit hat und heute nach vielen schlechten Erfahrungen von vielen Kreditinstituten wieder schuldenfrei bin, hätte ich nie gedacht, dass es so einen guten Kreditgeber noch gibt, bis mir eine Freundin diese wunderbare Person vorstellt Frau Frau SUSANE WOLFGANG Kreditgesellschaft, die mir einen Kredit von 3% gewährt hat, ich habe endlich 8000 Euro bekommen, habe ein eigenes Geschäft, auch Sie können schuldenfrei sein, suchen einen Kredit für die Gründung eines Unternehmens, einen Autokredit, eine Hausrechnung oder Studiengebühren Gebühren kontaktieren Sie sie heute jederzeit per,
      WhatsApp; +447537146783

  5. Suchen Sie nach Mitteln, um Kredite und Schulden oder Geschäftskredite abzuzahlen? {}. Dann ist WANG LEE LOAN SERVICE die Antwort. Wir bieten alle Arten von Darlehen an. Wir vergeben Darlehen mit einem hervorragenden Zinssatz. Interessierte Bewerber sollten uns per E-Mail kontaktieren:

  6. Kiireloomuline laenupakkumine.
    Tere kõigile! Tahaksin öelda suured tänud Mohammed Salmanile, kes laenas mulle haige lapse ravimiseks laenu. Mul on nii hea meel kohtuda Mohammed Salmaniga, võtke temaga ühendust e-posti teel, kui vajate kiiret laenu äri- või isiklikuks laenuks, (

  7. Tere!
    Kas vajate laenu? Olen registreeritud ja usaldusväärne laenuandja, annan laenu inimestele, kellel on rahalisi raskusi, inimestele, kes üritavad maksta kooliarveid, neile, kes üritavad autot osta või seal tegutseda, oma ettevõtteid, töövõtjaid ja riigiasutusi. Lisateabe saamiseks või laenutaotluse vormi saamiseks võtke meiega ühendust e-posti teel: (
    Võtke krediidi abil kiiresti ühendust !!!


  8. Ciao

    Comodità, rapidità e riservatezza sono i nostri vantaggi per metterli alla comodità durante il processo.

    Chiedete finanzia e lo ricevete in 24:00 sul vostro conto.

    Vi garantiamo la nostra discrezione.

    tutti i dati che ci inviate sono rassicurati dopo da voi.

    Potete adattare le vostre necessità secondo i vostri desideri, gratuitamente e senza impegno.

    Il vostro mini credito di fiducia.


  9. Ciao,

    Sono DIDIER GOMESSE, proprietario di molte imprese e società di produzioni in diversi settori un po'ovunque nel mondo, Europa, Asia e Africa.

    Allo scopo di aumentare il numero delle mie attività e rimettere a galla le mie casse a lunghi termini, amerei assegnare prestiti ad ogni persona desiderosa o aventi difficoltà finanziarie.

    Il nostro finanziamento comincia a parte di 5000€, 10.000€, 40 000€, 45.000€ a 10.000.000 €).
    Questi fondi saranno trasferiti immediatamente nel vostro nome nel vostro conto senza preoccupazione, quindi li prego di fornirli come segue: Nome, nome, paese e la somma totale, a: Contatto:



    Siamo al vostro servizio

  10. Ich brauche dringend ein Darlehen unter

    Hier sind wir bereit, Ihren Kredit zu bearbeiten

    Guten Tag,

    Sind Sie ein Geschäftsmann oder eine Frau? Es ist Zeit, Ihren Traum zu erfüllen, wir sind ein zertifiziertes Kreditunternehmen, wir bieten Kredite zu einem niedrigen Zinssatz von 3% an Privatpersonen und Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt in jeder gewünschten Währung, Pfund, Dollar, Euro usw.

    Verlassen Sie sich noch heute auf uns für einen schnellen und garantierten Kredit
    kontaktiere uns über
    E-Mail: ( oder (
    WhatsApp-Nummer:  +2347061892843
    WhatsApp-Nummer: +967737371424

  11. Denken Sie über einen Kredit nach? Benötigen Sie dringend einen dringenden Kredit, um Ihr eigenes Unternehmen zu gründen? Sind Sie verschuldet? Dies ist Ihre Chance, Ihren Wunsch zu erfüllen, wir bieten Privatkredite, Gewerbe- und Geschäftskredite und alle Arten von Krediten mit 2% Zinsen an. Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte per E-Mail (

  12. Keajaiban tidak akan pernah berakhir, saya berdoa untuk allah untuk memberkati Nyonya Esther Patrick, saya kehilangan Ewita warga negara Indonesia, saya tinggal di JL.kutisari selatan geng ekonomi No. 13-G, Indonesia. Ibu saya mengatakan kepada saya bahwa dia akan melalui internet dan datang ke publikasi Nyonya Esther Patrick, mengatakan bahwa fasilitas kredit telah memberinya pinjaman kepada masyarakat umum dengan suku bunga sangat rendah 2% persen, Anda dapat menghubungi Nyonya Esther Patrick melalui emailnya: [].

    Jadi, saya memberi tahu teman saya tentang pandangan meminjam dari Nyonya Esther Patrick, dan dia mengatakan dia tidak akan memberi tahu saya bahwa saya tidak meminjam dari Nyonya Esther Patrick, tetapi saya perlu meminjamkan sejumlah kecil untuk memeriksa apakah perusahaannya adalah perusahaan.

    Jadi, saya bertindak atas sarannya dan menghubungi Nyonya Esther Patrick melalui emailnya: [] yang diposkan oleh ibu saya, dan saya mengajukan pinjaman sebesar Rp200.000.000. Nyonya Esther Patrick menanggapi saya dan mengirimi saya semua syarat dan ketentuan perusahaannya yang saya baca dan saya menyetujui persyaratannya.Setelah persetujuan permohonan pinjaman, saya menerima pemberitahuan dari bank saya bahwa jumlah Rp200.000.000 dikreditkan ke rekening bank saya dari perusahaan Nyonya Esther Patrick.

    Saya sangat senang dan berbagi kabar baik dengan ibu saya dan teman saya yang menyarankan saya untuk terus maju.Ia menyelesaikan pembayaran kembali pinjaman tersebut pada 07 Juli 2018, dan saya meminta sejumlah Rp550.000.000 yang juga saya terima di rekening bank saya setelah prosedur itu dilakukan.

    Jadi, saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk memberi tahu siapa saja yang mencari pemberi pinjaman pribadi di Internet yang pasti akan menghubungi Nyonya Esther Patrick melalui e-mail {ESTHERPATRICK83@GMAIL.COM}Anda dapat menghubungi saya jika Anda memerlukan bantuan atau Anda ingin bertanya tentang bagaimana saya mendapat pinjaman.Ini email saya: []Terima kasih, pengikut saya

  13. Hallo zusammen, mein Name ist Bensonn, ich komme aus Deutschland, Stadt Stuttgart, ich bin hier, um auszusagen, wie ich einen Kredit von der GEORGE WILLIAMS LOAN FIRM erhalten habe, nachdem ich zweimal bei verschiedenen Gläubigern eingereicht habe, die behaupten, hier Kreditnehmer zu sein, dies Forum, ich dachte, ihre Kreditvergabe sei echt und angewandt, aber sie gaben mir nie einen Kredit, bis mich ein Freund der Kreditfirma GEORGE WILLIAMS vorstellte, der versprach, mir mit einem Kredit nach meinem Wunsch zu helfen, und er tat es wirklich, wie versprochen, ohne jede Form von Verzögerung, ich hatte Zweifel, aber ich habe den Glauben nie ausgenutzt. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass es noch zuverlässige Kreditnehmer gibt, bis ich GEORGE WILLIAMS traf, der mir wirklich mit Krediten geholfen und mein Leben zum Besseren verändert hat. Ich weiß, dass es immer noch viele gute Kreditgeber gibt, aber ich würde Ihnen raten, die Kreditgesellschaft GEORGE WILLIAMS, ihre Sorgfalt und ihr Verständnis, auszuprobieren. Sie wissen nicht, ob Sie einen Notkredit benötigen oder eine Finanzierung für Ihre Projekte benötigen, zögern Sie also nicht, Herrn GEORGE WILLIAMS,  Darlehensgesellschaft, zu kontaktieren. Seine E-Mail-Adresse lautet ?(

  14. Denken Sie darüber nach, einen Kredit aufzunehmen? Wurde Ihnen Ihre Bank abgelehnt? Sie müssen sich Geld leihen, sind sich aber nicht sicher, wohin Sie gehen sollen, um das Geld zu bekommen, das Sie brauchen? Ein guter Ort, um mit der Suche nach einem Kredit zu beginnen, ist Standard Organization, die Menschen in der Welt geholfen hat, indem sie Kredite von nur 2% vergeben und Kredite zwischen 5.000 und 10.000.000 mit einer Laufzeit von 1 bis 20 Jahren vergeben. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute unter ( und erhalten Sie innerhalb von 48 Stunden einen Kredit

  15. Hallo, benötigen Sie einen Notkredit, um Ihre finanziellen Bedürfnisse zu decken? Wir bieten Kredite von 2.000,00 bis 100.000.000,00 an, sind zuverlässig, leistungsstark, schnell und dynamisch, ohne Bonitätsprüfung und bieten eine 100%ige Garantie für Auslandskredite während dieser Übertragung. Wir haben auch ein Darlehen in der gesamten Währung mit 2% Zinsen für alle Darlehen und ohne Vorauszahlungen vergeben.... Bei Interesse kontaktieren Sie uns über diese E-Mail. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns bei Interesse über: { } und Sie werden voll und ganz zufrieden sein.

  16. Hallo,
    Ich bin Mr. Mike Church Finance Loan, ein legitimer Kreditgeber, geben wir Kredite an
    An Personal Darlehen, Wohnungskredit, Darlehen, Kaufen ein Auto, Studentendarlehen, Schulden
    Konsolidierungskredit, ungesicherte Darlehen, Risikokapitaldarlehen und Unternehmen zu
    Investieren und finanzielle Probleme lösen usw. ... Unsere Darlehen leicht und teilen
    Kapital in Höhe von 150 Mio. Euro, erwartet, dass sie privat kurzen und langfristig verleihen,
    ein Begriff von 500 bis 100 Mio. Euro für alle ernsthaften Menschen,
    Zuverlässig und integrieren, um ein Darlehen zu tätigen. Mein Zinssatz von 2%, wenn
    Sie interessieren sich für unser Darlehensangebot. Bitte wenden Sie sich an E-Mail-Adresse
    Name: Mr Mike
    E-Mail: oder mobile WhatsApp-Nummer, +393510682950

  17. Ich habe gerade meinen ersten Privatkredit aufgenommen und muss sagen, dass ich sehr beeindruckt bin, wie unkompliziert die Dienstleistungen sind. Ich musste mich nur bewerben und das Bewerbungsformular ausfüllen und abschicken! Nach etwa 10 Minuten wurde mir dann mitgeteilt, dass ich akzeptiert wurde und dass das Geld genehmigt wurde und nach Übermittlung der erforderlichen Informationen auf dem Weg zu meiner Bank ist und ich ein Darlehen von 35.000 USD erhalten habe! Extrem beeindruckend. Jetzt habe ich mein eigenes Auto und dank Herrn Peter KREDITGESELLSCHAFT auch mein eigenes Geschäft. Beantragen Sie Ihren Kredit noch heute ohne Stress bei peter LOAN FIRM per E-Mail an ( Danke.

  18. Hallo Herr / Frau
    Wir bieten Kredite von: 10.000 bis 9.500.000 € mit einem Zinssatz von 2%.
    Sie wissen, dass es verboten ist, Geld zu leihen.
    Sie müssen einen Kredit aufnehmen, beachten Sie die Bereiche, in denen wir können.
    dir helfen:
    * Finanziell
    * Hypotheken
    * Investitionskredite
    * Autokredite
    * Schuldenkonsolidierung
    * Kreditlinie
    * Zweite Hypothek
    * Kreditrückkauf
    * Persönliche Darlehen
    Sie suchen ein Projekt und brauchen eine Finanzierung, Sie brauchen Geld, um Ihre Rechnungen zu bezahlen, Geld, um in ein Unternehmen zu investieren.
    Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail [ ]

  19. Hallo Herr / Frau
    Wir bieten Kredite von: 10.000 bis 9.500.000 € mit einem Zinssatz von 2%.
    Sie wissen, dass es verboten ist, Geld zu leihen.
    Sie müssen einen Kredit aufnehmen, beachten Sie die Bereiche, in denen wir können.
    dir helfen:
    * Finanziell
    * Hypotheken
    * Investitionskredite
    * Autokredite
    * Schuldenkonsolidierung
    * Kreditlinie
    * Zweite Hypothek
    * Kreditrückkauf
    * Persönliche Darlehen
    Sie suchen ein Projekt und brauchen eine Finanzierung, Sie brauchen Geld, um Ihre Rechnungen zu bezahlen, Geld, um in ein Unternehmen zu investieren.
    Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail []

  20. Hallo Herr / Frau
    Wir bieten Kredite von: 10.000 bis 9.500.000 € mit einem Zinssatz von 2%.
    Sie wissen, dass es verboten ist, Geld zu leihen.
    Sie müssen einen Kredit aufnehmen, achten Sie auf die Bereiche, in denen wir können.
    Dir zu helfen:
    * Finanziell
    * Firmendarlehen
    * Hypotheken
    * Investitionskredite
    * Autokredite
    * Schuldenkonsolidierung
    * Kreditlinie
    * Zweite Hypothek
    * Rückkauf von Guthaben
    * Persönliche Darlehen
    Sie suchen ein Projekt und brauchen eine Finanzierung, Sie brauchen Geld, um Ihre Rechnungen zu bezahlen, Geld, um in Ihr Geschäft zu investieren.
    Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail []


  21. Das Investieren in Kryptowährung hat mein neues Jahr gut begonnen. Ich habe vor etwa 7 Tagen 550 € investiert. Ich habe gerade einen Gewinn von 5.500€ in meinem Binance Wallet erhalten. Wenn Sie heute mit Krypto- und Binärinvestitionen Geld verdienen möchten, müssen Sie sich nur per E-Mail an Herrn Mike wenden: ( oder kontaktieren Sie Whats-App: +1(765) 705-0044

  22. نحن متخصصون في الخدمات المالية ، ونقدم قروضًا محلية / دولية ، ونوفر خيارات اقتراض مضمونة وغير مضمونة للأفراد والهيئات الاعتبارية بأسعار قروض تنافسية للغاية وشروط مرنة لتلبية أي شروط مالية. لا يهم أننا نعطي ما بين 5000 إلى 100 مليون دولار. إذا كان لديك درجة ائتمان ضعيفة ، فلا يزال بإمكاننا توفير نقود سريعة لك لما هو غير متوقع. اتصل بنا الآن للحصول على قروض سريعة وبأسعار معقولة تناسب جميع الميزانيات والمتطلبات: WhatsApp: + 447723856152 ، البريد الإلكتروني:

  23. Wir sind auf Finanzdienstleistungen spezialisiert, bieten lokale/internationale Kredite und bieten besicherte und unbesicherte Kreditoptionen für Privatpersonen und Körperschaften zu äußerst wettbewerbsfähigen Kreditzinsen und flexiblen Bedingungen, um alle finanziellen Bedingungen zu erfüllen. Es spielt keine Rolle, dass wir zwischen 5.000 und 100 Millionen Dollar geben. Wenn Sie eine schlechte Kreditwürdigkeit haben, können wir Ihnen dennoch schnelles Geld für das Unerwartete zur Verfügung stellen. Kontaktieren Sie uns jetzt für schnelle und günstige Kredite für alle Budgets und Anforderungen: WhatsApp: +447723856152, E-Mail:

  24. Mein Name ist Kersten Dieter. Ich bin heute sehr glücklich, da ich mein 7000-Euro-Darlehen von sabinhelps Wealth Management erhalten habe. Sie können sich an die Agentin Karin Sabine oder WhatsApp +1 (689) 247 6462 wenden, um weitere Informationen darüber zu erhalten, wie Sie Ihr Darlehen erhalten , vergiss nicht, ihr zu sagen, dass ich dich vorstelle.


    Denken Sie über einen Kredit nach? Benötigen Sie ernsthaft einen dringenden Kredit, um Ihr eigenes Unternehmen zu gründen? Sind Sie verschuldet? Dies ist Ihre Chance, Ihren Wunsch zu verwirklichen. Wir bieten Privatkredite, gewerbliche und geschäftliche Kredite und alle Arten von Krediten mit 2 % Zinsen. Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte per E-Mail (

  26. Hei, Tarvitsetko luotettavaa yritystä saadaksesi lainaa projektisi rahoittamiseksi, yrityslainaa, henkilökohtaista lainaa tai asuntolainaa? Älä katso kauempaa kuin Sunshine Financial Group Inc. Tarjoamme kaikenlaisia ​​lainapalveluita, sekä vakuudellisia että vakuudettomia lainoja, pitkäaikaisia ​​ja lyhytaikaisia ​​lainoja ja monia muita tuetulla 3 %:n vuosikorolla. Jos haluat lisätietoja, kirjoita meille sähköpostitse: ( tai lähetä minulle viesti suoraan WhatsAppissa numeron +447360502110 kautta ja saat vastauksen hetkessä

    Tiedän, että laillisen lainan saaminen on aina ollut valtava ongelma Henkilöille, joilla on taloudellisia ongelmia ja jotka tarvitsevat ratkaisua niihin, monien ihmisten on niin vaikea saada osakelainaa paikallisista pankeista tai muista rahoituslaitoksista korkean koron vuoksi. korko, riittämättömät vakuudet, velka-tulosuhde, alhainen luottoluokitus tai jokin muu syy.

    Älä enää huolehdi, sillä Olemme erikoistuneet tarjoamaan strukturoituja rahoitusratkaisuja yksityishenkilöille ja yrityksille tehokkaimmalla ja nopeimmalla tavalla.

    Syitä, miksi sinun pitäisi ottaa meihin yhteyttä lainaa varten;
    * Mukavuus - Voit hakea lainaa milloin tahansa ja missä tahansa.
    * Joustava määrä - Päätät, kuinka paljon haluat lainata.
    * Nopea suora rahoitus - Saat lainasi 24 tunnin kuluessa hyväksymisestä.
    * Edullinen korko 3 %.
    * Korkeat hyväksymisprosentit - Sinulla on 99,9 % mahdollisuus saada laina
    * Joustava takaisinmaksu - Sinun tulee valita takaisinmaksupäivä, joko viikoittain, kuukausittain tai vuosittain 1-30 vuoden ajalle.
    * Yksinkertainen online-sovellus.
    * Henkilökohtaista ohjausta ja asiantuntemusta.
    * Ei piilotettuja maksuja

    Ei enää odotusaikoja tai stressaavia pankkikäyntejä. Palvelumme on käytettävissä 24/7 - voit saada lainaa ja suorittaa tapahtumasi milloin ja missä sitä tarvitset.

    Tarjoamme 24 tunnin maailmanluokan lainapalveluita. Tiedustelut / Kysymykset? - Lähetä sähköpostia osoitteeseen tai laita viestiä WhatsAppissa: +447360502110 | & Vastaanota heti vastaus.

  27. Hallo zusammen, mein Name ist Bensonn, ich komme aus Deutschland, Stadt Stuttgart, ich bin hier, um auszusagen, wie ich einen Kredit von GEORGE WILLIAMS LOAN FIRM bekommen habe, nachdem ich zweimal bei verschiedenen Gläubigern eingereicht habe, die behaupten, hier ein Kreditnehmer zu sein Forum, ich dachte, ihre Kreditvergabe sei echt und angewandt, aber sie gaben mir nie einen Kredit, bis mich ein Freund der Kreditfirma GEORGE WILLIAMS vorstellte, die versprach, mir mit einem Kredit nach meinem Wunsch zu helfen, und dies auch tat, wie versprochen, ohne Jede Form von Verzögerung, ich hatte Zweifel, aber ich habe den Glauben nie ausgenutzt. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass es noch zuverlässige Kreditnehmer gibt, bis ich GEORGE WILLIAMS traf, der mir wirklich mit Krediten geholfen und mein Leben zum Besseren verändert hat. Ich weiß, dass es immer noch viele gute Kreditgeber gibt, aber ich würde Ihnen raten, die Kreditgesellschaft GEORGE WILLIAMS mit ihrer Sorgfalt und ihrem Verständnis auszuprobieren. Sie wissen nicht, ob Sie einen Notkredit benötigen oder eine Finanzierung für Ihre Projekte wünschen, zögern Sie also nicht, Herrn GEORGE WILLIAMS, Darlehensgesellschaft, zu kontaktieren, seine E-Mail-Adresse lautet ?

  28. Benötigen Sie ein dringendes Darlehen, um Ihre Schulden zu begleichen, oder benötigen Sie ein Eigenkapitaldarlehen, um Ihr Geschäft zu verbessern? Wurden Sie von Banken und anderen Finanzagenturen abgelehnt? Benötigen Sie eine Kreditkonsolidierung oder Hypothek? Suchen Sie nicht länger, denn wir sind hier, um all Ihre finanziellen Probleme der Vergangenheit angehören zu lassen. Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail:

    Dies ist Ocean Finance Hypotheken. Wir bieten Interessenten Kredite zu einem günstigen Zinssatz von 2% an. Die Bandbreite reicht von 5.000,00 Euro bis maximal 100.000.000,00 Euro.

  29. Benötigen Sie einen Kredit zu einem niedrigen Zinssatz? Haben Sie einen schlechten oder keinen Kredit? Brauchen Sie Geld, um ein Unternehmen zu gründen? Brauchen Sie einen Autokredit? Sie möchten Ihr Haus umschulden? Benötigen Sie Großkapital, um ein Großunternehmen zu gründen? Kontaktieren Sie uns unter:

  30. Ein legitimes Darlehen zu erhalten, war schon immer ein großes Problem für Kunden, die finanzielle Probleme haben und eine Lösung dafür benötigen. Das Thema Kredit und Sicherheiten ist etwas, worüber Kunden immer besorgt sind, wenn sie ein Darlehen von einem legitimen Kreditgeber suchen. Aber ... wir haben diesen Unterschied in der Kreditbranche gemacht. Wir können ein Darlehen ab einer Größenordnung von 10.500 USD arrangieren. bis $100.000.000 ab 2% Zinsen Bitte antworten Sie sofort auf diese Mail: [] Unsere Dienstleistungen umfassen Folgendes: Schuldenkonsolidierung Zweite Hypothek Geschäftsdarlehen Persönliche Darlehen Internationale Darlehen Darlehen aller Art Familiendarlehen ETC Keine Sozialversicherung und keine Bonitätsprüfung, 100% Garantie. Alles, was Sie tun müssen, ist, uns genau Ihre Wünsche mitzuteilen, und wir werden Ihren Traum mit Sicherheit wahr werden lassen. ( sagt JA, wenn Ihre Banken NEIN sagen. Schließlich finanzieren wir kleine Kreditfirmen, Vermittler und kleine Finanzinstitute, denn wir haben unbegrenztes Kapital. Wenden Sie sich für weitere Einzelheiten zur Beschaffung eines Darlehens an uns. Bitte antworten Sie umgehend auf diese E-Mail: HINWEIS: Denken Sie daran, dass die Bearbeitung Ihres Antrags nur weniger als 24 Stunden dauert Ihre Kreditwürdigkeit. Holen Sie sich Ihre sofortige Kreditgenehmigung. Unsere Dienstleistungen umfassen Folgendes: Schuldenkonsolidierung Zweite Hypothek Geschäftsdarlehen Privatdarlehen Internationale Darlehen Darlehen aller Art Familiendarlehen E.T.C. WhatsApp-Nummer +393511585394 Wir sind zertifiziert und Ihre Privatsphäre ist bei uns 100% sicher. Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen mehr um Ihre Kredite oder Finanzen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Frau Annie Terry.

  31. Sizga shoshilinch kredit kerakmi? Biz vijdonan kredit izlayotgan manfaatdor shaxslarga kredit beramiz. Biz keng ko'lamli moliyaviy xizmatlarni taklif etamiz: tijorat rejalashtirish, tijorat va rivojlanishni moliyalashtirish, ipoteka va ipoteka, qarzni konsolidatsiyalash kreditlari, biznes kreditlari, xususiy kreditlar, talabalar kreditlari, 3% stavkali pasaytirilgan kreditlar. Iltimos, kafolatlangan va kafolatsiz kreditingiz uchun biz bilan bog'laning. Qiziqishli nomzodlar biz bilan elektron pochta orqali bog'lanishlari kerak.
    WhatsApp orqali bog'lanish: +447340858827

    chin dildan,
    Ben Rojers

  32. Denken Sie an einen Kredit? Benötigen Sie dringend einen Kredit, um Ihr eigenes Unternehmen zu gründen? Haben Sie Schulden? Dies ist Ihre Chance, Ihren Wunsch wahr werden zu lassen, wir bieten Privatkredite, gewerbliche und geschäftliche Kredite und alle Arten von Krediten mit 2 % Zinsen an, für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail (

  33. Benötigen Sie dringend einen Kredit? Wir vergeben Kredite an Interessenten, die nach Treu und Glauben einen Kredit suchen. Wir bieten eine breite Palette von Finanzdienstleistungen an: Geschäftsplanung, Geschäfts- und Entwicklungsfinanzierung, Hypotheken und Hypotheken, Schuldenkonsolidierungsdarlehen, Geschäftsdarlehen, Privatdarlehen, Studentendarlehen, zinsvergünstigte Darlehen zu 3 %. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns für Ihr gesichertes und ungesichertes Darlehen Interessenten sollten uns per E-Mail kontaktieren:
    Kontakt per WhatsApp: +447340858827

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
    Ben Rogers

  34. Achtung, mein Name ist Gomez Alex Perez Ortiz aus Paraguay, ich habe gestern Donnerstag, den 13. Januar 2022, von LEYLA RODRIGUEZ PRESTAMO PRESTAMISTA PLC ein Darlehen in Höhe von $37000 erhalten. Der beste und vertrauenswürdigste Kreditgeber der Welt. Ich verweise Sie an diesen zuverlässigen Kreditgeberkontakt über ihre Firmen-E-Mail: ( )



  36. Hallo Herr / Frau
    Wir bieten Kredite von: 10.000 bis 9.500.000 € mit einem Zinssatz von 2 % an.
    Sie wissen, dass es verboten ist, Geld zu leihen.
    Sie müssen einen Kredit bekommen, achten Sie auf die Bereiche, in denen wir können.
    Dir zu helfen:
    * Finanziell
    * Firmendarlehen
    * Hypotheken
    * Investitionsdarlehen
    * Autokredite
    * Schuldenkonsolidierung
    * Kreditlinie
    * Zweite Hypothek
    * Rückkauf von Krediten
    * Persönliche Darlehen
    Sie suchen ein Projekt und brauchen eine Finanzierung, Sie brauchen Geld, um Ihre Rechnungen zu bezahlen, Geld, um in Ihr Unternehmen zu investieren.
    Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail []


    Suchen Sie ein privates Darlehen oder ein Geschäftsdarlehen WANG LEE LOAN FIRM IS THE PLUG kontaktieren Sie uns für Ihr dringendes Darlehen, um ein Unternehmen zu gründen oder Ihr Haus, Auto, für Ihren Osterferienkredit zu kaufen, kontaktieren Sie uns unter {Pedrosalvador346@} bieten wir Privatpersonen und Unternehmen erschwingliche Kredite an, kontaktieren Sie uns noch einmal über {}

  38. Ich empfehle einen verifizierten und vertrauenswürdigen Händler für diejenigen, die in diesem neuen Jahr wöchentlich zusätzliches Geld mit Crypto verdienen möchten. Mit einer Investition von BITCOIN im Wert von 200 USD können Sie nach 24 Stunden Bitcoin im Wert von 2.500 USD in Ihrer Brieftasche verdienen

    Auszahlungen werden bei Fälligkeit bearbeitet

    100% echt und legitim

    Sie können auch mit Ihrem TBC und ETH investieren

    So richten Sie einen Anlagekontakt ein

    WhatsApp ;+351920285542

  39. Hallo. Benötigen Sie dringend einen Kredit, um Ihre finanziellen Bedürfnisse zu lösen? Wir bieten Kredite von 2.000,00 bis 50.000.000,00 an, wir sind zuverlässig, stark, schnell und dynamisch, ohne Bonitätsprüfung und bieten 100% Auslandskreditgarantien während der Überweisungsdauer. Wir haben auch jedes Währungsdarlehen mit 2 % Zinsen für alle Darlehen ausgegeben. Wenn Sie interessiert sind, kontaktieren Sie uns über diese E-Mail: ( ( oder WhatsApp: +919654763221

  40. Benötigen Sie einen Kredit, ich bin ein privater, zuverlässiger und vertrauenswürdiger Kreditgeber; Ich vergebe Kredite an Unternehmen und Privatpersonen zu einem niedrigen und erschwinglichen Zinssatz von 3 %. Suchen Sie ein Geschäftsdarlehen, Privatdarlehen, Wohnungsbaudarlehen, Autodarlehen, Studentendarlehen, Schuldenkonsolidierungsdarlehen, unbesichertes Darlehen und Risikokapital? Wenn Ihnen eine Bank oder ein Finanzinstitut aus einem oder mehreren Gründen einen Kredit verweigert hat. Für Ihre Kreditentscheidungen sind Sie bei uns an der richtigen Adresse, wir vergeben Kredite von 2.000 € bis 100.000.000,00 € über eine Laufzeit von 1-20 Jahren
    Kontakt: per E-Mail: oder WhatsApp +919654763221


    Brauchen Sie einen Kredit? Wenn ja, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte umgehend per E-Mail:
    mit den folgenden Informationen:
    Benötigte Menge:
    Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail:

  42. Benötigen Sie ein dringendes Darlehen, um Ihre Schulden zu begleichen, oder benötigen Sie ein Eigenkapitaldarlehen, um Ihr Geschäft zu verbessern? Wurden Sie von Banken und anderen Finanzagenturen abgelehnt? Benötigen Sie eine Kreditkonsolidierung oder Hypothek? Suchen Sie nicht länger, denn wir sind hier, um all Ihre finanziellen Probleme der Vergangenheit angehören zu lassen. Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail:

    Dies ist Ocean Finance Hypotheken. Wir bieten Interessenten Kredite zu einem günstigen Zinssatz von 2% an. Die Bandbreite reicht von 5.000,00 Euro bis maximal 100.000.000,00 Euro.

  43. Hallo zusammen,

    Willkommen in der Zukunft! Finanzierung leicht gemacht mit Dr. Everett Cooper.

    Haben Sie nach Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten für Ihre neuen Geschäftspläne gesucht, suchen Sie nach einem Kredit, um Ihr bestehendes Geschäft zu erweitern, haben Sie ein bisschen Ärger mit unbezahlten Rechnungen und wissen nicht, wohin oder wohin Sie gehen sollen sich wenden zu? Wurden Sie von Ihren Banken abgelehnt? Dr. Everett Cooper. sagt JA, wenn Ihre Banken NEIN sagen. Kontaktieren Sie uns, da wir Finanzdienstleistungen zu einem niedrigen und erschwinglichen Zinssatz von 2 % für lang- und kurzfristige Darlehen anbieten. Für weitere Kreditakquisitionsverfahren wenden sich interessierte Bewerber bitte an uns.

    Unsere Dienstleistungen umfassen Folgendes:

    *Refinanzierung von Darlehen
    * Autokredit
    * Wohnungsbaudarlehen
    * Hypothekendarlehen
    * Schuldenkonsolidierungsdarlehen
    * Geschäftskredit [sicher und ungesichert]
    * Privatkredit [sicher und ungesichert]
    * Studentendarlehen und so viele andere.

    Für mehr Information;
    Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail: (

  44. Hallo meine Damen und Herren, brauchen Sie finanzielle Hilfe? Ich bin Johannes Weiß. Ich bin ein Kreditgeber und auch ein Finanzberater.

    Benötigen Sie einen dringenden Kredit, um Ihre Schulden zu begleichen, oder benötigen Sie ein Eigenkapitaldarlehen, um Ihr Unternehmen zu erweitern? Wurden Sie von Banken und anderen Finanzinstituten abgelehnt? Benötigen Sie eine Kreditkonsolidierung oder Hypothek? Suchen Sie nicht weiter, wir sind hier, um all Ihre finanziellen Probleme der Vergangenheit angehören zu lassen. Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail:

    Dies sind John White Finance Hypotheken. Wir bieten Interessenten Darlehen zu einem günstigen Zinssatz von 2 % an. Die Bandbreite reicht von 5.000,00 Euro bis maximal 100.000.000,00 Euro.


  45. Hallo meine Damen und Herren, brauchen Sie finanzielle Hilfe? Ich bin Johannes Weiß. Ich bin ein Kreditgeber und auch ein Finanzberater.

    Benötigen Sie einen dringenden Kredit, um Ihre Schulden zu begleichen, oder benötigen Sie ein Eigenkapitaldarlehen, um Ihr Unternehmen zu erweitern? Wurden Sie von Banken und anderen Finanzinstituten abgelehnt? Benötigen Sie eine Kreditkonsolidierung oder Hypothek? Suchen Sie nicht weiter, wir sind hier, um all Ihre finanziellen Probleme der Vergangenheit angehören zu lassen. Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail:

    Dies sind John White Finance Hypotheken. Wir bieten Interessenten Darlehen zu einem günstigen Zinssatz von 2 % an. Die Bandbreite reicht von 5.000,00 Euro bis maximal 100.000.000,00 Euro.

    Vielen Dank.

  46. Brauchen Sie einen Kredit? Wenn ja, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte umgehend per E-Mail:
    { }

  47. HALLO Kreditangebotsalarm für alle! Sind Sie finanziell am Ende und benötigen dringend Kredite/finanzielle Unterstützung? Oder benötigen Sie ein Darlehen, um Ihr Unternehmen zu gründen/auszubauen oder Ihr Traumhaus zu kaufen. ERHALTEN SIE HEUTE IHRE SOFORTIGE DARLEHENSGENEHMIGUNG ZU 100 % GARANTIERT, UNABHÄNGIG VON IHRER KREDITKREDITE. E-Mail: {}, sie sind zuverlässig, schnell in der Kommunikation und vertrauenswürdig.

  48. Brauchen Sie einen Kredit, wenn es jetzt gilt.

    Wir bieten Kredite und Finanzdienstleistungen aller Art an. Unsere Kredite sehr von Unternehmen bis hin zu Privatkrediten oder langen oder kurzen Laufzeiten mit günstigen Zinsen (2%). Unser Kreditprozess ist sehr schnell und zuverlässig mit Garantien. Für weitere Informationen über unsere Dienstleistungen besuchen Sie uns unter unserer E-Mail; { } teilen Sie uns bitte mit, wie viel Darlehen Sie benötigen und wie lange das Darlehen dauern soll. Wir hoffen, von Ihnen zu hören. Sie können eine Nachricht an die untenstehende E-Mail-Adresse senden. {

  49. Benötigen Sie ein dringendes Darlehen, um Ihre Schulden zu begleichen, oder ein Eigenkapitaldarlehen, um Ihr Geschäft zu verbessern? Wurden Sie von Banken und anderen Finanzagenturen abgelehnt? Benötigen Sie eine Kreditkonsolidierung oder eine Hypothek? Suchen Sie nicht weiter, denn wir sind hier, um all Ihre finanziellen Probleme hinter uns zu lassen. Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail: Oder WhatsApp: +919654763221 Dies sind Jurgen Stefan Financial Service. Wir bieten Interessenten Kredite zu einem günstigen Zinssatz von 3% an. Die Bandbreite reicht von 5.000,00 Euro bis 350.000.000,00 Euro.

  50. Benötigen Sie ein Notfalldarlehen, um Ihre Schulden zu tilgen, oder ein Eigenkapitaldarlehen, um Ihr Geschäft zu verbessern? Wurden Sie von Banken und anderen Finanzagenturen abgelehnt? Benötigen Sie eine Kreditkonsolidierung oder eine Hypothek? Suchen Sie nicht weiter, denn wir sind hier, um all Ihre finanziellen Probleme hinter uns zu lassen. Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail: { Wir bieten Interessenten Kredite zu einem günstigen Zinssatz von 2 % an. Die Bandbreite reicht von 5.000,00 Euro bis 100.000.000,00 Euro

  51. Benötigen Sie ein Notfalldarlehen, um Ihre Schulden zu tilgen, oder ein Eigenkapitaldarlehen, um Ihr Geschäft zu verbessern? Wurden Sie von Banken und anderen Finanzagenturen abgelehnt? Benötigen Sie eine Kreditkonsolidierung oder eine Hypothek? Suchen Sie nicht weiter, denn wir sind hier, um all Ihre finanziellen Probleme hinter uns zu lassen. Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail: { Wir bieten Interessenten Kredite zu einem günstigen Zinssatz von 2 % an. Die Bandbreite reicht von 5.000,00 Euro bis 100.000.000,00 Euro.

  52. Hallo
    Wir vergeben jede Art von Darlehen wie Studentendarlehen, Schuldendarlehen, Geschäftsdarlehen
    Darlehen, Privatdarlehen und andere. Suchen Sie nach einem schnellen und einfachen Kredit oder einem Betrug in der Vergangenheit? Dann sind Sie hier richtig, wo Sie den Kredit ohne weitere Verzögerung erfolgreich beantragen können. Hinweis: Alle Kreditbewerber sollten ....
    Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail für weitere Informationen



  53. Hallo meine Damen und Herren, brauchen Sie finanzielle Hilfe? Ich bin Johannes Weiß. Ich bin ein Kreditgeber und auch ein Finanzberater.

    Benötigen Sie einen dringenden Kredit, um Ihre Schulden zu begleichen, oder benötigen Sie ein Eigenkapitaldarlehen, um Ihr Unternehmen zu erweitern? Wurden Sie von Banken und anderen Finanzinstituten abgelehnt? Benötigen Sie eine Kreditkonsolidierung oder Hypothek? Suchen Sie nicht weiter, wir sind hier, um all Ihre finanziellen Probleme der Vergangenheit angehören zu lassen. Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail:

    Dies sind John White Finance Hypotheken. Wir bieten Interessenten Darlehen zu einem günstigen Zinssatz von 2 % an. Die Bandbreite reicht von 5.000,00 Euro bis maximal 100.000.000,00 Euro.

    Vielen Dank.

  54. Hallo,

    Sind Sie an einem Darlehen interessiert, wenn ja, wenden Sie sich an die Lidya-Finanzgesellschaft. Sie werden uns zur sofortigen Bearbeitung des Darlehens über die folgenden Angaben kontaktieren:

    Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail.
    WhatsApp-Telefon: +1(216) 541-1721

    Beantragen Sie einen Kredit zu 3 %

  55. Benötigen Sie einen Kredit zu einem niedrigen Zinssatz? Haben Sie einen schlechten oder keinen Kredit? Brauchen Sie Geld, um ein Unternehmen zu gründen? Brauchen Sie einen Autokredit? Sie möchten Ihr Haus umschulden? Benötigen Sie Großkapital, um ein Großunternehmen zu gründen? Kontaktieren Sie uns unter:

  56. Benötigen Sie ein Notfalldarlehen, um Ihre Schulden zu tilgen, oder ein Eigenkapitaldarlehen, um Ihr Geschäft zu verbessern? Wurden Sie von Banken und anderen Finanzagenturen abgelehnt? Benötigen Sie eine Kreditkonsolidierung oder eine Hypothek? Suchen Sie nicht weiter, denn wir sind hier, um alle Ihre finanziellen Probleme hinter uns zu lassen. Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail: { Wir bieten Interessenten Darlehen zu einem günstigen Zinssatz von 2 % an. Die Bandbreite reicht von 5.000,00 Euro bis 100.000.000,00 Euro

  57. Hallo meine Damen und Herren,
    Ich bin Sharon Tate Reeves, ich bin Maklerin und Expertin für Kryptowährungshandel und -investitionen. Viele Leute müssen von Kryptowährung (Bitcoin, Ethereum usw.) gehört haben und wie die Leute damit viel Geld verdienen, aber Sie wissen nicht, wie Sie damit umgehen sollen. Nun, ich bringe Ihnen gute Neuigkeiten. Ich führe ein Programm zum Handel mit Kryptowährungen durch und verwende meine Strategie und Analyse, um mehr Gewinne zu erzielen. Sie können tatsächlich über 10.000 Euro wöchentlich mit dem Handel und der Investition in Kryptowährung verdienen, wenn Sie meine Strategie anwenden.

    Die Vorteile sind, dass Sie den gesamten Prozess und die Strategie lernen und innerhalb einer Woche Geld verdienen können.

    Hinweis: Einzahlungen, Abhebungen und Portfolios werden nur von Ihnen durchgeführt, sodass Ihr Geld gesichert ist.
    Nach Ihrer erfolgreichen Auszahlung erhalte ich nur 20 % als Provision für den Handel auf Ihrem Konto.

    Nachfolgend meine Kontaktdaten:

    Test/WhatsApp: +1 (201) 754-8785

    Dies ist eine sehr sichere und legale Möglichkeit, Geld zu verdienen. Wir alle wissen, wie schnell die Inflation zunimmt, und wir müssen unser Einkommen diversifizieren. Dies ist eine Gelegenheit für Sie.

  58. Hallo Herr / Frau,

    Benötigen Sie einen dringenden Kredit, um ein Unternehmen zu gründen, oder benötigen Sie einen Kredit zur Refinanzierung, benötigen Sie einen Kredit, um Schulden zu tilgen? Benötigen Sie einen Kredit, um ein Auto oder ein Haus zu kaufen? Wenn ja, machen Sie sich keine Sorgen mehr, wir bieten alle Arten von Krediten zu einem erschwinglichen Zinssatz ohne Bonitätsprüfung an!!! Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute per E-Mail: whatsapp unter +7 901 709-57-43

    Vielen Dank.
    Frau Karin Sabine?

  59. Leihangebot !!! Haben Sie jemals darüber nachgedacht, einen stressfreien Kredit von einem seriösen Kreditgeber zu erhalten? Haben Sie einen dringenden Kredit benötigt? und werden Sie von Ihrer örtlichen Bank abgelehnt? Benötigen Sie einen Kredit, um in Ihr Unternehmen zu investieren oder ein Haus zu kaufen? Herzlichen Glückwunsch, wir möchten dieses Medium nutzen, um alle darüber zu informieren, dass wir zuverlässige Kreditunterstützung bieten. Gerne bieten wir Ihnen Kredite zu einem Zinssatz von 2% für alle Kunden an. Kontaktieren Sie uns: (

    Dringendes Darlehensangebot.


  61. Benötigen Sie eine dringende Kredithilfe? Suchen Sie einen Notfallkredit oder einen Geschäftskredit? dann senden Sie uns eine E-Mail an {}

  62. Möchten Sie Geld leihen? wenn ja Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute per E-Mail: (

    Dringendes Kreditangebot.

  63. Bitte beachten Sie, mein Name ist Acela Hernandez aus Paraguay, ich habe meinen Kreditbetrag von 25000 euro von Bram Levi Lenders Plc erhalten. Brauche ich einen Kredit? Kontaktieren Sie 2% noch heute per E-Mail:

  64. Ich möchte dieses Medium nutzen, um echten Hackern zu danken, die mir mit einer bereits gehackten leeren Geldautomatenkarte helfen, die täglich 3000 $ abheben kann. Ich surfte im Internet und stolperte über jemanden, der aussagte, wie ein Hacker namens John Stoner ihm durch eine bereits gehackte Geldautomatenkarte, die täglich einige Beträge abheben konnte, half, aus einem armen zu einem reichen Kerl zu werden. Heute bezeuge ich auch, wie er mir geholfen hat. Ich habe nie daran geglaubt, bis sie mir die Karte geschickt haben, die ich benutzt habe. Fühlen Sie sich frei und kontaktieren Sie sie per E-Mail GENUINEHACKERS000@GMAIL.COM oder über WhatsApp +1(260) 218-3592.

  65. Ratenkredite!!!
    $1.000 bis $10.000.000,00
    Ratenkredite sind Kredite mit festen monatlichen Raten, die über mehrere Monate gedeckt werden können. Die Rückzahlungsbedingungen hängen oft von Ihrer Bonität, Ihrer Verschuldungsquote und Ihrem Jahreseinkommen ab. Im Allgemeinen sind Ratenkredite eine sicherere und günstigere Möglichkeit, an Geld zu kommen.
    Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.

  66. Sie benötigen dringend ein Hypothekendarlehen?
    Sie brauchen einen schnellen Geschäftskredit?
    Sie benötigen einen gesicherten Privatkredit?
    Sie brauchen eine 24 Stunden Kreditfirma?
    Sie müssen ernsthaft ein Auto kaufen?

  67. Benötigen Sie eine private und geschäftliche oder Investitionsfinanzierung ohne Stress und schnelle Genehmigung? Dann kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute, denn wir bieten derzeit Kredite zu einem hervorragenden Zinssatz von 2 % an. Unsere Finanzierung ist gesichert und gesichert. Die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden ist unsere Stärke. Kredite von 2.000 € - 3.000.000,00 USD Euro und Pfund sind jetzt gewerbliche, persönliche, persönliche, Wohnungs-, Reise- und Studentendarlehen usw. Senden Sie für weitere Informationen einen detaillierten Kreditvorschlag (Kreditbetrag ...... und Laufzeit ... ....... Ihr Land .....) Kreditsachbearbeiter. E-Mail:

  68. Hallo,

    Sie benötigen dringend einen Kredit? Wir bieten Bildungsdarlehen, Geschäftsdarlehen, Wohnungsbaudarlehen, landwirtschaftliche Darlehen, Privatdarlehen, Autodarlehen und andere gute Gründe zu 2 % an. Kontaktieren Sie uns für weitere Informationen...

  69. Hallo!

    Holen Sie sich Ihr schnelles günstiges Saisondarlehen,
    Wir genehmigen schnelle Fonds für Einzelpersonen und Körperschaften mit einem Zinssatz von 2 %, Bewerber mit schlechter Kreditwürdigkeit werden ebenfalls akzeptiert. Unsere Dienstleistungen sind sehr zuverlässig und langlebig. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute für Ihren schnellen Kredit per
    (, Ihr Erfolg ist unsere Priorität.

    Ihre Seriosität und Kooperation kommt dem schnellen Erwerb des Darlehens gleich.

    WhatsApp: +2347054001498.

  70. Hallo zusammen. Ich habe Kommentare von Leuten gesehen, die ihren Kredit bereits von der KARIN SABINE FINANCE GROUP erhalten haben, und dann habe ich mich entschieden, gemäß ihren Empfehlungen einen Antrag zu stellen, und vor ein paar Stunden habe ich auf meinem eigenen Bankkonto einen Gesamtbetrag von 9.000 Euro bestätigt, den ich beantragt hatte. Das sind wirklich tolle Neuigkeiten und ich empfehle jedem, der einen echten Kredit braucht, sich über seine E-Mail zu bewerben ( whatsapp +7 901 709-57-43). Jetzt bin ich froh, dass ich den beantragten Kredit erhalten habe

  71. Hallo, mein Name ist Charlotte Müller, ich bin Privatverleiher. Benötigen Sie ein schnelles, lang- oder kurzfristiges Darlehen mit einem relativ niedrigen Zinssatz von nur 3 %? Beeinträchtigt Sie dieses Jahr die schwierige Wirtschaftslage? oder wurde Ihnen von Ihrer Bank oder einem anderen Finanzinstitut ein Kredit verweigert? Wir bieten sichere Kredite an und wenn Sie einen schnellen Kredit benötigen, senden Sie mir eine E-Mail an (

    * Suchen Sie Mittel, um Schulden zu begleichen?
    * Suchen Sie eine Finanzierung, um Ihr eigenes Unternehmen zu gründen?
    * Suchen Sie Kredite, um große Projekte durchzuführen?
    * Benötigen Sie einen Kredit in weniger als 24 Stunden?
    * Benötigen Sie einen schnellen Kredit für verschiedene Zwecke?

    Wenn Ihre Antwort ja ist, kann ich Ihnen behilflich sein.

    * Ich kann Ihnen ein Darlehen von bis zu 5.000.000 Euro anbieten.
    * Sie können zwischen 1 und 30 Jahren für die Rückzahlung wählen.
    * Sie können zwischen monatlichem und jährlichem Rückzahlungsplan wählen.
    * Flexible Darlehensbedingungen.

    Wenn Sie interessiert sind, melden Sie sich erneut bei mir über diese E-Mail-Adresse: | |

    Sie haben eine 100%ige Garantie, dass Sie Ihr Darlehen am Ende dieser Darlehenstransaktion erhalten.

    Wir setzen uns leidenschaftlich dafür ein, dass finanzielle Inklusion zählt.
    Unsere Kredite und Anlageprodukte sind so konzipiert, dass sie Ihnen Komfort und Wert bieten.

    Mit Moonlight Loan Firm können Sie sich von all Ihren finanziellen Krisen und Schwierigkeiten verabschieden, da wir zertifiziert, vertrauenswürdig, zuverlässig, effizient, schnell und dynamisch sind.

    Herzliche Grüße
    Frau Charlotte Müller

  72. Hallo, ich möchte dieses Medium nutzen, um Ihnen ein Kreditunternehmen vorzustellen, das mir hilft, ein gewerbliches Darlehen zu verständlichen Bedingungen zu erhalten. Sie bieten alle Arten von Darlehen an.
    Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail: oder WhatsApp +14699724809.

  73. Ich möchte mich bei Karin Sabine dafür bedanken, dass sie mir einen Kredit in Höhe von 9.000 € gewährt. Wenn Sie einen dringenden Kredit benötigen, vermeiden Sie es, von gefälschten Kreditgebern betrogen zu werden, und beantragen Sie den Antrag bei einer echten Kreditfirma per E-Mail:, WhatsApp +79267494861

  74. Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einem Kredit für geschäftliche/private Zwecke oder für einen anderen Zweck? Dann senden Sie uns jetzt eine E-Mail, um eine schnelle Genehmigung zu erhalten, mit niedrigen Zinssätzen von 2 %. Unsere E-Mail-Adresse lautet unten: (

    Dringendes Kreditangebot.
